Article THE COLLECTOR. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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The Collector.
CABDS SPIRITUALIZED . ' ONE Richard Middleton , a soldier , attending divine service with the rest of the regiment in a church at Glasgow , instead of pulling out a bible , like his brother soldiers , to find the parson ' s ; text , spread a pack of cards before him . This singular behaviour did not long pass unnoticedboth by tlie clergyman and Serjeant of the company
, to which he belonged . The latter in particular commanded him to put up the cards ; and on his refusal conducted him , after church , before ' the mayor , to whom he preferred a formal complaint of Richard ' s indecent behaviour during divine service . ' Wei !; soldier , ' said the nriycr , ' what excuse have you to offer for this strange , scandalous conduct ? * If can assi reason for it ' tis well ; but if
you gn any , you cannot , assure yourself that I will cause you to be ' severely punished . ' ' Since your honour is so good , ' replied Richard , ' as to permit me to speak for myself , an ' t please your worship , I have been eight days upon the march , with a bare allowance of six-pence a day , which your honour will surely allow is hardly sufficient to maintain a man in meatdrinkwashingand . other necessaries ; and consequentlythat
, , , , he may want a bible , prayer-book , or any other good book . ' On saying this , Richard drew out his pack of cards , and presenting one of the aces to the mayor , continued his address as follows : ' When I see an ace , may it please your honour , its reminds mt : that there is only one God ; and when I look on a two or a three , the former puts me in mind of the Father and Son ; the latter , of the
Father , Son , and Holy Ghost-. A four calls to my remembrance tha four Evangelists , Mathew , Mark , Luke , and John ; a five , the wise virgins who were ordered to trim their lamps , ( there were ten indeed , but five , your worship may remember , were wise and five were foolish ) ; a six , that in six days God created heaven and earth ; a seven , that on the seventh day he rested from all that he had made ; an ei gbt ,-oftha eight righteous persons preserved from the delugeviz . Noah and
, his wife , with his three sons and their wives ; a nine , of the lepers cleansed by our Saviour ; there were fen , but one only returned to offer his tribute of thanks ; and a ten of the ten commandments . ' Richard then took the knave , placed it beside him , and passed on to the queen , on which he observed as follows : ' This queen reminds me of thequeen of Sheba , who came from the
uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon ; as her companion the king does of the great King of Heaven , and of King-George the Third . ' ' Well , ' returned the mayor , ' you have given me a very good description of all the cards except tbe knave . ' ' If your honour will not be angry with me , ' returned Richard , 'J ean ive you the same satisfaction on that as any in the pack . ' ' No "
g , said the mayor . 'Well , ' resumed the . soldier , 'the greatest knave 1 know is the serjeant who brought me before you . ' ' I don ' t know , ' replied the mayor , ' whether he is the greatest knave or no ; but I am sure he is the greatest fool . ' The soldier then continued as follows ; ' When I count the number
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Collector.
CABDS SPIRITUALIZED . ' ONE Richard Middleton , a soldier , attending divine service with the rest of the regiment in a church at Glasgow , instead of pulling out a bible , like his brother soldiers , to find the parson ' s ; text , spread a pack of cards before him . This singular behaviour did not long pass unnoticedboth by tlie clergyman and Serjeant of the company
, to which he belonged . The latter in particular commanded him to put up the cards ; and on his refusal conducted him , after church , before ' the mayor , to whom he preferred a formal complaint of Richard ' s indecent behaviour during divine service . ' Wei !; soldier , ' said the nriycr , ' what excuse have you to offer for this strange , scandalous conduct ? * If can assi reason for it ' tis well ; but if
you gn any , you cannot , assure yourself that I will cause you to be ' severely punished . ' ' Since your honour is so good , ' replied Richard , ' as to permit me to speak for myself , an ' t please your worship , I have been eight days upon the march , with a bare allowance of six-pence a day , which your honour will surely allow is hardly sufficient to maintain a man in meatdrinkwashingand . other necessaries ; and consequentlythat
, , , , he may want a bible , prayer-book , or any other good book . ' On saying this , Richard drew out his pack of cards , and presenting one of the aces to the mayor , continued his address as follows : ' When I see an ace , may it please your honour , its reminds mt : that there is only one God ; and when I look on a two or a three , the former puts me in mind of the Father and Son ; the latter , of the
Father , Son , and Holy Ghost-. A four calls to my remembrance tha four Evangelists , Mathew , Mark , Luke , and John ; a five , the wise virgins who were ordered to trim their lamps , ( there were ten indeed , but five , your worship may remember , were wise and five were foolish ) ; a six , that in six days God created heaven and earth ; a seven , that on the seventh day he rested from all that he had made ; an ei gbt ,-oftha eight righteous persons preserved from the delugeviz . Noah and
, his wife , with his three sons and their wives ; a nine , of the lepers cleansed by our Saviour ; there were fen , but one only returned to offer his tribute of thanks ; and a ten of the ten commandments . ' Richard then took the knave , placed it beside him , and passed on to the queen , on which he observed as follows : ' This queen reminds me of thequeen of Sheba , who came from the
uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon ; as her companion the king does of the great King of Heaven , and of King-George the Third . ' ' Well , ' returned the mayor , ' you have given me a very good description of all the cards except tbe knave . ' ' If your honour will not be angry with me , ' returned Richard , 'J ean ive you the same satisfaction on that as any in the pack . ' ' No "
g , said the mayor . 'Well , ' resumed the . soldier , 'the greatest knave 1 know is the serjeant who brought me before you . ' ' I don ' t know , ' replied the mayor , ' whether he is the greatest knave or no ; but I am sure he is the greatest fool . ' The soldier then continued as follows ; ' When I count the number