Article THE GREEN ASS. Page 1 of 1
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The Green Ass.
A CERTAIN ' widow , though pretty much advanced in life , had a mind to many again . As her fortune was very large she thought herself entitled to a young husband ; and accordingly fixed her eyes upon a handsome youth , who had nothing but his personal recommendations to depend upon . She plainly perceived that there would be no difficulty on his part , but she dreaded the censure and ridicule of her neighbours . In this perplexityshe
com-, municated her wishes and alarms to a maiden . sister , who lived in . the house , and possessed an uncommon share of shrewdness arid address for all such occasions . ( ' Sister , " says the amorous widow , " what think you of Leander ! it is surely the picture of my late " husband . Alas 1 I should never have yielded my heart but to this " . irresistible resemblance . What shall I do ! for I am in a dreadful
" consternation about what my neighbours may say of me , being " well acquainted with their malice and cruelty ;—the purest love is " not sheltered from their ill-natured ridicule . Were it not for that , " this dear young man should- —but—r- " ' . * How absurd is all this , " my dear sister ! " replied the other . " Follow your inclinations , " and don't tell me of such foolish fears . You will be ' sung , hooted , " hallooed after , and chalked up , for eight days;—on the ninth , they ( . ' will think no more of you than one thinks of a friend one has
qiiit" ted for three months . That Ass which you see yonder , -Shall , if " you please , impose silence on the whole parish about you the mor' ¦ ning after your nuptials . " " That Ass ! " " Yes , that Ass . Mar" ry , I say , and leave the rest to me and my Ass . " The widow was easily persuaded , and the marriage was concluded , on the credit of the Ass . Dreadful outcry in the parish—rough music before their doors—mot a soft thing could be heard from the mouth of either party
for the noise of kettles ancl frying-pans . In the mean time , the sister had painted the Ass as green as a parrot ; and out rushed the phenomenon , with a triumphant bray , into the midst ofthe crowd . In an instant every kettle and pan was mute , and every soul in the parish crowded round so strange a prodigy . " ¦ A green Ass ! Good " heavens , who could have believed it ! Well , wonders will never ( i
cease . How surprising is Nature in all her operations ! " " I " dreamed , " cries an old woman , " of this very Ass a week ago . I " am sure it betokeneth something bad to our town . A number of % white mice appeared in the same manner just before the plague that " happened in my youth . " Such observations and exclamations as these took place ofthe clamourabout the new-married couple . The green Ass lasted its eight days , and then there was no more curiosity about the green Ass than there had been about the new-married couple ihe moment the Ass appeared .
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The Green Ass.
A CERTAIN ' widow , though pretty much advanced in life , had a mind to many again . As her fortune was very large she thought herself entitled to a young husband ; and accordingly fixed her eyes upon a handsome youth , who had nothing but his personal recommendations to depend upon . She plainly perceived that there would be no difficulty on his part , but she dreaded the censure and ridicule of her neighbours . In this perplexityshe
com-, municated her wishes and alarms to a maiden . sister , who lived in . the house , and possessed an uncommon share of shrewdness arid address for all such occasions . ( ' Sister , " says the amorous widow , " what think you of Leander ! it is surely the picture of my late " husband . Alas 1 I should never have yielded my heart but to this " . irresistible resemblance . What shall I do ! for I am in a dreadful
" consternation about what my neighbours may say of me , being " well acquainted with their malice and cruelty ;—the purest love is " not sheltered from their ill-natured ridicule . Were it not for that , " this dear young man should- —but—r- " ' . * How absurd is all this , " my dear sister ! " replied the other . " Follow your inclinations , " and don't tell me of such foolish fears . You will be ' sung , hooted , " hallooed after , and chalked up , for eight days;—on the ninth , they ( . ' will think no more of you than one thinks of a friend one has
qiiit" ted for three months . That Ass which you see yonder , -Shall , if " you please , impose silence on the whole parish about you the mor' ¦ ning after your nuptials . " " That Ass ! " " Yes , that Ass . Mar" ry , I say , and leave the rest to me and my Ass . " The widow was easily persuaded , and the marriage was concluded , on the credit of the Ass . Dreadful outcry in the parish—rough music before their doors—mot a soft thing could be heard from the mouth of either party
for the noise of kettles ancl frying-pans . In the mean time , the sister had painted the Ass as green as a parrot ; and out rushed the phenomenon , with a triumphant bray , into the midst ofthe crowd . In an instant every kettle and pan was mute , and every soul in the parish crowded round so strange a prodigy . " ¦ A green Ass ! Good " heavens , who could have believed it ! Well , wonders will never ( i
cease . How surprising is Nature in all her operations ! " " I " dreamed , " cries an old woman , " of this very Ass a week ago . I " am sure it betokeneth something bad to our town . A number of % white mice appeared in the same manner just before the plague that " happened in my youth . " Such observations and exclamations as these took place ofthe clamourabout the new-married couple . The green Ass lasted its eight days , and then there was no more curiosity about the green Ass than there had been about the new-married couple ihe moment the Ass appeared .