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Ceremony Of Opening Wearmouth Bridge;
' That no Mason shall be admitted under the degree of Master ; ¦ and only to have plain Avhite aprons , or bound with Avhite silk , ex' cept Present and Past Grand Officers ; and all to appear . with Avhite ' gloves . ' That the Present Grand Officers , the Masters and Wardens of : the two Lodges in Sunderland , be appointed a Committee , toar' range every other matter relative to the Procession & c .
, ' That any three of them shall be impowered to act ; and that their ' first meeting shall be held in the Granby Lodge Room , immediately ' after this Grand Lodge is adjourned . ' That this Lodge , on its rising , be adjourned to the Phoenix Hall , ' Sunderland , to be there holden at six o ' clock in the evening of Mon' day the 8 th of August . And ,
' That these resolutions be printed and sent to the nei ghbouring ' Lodges , and inserted in the Newcastle newspapers . ' ' ROBERT BONE , Grand Secretary . The Committee continued to meet , from time to time , Brother SCARTHSenior Grand Wardenin the Chair ; and every particular
, , , relative to the Ceremony and business of the day , was prepared and arranged . On Monday , the 8 th of August , a Grand Lodge Avas held , in due form , in the PHCENIX HALL , when the correspondence of the Provincial Grand Master , BROTHER LAMBTON , and the other Gentlemen concerned in the resolutions of the Grand Lodge , was read bv the Grand Secretary , and the Proceedings of the Committee finall y
confirmed . On Tuesday , August the 9 th , at nine in the morning , the Loyal Sunderland Volunteers met in the ~ Batteries , and fired a royal salute of one and twenty guns ; after which they marched into the town , and drew up opposite to the Phcenix Hall , where the Officers of the Grand Lodge and above 300 Brethren were assembled . The Grand Lodge was opened in the Hall ; the Brethren , & c . were marshalled in the adjoining streets , and about eleven o ' clock the Procession began to move in the following order :
Two Trumpeters on horseback . Detachment of Operative Masons , Joiners , Smiths , and Labourers , with their working tools . Fifes and Drums . Constables with staves . Military Band of Music . Loyal Sunderland Volunteers , ( not Masons ) in uniformled b
, y Captain MACKINTOSH and Lieutenant ATKINSON . Two Volunteers ( Masons ) with swords . Loyal Sunderland Volunteers ( being Masons ) in uniform , and with aprons and gloves ; led by Captain Commandant HAYTON , Captain BAYLKY , and Lieutenants IRVINE and WILSON . Two Tylers with drawn swords .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ceremony Of Opening Wearmouth Bridge;
' That no Mason shall be admitted under the degree of Master ; ¦ and only to have plain Avhite aprons , or bound with Avhite silk , ex' cept Present and Past Grand Officers ; and all to appear . with Avhite ' gloves . ' That the Present Grand Officers , the Masters and Wardens of : the two Lodges in Sunderland , be appointed a Committee , toar' range every other matter relative to the Procession & c .
, ' That any three of them shall be impowered to act ; and that their ' first meeting shall be held in the Granby Lodge Room , immediately ' after this Grand Lodge is adjourned . ' That this Lodge , on its rising , be adjourned to the Phoenix Hall , ' Sunderland , to be there holden at six o ' clock in the evening of Mon' day the 8 th of August . And ,
' That these resolutions be printed and sent to the nei ghbouring ' Lodges , and inserted in the Newcastle newspapers . ' ' ROBERT BONE , Grand Secretary . The Committee continued to meet , from time to time , Brother SCARTHSenior Grand Wardenin the Chair ; and every particular
, , , relative to the Ceremony and business of the day , was prepared and arranged . On Monday , the 8 th of August , a Grand Lodge Avas held , in due form , in the PHCENIX HALL , when the correspondence of the Provincial Grand Master , BROTHER LAMBTON , and the other Gentlemen concerned in the resolutions of the Grand Lodge , was read bv the Grand Secretary , and the Proceedings of the Committee finall y
confirmed . On Tuesday , August the 9 th , at nine in the morning , the Loyal Sunderland Volunteers met in the ~ Batteries , and fired a royal salute of one and twenty guns ; after which they marched into the town , and drew up opposite to the Phcenix Hall , where the Officers of the Grand Lodge and above 300 Brethren were assembled . The Grand Lodge was opened in the Hall ; the Brethren , & c . were marshalled in the adjoining streets , and about eleven o ' clock the Procession began to move in the following order :
Two Trumpeters on horseback . Detachment of Operative Masons , Joiners , Smiths , and Labourers , with their working tools . Fifes and Drums . Constables with staves . Military Band of Music . Loyal Sunderland Volunteers , ( not Masons ) in uniformled b
, y Captain MACKINTOSH and Lieutenant ATKINSON . Two Volunteers ( Masons ) with swords . Loyal Sunderland Volunteers ( being Masons ) in uniform , and with aprons and gloves ; led by Captain Commandant HAYTON , Captain BAYLKY , and Lieutenants IRVINE and WILSON . Two Tylers with drawn swords .