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Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
TUESDAY , Scpi .. z ~ . AT two o ' clock the Lord Chancellor having arrived at the House , the Archbishop of Canterbury , and the Lord President of the Council , ( Earl of Chatham ) appeared in their robes , and with the Lord Chancellor , who was the other Commissioner , took their seats on the Throne . The Usher of the Black Rod ( Sir Francis Molyneux ) was then sent to the House of Commonsto require their attendance . In a few min-stes the Black
, Rod returned , followed by about 200 of the Commons The Commission for calling the Parliament together was then read ; after which , The Lord Chancellor said " My Lords , and Gentlemen of the House of Commons , " We are commissioned by his Majesty to inform you , that he defers acquainting you with the weighty and important matter * , which , at the present
moment , have induced him to . call his Parliament together , till such time as you , Gentlemen , shall have chosen for yourselves a Speaker . " The Commons then withdrew , and the House was cleared below the Bar for prayers . As soon as these were over , the Lord Chancellor was sworn in by himself , and then all the old Peers who were present took the usual oaths and their seats . —Adjourned . Wednesday 28 . At half past twelve o ' clock the Lord Chancellor and the other
Commissioners , being seated on the Throne , the Usher of the Black Rod ( Sir Francis Molyneux ) was sent to the House of Commons to command their attendance in the Lords , in order to signify their choice of a Speaker , and to return the person so chosen . In a few minutes the Black Rod returned , followed by about 300 of the Commons , with Mr . Addington at their head : being come to the Bar of the Lords , Mr . Addington addressed their Lordships in the usual manner , informing them that the Commons had chosen him for their Speaker . After which the Lord
Chancellor signified his Majesty ' s approbation of their choice . - The Speaker being approved of , addressed the Commissioners in his official capacity : when , after requesting the usual privileges for himself , he asserted and claimed the usual rights and privileges of the House of Commons , in the following words : " My Lords , " In further conformity with my duty , I h _ Te , bv petition to his Majesty , assert and claim all the ancient and various rights and privileges of which the Commons of Great Britain have been , time out of mind , possessed , and have invariably claimed , and do now humbly petition his Majesty , that he will be pleased
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
TUESDAY , Scpi .. z ~ . AT two o ' clock the Lord Chancellor having arrived at the House , the Archbishop of Canterbury , and the Lord President of the Council , ( Earl of Chatham ) appeared in their robes , and with the Lord Chancellor , who was the other Commissioner , took their seats on the Throne . The Usher of the Black Rod ( Sir Francis Molyneux ) was then sent to the House of Commonsto require their attendance . In a few min-stes the Black
, Rod returned , followed by about 200 of the Commons The Commission for calling the Parliament together was then read ; after which , The Lord Chancellor said " My Lords , and Gentlemen of the House of Commons , " We are commissioned by his Majesty to inform you , that he defers acquainting you with the weighty and important matter * , which , at the present
moment , have induced him to . call his Parliament together , till such time as you , Gentlemen , shall have chosen for yourselves a Speaker . " The Commons then withdrew , and the House was cleared below the Bar for prayers . As soon as these were over , the Lord Chancellor was sworn in by himself , and then all the old Peers who were present took the usual oaths and their seats . —Adjourned . Wednesday 28 . At half past twelve o ' clock the Lord Chancellor and the other
Commissioners , being seated on the Throne , the Usher of the Black Rod ( Sir Francis Molyneux ) was sent to the House of Commons to command their attendance in the Lords , in order to signify their choice of a Speaker , and to return the person so chosen . In a few minutes the Black Rod returned , followed by about 300 of the Commons , with Mr . Addington at their head : being come to the Bar of the Lords , Mr . Addington addressed their Lordships in the usual manner , informing them that the Commons had chosen him for their Speaker . After which the Lord
Chancellor signified his Majesty ' s approbation of their choice . - The Speaker being approved of , addressed the Commissioners in his official capacity : when , after requesting the usual privileges for himself , he asserted and claimed the usual rights and privileges of the House of Commons , in the following words : " My Lords , " In further conformity with my duty , I h _ Te , bv petition to his Majesty , assert and claim all the ancient and various rights and privileges of which the Commons of Great Britain have been , time out of mind , possessed , and have invariably claimed , and do now humbly petition his Majesty , that he will be pleased