Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 5 of 10 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
the younger of whom ( a lad about ., 4 years old ) they shot through . he heart and the elder through different parts of his body ; not satisfied with . the wounds which they had inffiicted on the latter , they stabbed him when he ted , and-beat hi , head with a musket till the instrument broke . The unhappy victims of this cruelty died before morning . . . „ „ The manv shocking murders and outrages committed in various pails ot lie land were taken into consideration by the House of Lords there on Friday last ; inion that parts of that kingdom should
aud it seemed to be the general op some be abandoned to martial law . . , 1 In the evening , between eight and nine o ' clock , her Royal Highness the infant Princess , daughter of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and 1 rincess ot Wales , was christened in the Great Drawing-room , at Carlton house by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury : her Royal Highness was named Charlotte the their Majesties in and her Royal Highness
Augusta : sponsors were , person , the Duchessof Brunswick , represented by her Royal Highness the Princess Royal . As the intention was , that the ceremony should be considered as of a private kind , a few of the Nobility only , who are usually honoured with invitations to their Majesties private parties , were invited by his Royal Highness the I mice , in the name and by command of his Royal parents . _ ' ¦ The cards of invitation were for eight o ' clock . At that hour his Grace he Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London arrived and soon a erne Princess performed by the Archbisnop
ceremony of churching the was privately 111 Their ' Roval ' Highnesses the Duke , Prince William , and Princess Sophia of Gloucester , " and their Serene Highnesses the Prince , Princess , and Hereditary Prince and Princess of Orange , mean while , arrived , and were ushered into the ye Her Roy " i Highness the Duchess of York was prevented from being present
bv indisposition . ,., / -. i „ j " The State Cradle of the Royal infant , a present from the giteen , was placed under the State Canopy of the Prince . .... •. , ¦ At half past nine , the Royal familv ascended from the dining-room into the gold-room , where the ceremony was to be performed , the Princess of Wales having previously entered that room . , The company present at the ceremony were , besides the Royal fan ily , the familv of Orange the Archbishop of Canterbury , the Bishop of London he Rectors ' St and StMartin 111 the Ields the Lord
of the parishes of St . James , . George , . . Chancellor , the Lord President , Lord Cholmondeley , Lord Jersey , the Vice-Chamberlain to the Prince , Generals Hulse and Lake , the Ladies attendant on the Princess , and some other of the Prince ' s family . •T | , e ceremonv commenced about a quarter before nine , and was performed by hisGrace the Archbishop of Canterbury , in a very solemn andimpressive manner . Her Majestv held ihe Royal infant in her arms during a great part of he ceremony—after the name was given , the Princess Royal received it from the
Arclibl The attendants upon ihe Royal family , and the Nobility who were invited , were shewn into the great dining-room . . . After the ceremonv , all the Royal family saluted the infant , and it was afterwards placed in the cradle , attended by Lady Jersey Lady Carnarvon Lady Dashwood , Miss Garth , aud the bed-chamber woman . 'Ihe doors were hen thiown open , and all the company invited were permitted to enter , to pay their respect * to the Roval Family , and . see thc Royal infant . , < . ' ., ' , - ., „ „ ,, " laced in the for the Royal familyarid in the
ad-Card tables were p gold room , joining apartments for the Noble guests . About twelve the . Royal family retired ,, aud ihe rest of the companv soon after took their leave . ¦ The geld room was for the first time lighted up upon thisjoylul occasion . 12 . A duel was fought on the race ground near Eseter . between-C . ipi . Towers , ofthe Sussex light dragoons , and Captain Curling , of the ami ; re ^ mem . When the former was shot through ' . he body . X 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
the younger of whom ( a lad about ., 4 years old ) they shot through . he heart and the elder through different parts of his body ; not satisfied with . the wounds which they had inffiicted on the latter , they stabbed him when he ted , and-beat hi , head with a musket till the instrument broke . The unhappy victims of this cruelty died before morning . . . „ „ The manv shocking murders and outrages committed in various pails ot lie land were taken into consideration by the House of Lords there on Friday last ; inion that parts of that kingdom should
aud it seemed to be the general op some be abandoned to martial law . . , 1 In the evening , between eight and nine o ' clock , her Royal Highness the infant Princess , daughter of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and 1 rincess ot Wales , was christened in the Great Drawing-room , at Carlton house by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury : her Royal Highness was named Charlotte the their Majesties in and her Royal Highness
Augusta : sponsors were , person , the Duchessof Brunswick , represented by her Royal Highness the Princess Royal . As the intention was , that the ceremony should be considered as of a private kind , a few of the Nobility only , who are usually honoured with invitations to their Majesties private parties , were invited by his Royal Highness the I mice , in the name and by command of his Royal parents . _ ' ¦ The cards of invitation were for eight o ' clock . At that hour his Grace he Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London arrived and soon a erne Princess performed by the Archbisnop
ceremony of churching the was privately 111 Their ' Roval ' Highnesses the Duke , Prince William , and Princess Sophia of Gloucester , " and their Serene Highnesses the Prince , Princess , and Hereditary Prince and Princess of Orange , mean while , arrived , and were ushered into the ye Her Roy " i Highness the Duchess of York was prevented from being present
bv indisposition . ,., / -. i „ j " The State Cradle of the Royal infant , a present from the giteen , was placed under the State Canopy of the Prince . .... •. , ¦ At half past nine , the Royal familv ascended from the dining-room into the gold-room , where the ceremony was to be performed , the Princess of Wales having previously entered that room . , The company present at the ceremony were , besides the Royal fan ily , the familv of Orange the Archbishop of Canterbury , the Bishop of London he Rectors ' St and StMartin 111 the Ields the Lord
of the parishes of St . James , . George , . . Chancellor , the Lord President , Lord Cholmondeley , Lord Jersey , the Vice-Chamberlain to the Prince , Generals Hulse and Lake , the Ladies attendant on the Princess , and some other of the Prince ' s family . •T | , e ceremonv commenced about a quarter before nine , and was performed by hisGrace the Archbishop of Canterbury , in a very solemn andimpressive manner . Her Majestv held ihe Royal infant in her arms during a great part of he ceremony—after the name was given , the Princess Royal received it from the
Arclibl The attendants upon ihe Royal family , and the Nobility who were invited , were shewn into the great dining-room . . . After the ceremonv , all the Royal family saluted the infant , and it was afterwards placed in the cradle , attended by Lady Jersey Lady Carnarvon Lady Dashwood , Miss Garth , aud the bed-chamber woman . 'Ihe doors were hen thiown open , and all the company invited were permitted to enter , to pay their respect * to the Roval Family , and . see thc Royal infant . , < . ' ., ' , - ., „ „ ,, " laced in the for the Royal familyarid in the
ad-Card tables were p gold room , joining apartments for the Noble guests . About twelve the . Royal family retired ,, aud ihe rest of the companv soon after took their leave . ¦ The geld room was for the first time lighted up upon thisjoylul occasion . 12 . A duel was fought on the race ground near Eseter . between-C . ipi . Towers , ofthe Sussex light dragoons , and Captain Curling , of the ami ; re ^ mem . When the former was shot through ' . he body . X 2