Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 3 of 9 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
The first of these letters is dated " Head Quarters of His Royal Higness the Archduke CHARLES , Haen , September 19 th , 1796 , and contains a detail of the forcing the passage of the Lahn by the Austrians ou the 17 th . 'Jrliis letter ends as follows : " The feeble resistance which the French have made in a post so important and so advantageous as that behind the Llian , and which they certainly had resolved to defend , confirms ., in the strongest manner , the representation which I have had the honour of making to your Lordship of the situation of their Army .
Disorders of every kind have arisen to such a height amongst them , that Jourdan thought it necessary to demand extraordinary and unlimited powers of the Directory , without which it would be impossible for him to restore disci pline and subordination . This request was not only refused by the Directory , but he himself is removed from the Command , which is conferred on Bournonv / lle . This circumstance has added much to the discontent of all classes in the Army . A number of the officers of the highest rank and reputation have given in their resignations , and the desertion amongst the Soldiery is prodigious . Under these
circumstances , it is rather to be wished than expected , that the enemy may attempt to make another stand on this side of the Rhine . " Head Quarters of His Royal Hi ghness the Archduie CIIAHLES , Ilaen , Sept . 20 , 1796 . MY LORD , " A report is just received from Lieutenant-General Hot .. e , in which he states , thatin advancing yesterday evening towards Hochstebachhe found
, , means to bring on a serious affair with the rear-guard of the enemy , which terminated entirely in favour of the Austrians . " Marcetui , General of Division , and distinguish , d amongst the French for his activity and enterprise , is wounded and taken prisoner . His tivo Aides-de-Camps have shared the same fate , and his Adjutant-General was left dead on the field . A considerable number of inferior officers and privates are likewise brought in .
" The enemy continues his retreat with the utmost preci pitation . It is generally supposed , however , that he will assemble his whole force in the strong position of Ukerath , and there make another stand . " This iias induced the Archduke to bring nearer to the main bod y the cprps under General -Cray , who , in consequence , encamps to-day at Hackenbur " . His Royal Highness will be this evening at Walrode ; and the Advanced Guard of General Hofze is pushed on to Altenkirchen and Weyersbach . " A considerable Corps , drawn from the Garrison of Manheim and
Phillipsburg , and reinforced by the detachment of cavalry under Count Meerfeldt , has advanced into the Margraviate of Baden , and has met with much success . They have surprised and dispersed the corps which the Enemy had left in that countrv have made a number of prisoners , and taken or destroyed a quantity of baggage and ammunition . " Accounts are received of the operations of General La Tour , down to the 14 th inst .. by which it appears that General Moreau quitted his position on the left bank of the Yseron the 10 th and 1 tth instant . General La Tour followed
, him closely , and was on the I 2 tb at Psaffenboven . As General Moreau seemed to direct his march towards Neubnrg , where it was supposed he would repass the Danube , General NauendoriKcrossed the river below that place , in order to watch his motions ; and on ! he 14 th engaged a serious affair with ' his Rearguard , in which the Austrians look one piece of cannon , and upwards of a thousand prisoners . I have the honour to be , & . c .
ROEEKT A \ STt ! UTllEP , Captain 3 d Guards ^' The third letter is dated " Head Quarters of His Royal Hi ghness the Archduke CtiAiu . its , Weinheim , Sept . 28 , 1796 , and contains a detail of the operations of a division of the Austrian Armv , under the command of Lieutenant-General Pelrasch ; by which it appears that on the 17 th he obtained possession
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
The first of these letters is dated " Head Quarters of His Royal Higness the Archduke CHARLES , Haen , September 19 th , 1796 , and contains a detail of the forcing the passage of the Lahn by the Austrians ou the 17 th . 'Jrliis letter ends as follows : " The feeble resistance which the French have made in a post so important and so advantageous as that behind the Llian , and which they certainly had resolved to defend , confirms ., in the strongest manner , the representation which I have had the honour of making to your Lordship of the situation of their Army .
Disorders of every kind have arisen to such a height amongst them , that Jourdan thought it necessary to demand extraordinary and unlimited powers of the Directory , without which it would be impossible for him to restore disci pline and subordination . This request was not only refused by the Directory , but he himself is removed from the Command , which is conferred on Bournonv / lle . This circumstance has added much to the discontent of all classes in the Army . A number of the officers of the highest rank and reputation have given in their resignations , and the desertion amongst the Soldiery is prodigious . Under these
circumstances , it is rather to be wished than expected , that the enemy may attempt to make another stand on this side of the Rhine . " Head Quarters of His Royal Hi ghness the Archduie CIIAHLES , Ilaen , Sept . 20 , 1796 . MY LORD , " A report is just received from Lieutenant-General Hot .. e , in which he states , thatin advancing yesterday evening towards Hochstebachhe found
, , means to bring on a serious affair with the rear-guard of the enemy , which terminated entirely in favour of the Austrians . " Marcetui , General of Division , and distinguish , d amongst the French for his activity and enterprise , is wounded and taken prisoner . His tivo Aides-de-Camps have shared the same fate , and his Adjutant-General was left dead on the field . A considerable number of inferior officers and privates are likewise brought in .
" The enemy continues his retreat with the utmost preci pitation . It is generally supposed , however , that he will assemble his whole force in the strong position of Ukerath , and there make another stand . " This iias induced the Archduke to bring nearer to the main bod y the cprps under General -Cray , who , in consequence , encamps to-day at Hackenbur " . His Royal Highness will be this evening at Walrode ; and the Advanced Guard of General Hofze is pushed on to Altenkirchen and Weyersbach . " A considerable Corps , drawn from the Garrison of Manheim and
Phillipsburg , and reinforced by the detachment of cavalry under Count Meerfeldt , has advanced into the Margraviate of Baden , and has met with much success . They have surprised and dispersed the corps which the Enemy had left in that countrv have made a number of prisoners , and taken or destroyed a quantity of baggage and ammunition . " Accounts are received of the operations of General La Tour , down to the 14 th inst .. by which it appears that General Moreau quitted his position on the left bank of the Yseron the 10 th and 1 tth instant . General La Tour followed
, him closely , and was on the I 2 tb at Psaffenboven . As General Moreau seemed to direct his march towards Neubnrg , where it was supposed he would repass the Danube , General NauendoriKcrossed the river below that place , in order to watch his motions ; and on ! he 14 th engaged a serious affair with ' his Rearguard , in which the Austrians look one piece of cannon , and upwards of a thousand prisoners . I have the honour to be , & . c .
ROEEKT A \ STt ! UTllEP , Captain 3 d Guards ^' The third letter is dated " Head Quarters of His Royal Hi ghness the Archduke CtiAiu . its , Weinheim , Sept . 28 , 1796 , and contains a detail of the operations of a division of the Austrian Armv , under the command of Lieutenant-General Pelrasch ; by which it appears that on the 17 th he obtained possession