Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 4 of 9 →
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Review Of New Publications.
each or them serving ta support the succeeding observations , while it throws additional li ght on those which had preceded it ' : and we think it no more than justice to our author to say , that he has displayed a considerable portion otgood sense and learning , as well as of candour and impartiality ; that be seems to be neither warped by prejudice , nor fettered by system ; and that Ins arrangement- is clear , his language perspicuous , and his reasonimr sohd .
An Appendix to this volume is divided into five numbers . The first contains several quotations tending- to support an opinion , which this author appears anxious to establish , namely , that the Indians of North America , at the time of its discovery , were , in general , subjeft to despotic governments . The second number opposes the theory of the slavery of women in rude ages . The subjeft of the third is the similarity between certain American customs and some ciislomsMicienfly prevalent in Asia and EuropeThe fourth
illus-. trates the motives of Alexander the Great , in wishing to pass for the son of Jupiter . And the fifth contains a curious account " of the classifications of forms of government adopted by Socrates , . Plato , aud Aristotle . On the whole , we think this a valuable as well as seasonable publication ; yet chiefly , perhaps , in a scientific view , being more adatited to ' the closet of the studious , andfor academical purposes , than for popular use . Fastidious criticism mi ght seleft for animadversion a few inaccuracies cf
language in this work : justice , instead of justness , vie- suppose to be a typographical error , although we do not find it among the list of Errata . We think the quotations from Mr . Hume in the seventh chapter mi ght have been spared ; as references to an Author so well known , would have sufficed . Butwerecolle . ft the maxim , — ubiplura nltent — non ego panels offender maadis . Leonora . A Tale translated freely from the German of Gottfried Augustus Burger .
By J . T . Stanley , Esq . F . R . S . Sw , Price is . 6 ... Miller . 179 6 . Lenorc , a Tale .- from the German of Gottfried Augustus Burger . By Henry James rye . jj . ii . True is . ( yd . Low . 1736 . Leonora . Translated from the German of Gottfried Augustus Burger . B y W . R . Spencer , Esq . toiib Desiens b y the Right Honourable Lad y '' Diana Beauclerc . hoik . Price 1 / . 1 ... - Edwards . 1 * 79 6 . Leonora , a Tale translated and altered from the German ofGottfried J . uruslui Burger . B y J . T . Stanley , Esq . F . R . S . A new edition . Ato . Price 5 .. Miller . 179 ( 1 .
THREE translations and an altered edition of this popular ballad of Bn ' rger have appeared in the order in which we have enumerated them , and when , we add , that another version has made its appearance in a periodical publication , -our renders may perhaps wonder that the efforts of the German muse receive so much attention in England . The tale of Leonora is briefly this : A maiden , whose lover returns not with liis-comrades in battle , falls into an impious transport of desperation , condemns the of
justice God , aud desires death . At night the trampling of a horse is heard at the gate ; her lover calls , and in earnest , but dark , terms , urges her to mount behind him , am / ride a / i night to reach their bridal bed-She consents . The journey is terrific ; they ride among spectres and goblins , with the swiftness of the wind , he repeating from time to time , " Hurrah , how swiftly speed the dead- ! " She alarmed , but not comprehending why ' lie . alks of the dead , is conveyed at last to a church-yard , where the ° " fiendliorse" bursts the gates , and her lover suddenly changes to the skeleton form
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
each or them serving ta support the succeeding observations , while it throws additional li ght on those which had preceded it ' : and we think it no more than justice to our author to say , that he has displayed a considerable portion otgood sense and learning , as well as of candour and impartiality ; that be seems to be neither warped by prejudice , nor fettered by system ; and that Ins arrangement- is clear , his language perspicuous , and his reasonimr sohd .
An Appendix to this volume is divided into five numbers . The first contains several quotations tending- to support an opinion , which this author appears anxious to establish , namely , that the Indians of North America , at the time of its discovery , were , in general , subjeft to despotic governments . The second number opposes the theory of the slavery of women in rude ages . The subjeft of the third is the similarity between certain American customs and some ciislomsMicienfly prevalent in Asia and EuropeThe fourth
illus-. trates the motives of Alexander the Great , in wishing to pass for the son of Jupiter . And the fifth contains a curious account " of the classifications of forms of government adopted by Socrates , . Plato , aud Aristotle . On the whole , we think this a valuable as well as seasonable publication ; yet chiefly , perhaps , in a scientific view , being more adatited to ' the closet of the studious , andfor academical purposes , than for popular use . Fastidious criticism mi ght seleft for animadversion a few inaccuracies cf
language in this work : justice , instead of justness , vie- suppose to be a typographical error , although we do not find it among the list of Errata . We think the quotations from Mr . Hume in the seventh chapter mi ght have been spared ; as references to an Author so well known , would have sufficed . Butwerecolle . ft the maxim , — ubiplura nltent — non ego panels offender maadis . Leonora . A Tale translated freely from the German of Gottfried Augustus Burger .
By J . T . Stanley , Esq . F . R . S . Sw , Price is . 6 ... Miller . 179 6 . Lenorc , a Tale .- from the German of Gottfried Augustus Burger . By Henry James rye . jj . ii . True is . ( yd . Low . 1736 . Leonora . Translated from the German of Gottfried Augustus Burger . B y W . R . Spencer , Esq . toiib Desiens b y the Right Honourable Lad y '' Diana Beauclerc . hoik . Price 1 / . 1 ... - Edwards . 1 * 79 6 . Leonora , a Tale translated and altered from the German ofGottfried J . uruslui Burger . B y J . T . Stanley , Esq . F . R . S . A new edition . Ato . Price 5 .. Miller . 179 ( 1 .
THREE translations and an altered edition of this popular ballad of Bn ' rger have appeared in the order in which we have enumerated them , and when , we add , that another version has made its appearance in a periodical publication , -our renders may perhaps wonder that the efforts of the German muse receive so much attention in England . The tale of Leonora is briefly this : A maiden , whose lover returns not with liis-comrades in battle , falls into an impious transport of desperation , condemns the of
justice God , aud desires death . At night the trampling of a horse is heard at the gate ; her lover calls , and in earnest , but dark , terms , urges her to mount behind him , am / ride a / i night to reach their bridal bed-She consents . The journey is terrific ; they ride among spectres and goblins , with the swiftness of the wind , he repeating from time to time , " Hurrah , how swiftly speed the dead- ! " She alarmed , but not comprehending why ' lie . alks of the dead , is conveyed at last to a church-yard , where the ° " fiendliorse" bursts the gates , and her lover suddenly changes to the skeleton form