Article TO INDIFFERENCE : A RHAPSODY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ODE TO AN ASS, Page 1 of 3 →
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To Indifference : A Rhapsody.
'Tis mine each quick extreme to prove That gives the bosom keenest pain j Now all my soul I yield to Love , ' " ~ Now Jealousy exerts her reign . Now kindling Anger rages high , And Indignation fires my soul , I at Friendshileading nigh
spurn p p , And fiercely slight her ' soft controuL Yet still my breast soft Pity feels ; I still can weep for others' woe ; When Sorrow her sad tale reveals , The sympathising tear will flow . But what avails a human heart ' "With ev ' tender feeling blest
y , If Passion with his poison * d dart Strikes deeply the devoted breast ? Come then , cold maid , from Lethe ' s shore , And touch me with thy torpid wand ; Let passions rack my soul no more , hand
' Ah , freeze them with thine icy . J . T . R .
Ode To An Ass,
POOR beast ! so solitary and forlorn , That on this barren down Me ' etest stern Winter ' s iron frown , From sympathising friends arid kindred torn ; Desponding seek ' st the scanty grass , Whilst thy dim eye and fallen ear Proclaimand 'tis too true I fear
, , Thou canst not'find , a single blade , alas ! Come , let me rub thy bone-rais'd skin , Poor dev'l , in some places desp ' rate thin ! An hive of bruises , sure , has been thy back ; And many a foul unchristian thump Has fall ' n on thy defenceless rump '; Indeed , thou'st sadly been abus'd , poor Jack !
Come , lay thy hairy nose across my arm ; Would 1 had ' wherewithal thy griefs to charm 1 Thou , doom'd with death eternally to grapple ; . For rivuch thy batter'd sides misgive , Or thou hast struggled hard to live Till now ; but , come , canst eat a sav ' ry apple ? . Me with choice fruit does little Mary feed , With slender fingers , lo ! she culls the best : Peace ever dwell within her tender breast 1 : And plenty banish need !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Indifference : A Rhapsody.
'Tis mine each quick extreme to prove That gives the bosom keenest pain j Now all my soul I yield to Love , ' " ~ Now Jealousy exerts her reign . Now kindling Anger rages high , And Indignation fires my soul , I at Friendshileading nigh
spurn p p , And fiercely slight her ' soft controuL Yet still my breast soft Pity feels ; I still can weep for others' woe ; When Sorrow her sad tale reveals , The sympathising tear will flow . But what avails a human heart ' "With ev ' tender feeling blest
y , If Passion with his poison * d dart Strikes deeply the devoted breast ? Come then , cold maid , from Lethe ' s shore , And touch me with thy torpid wand ; Let passions rack my soul no more , hand
' Ah , freeze them with thine icy . J . T . R .
Ode To An Ass,
POOR beast ! so solitary and forlorn , That on this barren down Me ' etest stern Winter ' s iron frown , From sympathising friends arid kindred torn ; Desponding seek ' st the scanty grass , Whilst thy dim eye and fallen ear Proclaimand 'tis too true I fear
, , Thou canst not'find , a single blade , alas ! Come , let me rub thy bone-rais'd skin , Poor dev'l , in some places desp ' rate thin ! An hive of bruises , sure , has been thy back ; And many a foul unchristian thump Has fall ' n on thy defenceless rump '; Indeed , thou'st sadly been abus'd , poor Jack !
Come , lay thy hairy nose across my arm ; Would 1 had ' wherewithal thy griefs to charm 1 Thou , doom'd with death eternally to grapple ; . For rivuch thy batter'd sides misgive , Or thou hast struggled hard to live Till now ; but , come , canst eat a sav ' ry apple ? . Me with choice fruit does little Mary feed , With slender fingers , lo ! she culls the best : Peace ever dwell within her tender breast 1 : And plenty banish need !