Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 6 of 6
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Monthly Chronicle.
vcral fortresses in Wallachia ; threatened Bucharest ; sent one army towants ine Black Sea , and with another posled himself to the right of the ro d front Vonstantinople to Belgrade , to cut oft ' all communication between Romelia ann Se . v'a ; made himself masterof part of the latter province and of the passes between . ' vophia and Philipoli . According to the last accounts from Bosnia , Passawan Oy . lcu , at the heni' of 100 , 000 men , is master of Lesser Wallachia , and part of >! ulga , ' : a . After __ I : -ttle near Nissa , in which he was victorious , he entered Romania , ; md is said to leIt is
have taken Sophia , and to be in fud march for Philipoli and Aciritmop . also said that he has partizans in Albania , and-that the warlike Arnauts have declared in his favour . He is fortifying Semendria , so as to render it imprcgn ? b : e , probably to serve as a depot of arms , and a rallying point . It is thought that he means to take Belgrade by famine . The Governor of Romania is marching against him at the head of 40 , 000 men , and the greatest efforts are making at Constantinople to send off reinforcements . CIIAHLESTOWS , S 0 UT 1 I-CAJIOLJSA , "EC . 20 .
A most daring plot has been detected , which some French people of colour had formed , for massacring every white person in the city I Their . plan was to take the opportunity of the holiday ? , when most of the men are in the country , to set fire to Ihe town in different places , then to seize the guard and , if possible , to get the town ' s negroes to join them , and thus to put every man , woman , and - child to death . But , happily for us , their design was found out before they cy . tld put it in execution , and the ring ' eaders have since been hanged ; and we are happy to understand that none of the town ' s negroes were concerned—none but the French .
EAST-INDIES . —JEYP 00 I 1 , SEPTEMBEI 1 4 . Maharajah Pretaub Sing has received information , that Zemaun Shaw had returned victorious from Candahar to Cabul , and had pitched his encampment in the vicinity of the town , preparing to march to Hindostan . Tippoo Sultan , who recently assumed a menacing aspect , has consulted his better interests in preserving the relations of peace . The adjustment of the differences which divided the Mahratta states has greatly contributed lo this conduct . ' Zemaun Shaw having beaten the united armies of the Seiks , entered Lahore , ( their capital ) , on the
first of the present year , gave it up to plunder , and put 7000 of the inhabitants to death . While waiting at Lahore for the heavy artillery necessary to his expedition against Delhi , he received intelligence of a rebellion in his dominions . Moraud Shah , a chieftan of reputation , who headed the disaffected party , had imprisoned his family , and assembled a numerous army in the neighbourhood ofCondobar . Zemaun immediately dispatched a large body of troops against Moraud , and by forced marches proceeded himself to Cobul , taking wilh Him as hostages a great number of the principal inhabitants of Lahore , whom he compelled to undergo the introductory rites of Mahometanism . In the early part of May he had nearly crushed the revolt .
The Mahratta states , who were seriously alarmed at the advance of the Shaw * applied to the English for assistance , and the necessary dispositions were made by the government of Bengal for that purpose . Zemaun Shaw is in Ihe prime of life , of a bold and enterprizing genius , of uncommon abilities as a soldier and a statesman ; he is cruel and sanguinary in the extreme . He is attended by a Frenchman , who some years since was sent by the Convention as Ambassador to Constantinople . His army consists of about 100 , 000 fighting men . Dowlet Scindeah took leave of the court of
Early in the month of April , Row Poonah , and with his army marched into Hindostan . Sir John Shore ' s visit to Lucknow has been productive of the most happy consequences : the Vizier had agreed to the cession of Allahabad , which has been occupied by the British troops , and has consented to pay five lacks and a half of rupees annually , in addition to the subsidy determined by the former treaty . A large establishment for ship building is forming at Calicut , under the authority of the India Company , and supported by many persons of property in Engr land .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
vcral fortresses in Wallachia ; threatened Bucharest ; sent one army towants ine Black Sea , and with another posled himself to the right of the ro d front Vonstantinople to Belgrade , to cut oft ' all communication between Romelia ann Se . v'a ; made himself masterof part of the latter province and of the passes between . ' vophia and Philipoli . According to the last accounts from Bosnia , Passawan Oy . lcu , at the heni' of 100 , 000 men , is master of Lesser Wallachia , and part of >! ulga , ' : a . After __ I : -ttle near Nissa , in which he was victorious , he entered Romania , ; md is said to leIt is
have taken Sophia , and to be in fud march for Philipoli and Aciritmop . also said that he has partizans in Albania , and-that the warlike Arnauts have declared in his favour . He is fortifying Semendria , so as to render it imprcgn ? b : e , probably to serve as a depot of arms , and a rallying point . It is thought that he means to take Belgrade by famine . The Governor of Romania is marching against him at the head of 40 , 000 men , and the greatest efforts are making at Constantinople to send off reinforcements . CIIAHLESTOWS , S 0 UT 1 I-CAJIOLJSA , "EC . 20 .
A most daring plot has been detected , which some French people of colour had formed , for massacring every white person in the city I Their . plan was to take the opportunity of the holiday ? , when most of the men are in the country , to set fire to Ihe town in different places , then to seize the guard and , if possible , to get the town ' s negroes to join them , and thus to put every man , woman , and - child to death . But , happily for us , their design was found out before they cy . tld put it in execution , and the ring ' eaders have since been hanged ; and we are happy to understand that none of the town ' s negroes were concerned—none but the French .
EAST-INDIES . —JEYP 00 I 1 , SEPTEMBEI 1 4 . Maharajah Pretaub Sing has received information , that Zemaun Shaw had returned victorious from Candahar to Cabul , and had pitched his encampment in the vicinity of the town , preparing to march to Hindostan . Tippoo Sultan , who recently assumed a menacing aspect , has consulted his better interests in preserving the relations of peace . The adjustment of the differences which divided the Mahratta states has greatly contributed lo this conduct . ' Zemaun Shaw having beaten the united armies of the Seiks , entered Lahore , ( their capital ) , on the
first of the present year , gave it up to plunder , and put 7000 of the inhabitants to death . While waiting at Lahore for the heavy artillery necessary to his expedition against Delhi , he received intelligence of a rebellion in his dominions . Moraud Shah , a chieftan of reputation , who headed the disaffected party , had imprisoned his family , and assembled a numerous army in the neighbourhood ofCondobar . Zemaun immediately dispatched a large body of troops against Moraud , and by forced marches proceeded himself to Cobul , taking wilh Him as hostages a great number of the principal inhabitants of Lahore , whom he compelled to undergo the introductory rites of Mahometanism . In the early part of May he had nearly crushed the revolt .
The Mahratta states , who were seriously alarmed at the advance of the Shaw * applied to the English for assistance , and the necessary dispositions were made by the government of Bengal for that purpose . Zemaun Shaw is in Ihe prime of life , of a bold and enterprizing genius , of uncommon abilities as a soldier and a statesman ; he is cruel and sanguinary in the extreme . He is attended by a Frenchman , who some years since was sent by the Convention as Ambassador to Constantinople . His army consists of about 100 , 000 fighting men . Dowlet Scindeah took leave of the court of
Early in the month of April , Row Poonah , and with his army marched into Hindostan . Sir John Shore ' s visit to Lucknow has been productive of the most happy consequences : the Vizier had agreed to the cession of Allahabad , which has been occupied by the British troops , and has consented to pay five lacks and a half of rupees annually , in addition to the subsidy determined by the former treaty . A large establishment for ship building is forming at Calicut , under the authority of the India Company , and supported by many persons of property in Engr land .