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The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
Quest . Wyll he teche me thay same artes ? Answ . Ye shalle be techedde yif ye be werfhye , and able to lerne . Quest . Dothe all mammies kunne more than odher menne ? Answ . Not so . Thay onlyche haueth recbt and occasyonne more then odher menne to kunne ; but manye doeth fale yn capacity , and manye more doth want industryethatt is pernecessarye ^ br the
gayn-, ynge all kunnynge . Quest . Are mafonnes gudder men then odhers ? Answ . Some majonnes are not so vertuous as some odher menne ; but , yn the moste part , thay be more gude than they woulde be yf thav war not maconnes .
Quest . Doth majonnes love eidther odher myghtylye , as beeth sayde ? Answ . Yea verylyche , and yt may not odherwise be : for gude menne and treu , kennynge eidlier odher to be soche , doeth always love the more as thay be more glide . Here endetbe the Ouestyonnes and Az & nszoeres . I knownot what effect the siht of this old paper may have upon
. g your Lordship ; but , for my own part , I cannot , deny that it has so much raised my curiosity , as to induce me to enter myself into the fraternity ; which I am determined to do ( if . I may be admitted ) the next time I go to London , and that will be shortly . I am , MY LORD , & C . JOHN LOCKE ' .
A GLOSSARY to explain the Wonns in ITALIC CHARACTERS in the foregoing .
Allan , only . Alleys , always . Beitbe , both . Commodytye , conveniency . Confrerie , fraternity . Facconnyngi , forming . Foresayinge , prophesying . Freresbrethren .
, Headtye , chiefly . Hem plesethe , they please . Hemselfe , themselves . Her , there , their . Hereynne , therein . Henuytb , with it . Holpynge , beneficial .
Kunne , know . Kunnynge , knowledge . Mate gude , - Ave beneficial . Meiynges , measures . Mote , may . Myddlclonde , Mediterranean . Myghte , power .
Occasyonne , opportunity . Oder , or . Onelycbe , only . . Pemecessarye , absolutely necessary . Preise , honour .
Recbt , right . Reckenynges , numbers . Sonderlyche , particularly . Skylle , knowledge . Wacksynge , growing . Werck , operation . Wey , way . Whereaswhere .
, Waned , dwelt . . Wunderwercfcynge , WorkinfiT miracles . W y / e , savage . Wynnynge , gaining . .. - Ynn , into .
who has all these arts and advantages , is certainly in a condition to be envied : but we are told that this is not the case with all masons ; for though these arts are among them , and all have a right and opportunity to know them , yet some want capacity , and others industry , to acquire them . However , of all their arts and secrets , that which I most desire to know is , ' the skylle of becommynge gude and parfyghte ; ' " and I wish it were communicated to all mankind , since there is nothing more true than the beautiful sentence contained in the last answer , that ' the better men are , the more they love one another . ' Virtue having in itself something so amiable as to charm the hearts of all that behold it .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
Quest . Wyll he teche me thay same artes ? Answ . Ye shalle be techedde yif ye be werfhye , and able to lerne . Quest . Dothe all mammies kunne more than odher menne ? Answ . Not so . Thay onlyche haueth recbt and occasyonne more then odher menne to kunne ; but manye doeth fale yn capacity , and manye more doth want industryethatt is pernecessarye ^ br the
gayn-, ynge all kunnynge . Quest . Are mafonnes gudder men then odhers ? Answ . Some majonnes are not so vertuous as some odher menne ; but , yn the moste part , thay be more gude than they woulde be yf thav war not maconnes .
Quest . Doth majonnes love eidther odher myghtylye , as beeth sayde ? Answ . Yea verylyche , and yt may not odherwise be : for gude menne and treu , kennynge eidlier odher to be soche , doeth always love the more as thay be more glide . Here endetbe the Ouestyonnes and Az & nszoeres . I knownot what effect the siht of this old paper may have upon
. g your Lordship ; but , for my own part , I cannot , deny that it has so much raised my curiosity , as to induce me to enter myself into the fraternity ; which I am determined to do ( if . I may be admitted ) the next time I go to London , and that will be shortly . I am , MY LORD , & C . JOHN LOCKE ' .
A GLOSSARY to explain the Wonns in ITALIC CHARACTERS in the foregoing .
Allan , only . Alleys , always . Beitbe , both . Commodytye , conveniency . Confrerie , fraternity . Facconnyngi , forming . Foresayinge , prophesying . Freresbrethren .
, Headtye , chiefly . Hem plesethe , they please . Hemselfe , themselves . Her , there , their . Hereynne , therein . Henuytb , with it . Holpynge , beneficial .
Kunne , know . Kunnynge , knowledge . Mate gude , - Ave beneficial . Meiynges , measures . Mote , may . Myddlclonde , Mediterranean . Myghte , power .
Occasyonne , opportunity . Oder , or . Onelycbe , only . . Pemecessarye , absolutely necessary . Preise , honour .
Recbt , right . Reckenynges , numbers . Sonderlyche , particularly . Skylle , knowledge . Wacksynge , growing . Werck , operation . Wey , way . Whereaswhere .
, Waned , dwelt . . Wunderwercfcynge , WorkinfiT miracles . W y / e , savage . Wynnynge , gaining . .. - Ynn , into .
who has all these arts and advantages , is certainly in a condition to be envied : but we are told that this is not the case with all masons ; for though these arts are among them , and all have a right and opportunity to know them , yet some want capacity , and others industry , to acquire them . However , of all their arts and secrets , that which I most desire to know is , ' the skylle of becommynge gude and parfyghte ; ' " and I wish it were communicated to all mankind , since there is nothing more true than the beautiful sentence contained in the last answer , that ' the better men are , the more they love one another . ' Virtue having in itself something so amiable as to charm the hearts of all that behold it .