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Notice To Correspondents.
A—1 . If a Brother have been regularly appointed and has sewed as Warden of a warranted Lodge for one 3 'ear , he is eligible for Master . The question turns upon the construction of the term warranted Lodge : taking a confined view , it would be limited to a warranted Lodge under the English Constitution ; but , as wo contend for the most liberal construction , ive should hold the meaning to be any warranted Lodge constituted by regular Masonic authority , and that therefore a Scotch Warden , joining an English Lodge , ivould he eligible to the chair . 2 . Not Absolutely necessary , though very proper .
3 . No - . unless nncourteous or disrespectful terms are used . 4 , _ If the P . Q . M . does any act at variance with the Constitutions , such as appointing a Brother to the G-rand Warden's chair who is not a Past Master , or Actual Master , the P . Gr . L . has a right to question his authority , and may bring the matter before the Grand Master here .
5 . If a Brother has been duly installed into any office , he would , on leaving it , be entitled to rank as a past Grand Officer . "NOVITIATE . "—We refer the Brother who asks , "Is Freemasonry , as practised under the English constitution at the present day , a system of pure Deism , or a type of Christianity , and what has been the generally received opinion amongst its professors ^ throughout all agesV to our paper , " Trevilian on Freemasonry , " which we think will satisfactory resolve the question . Independently of tliis , howeverwe think the Sermon recentlpreached before the PGrLof Stafford
, y . . . - shire , by the V . W . the Eev . J . E . Cox , Grand Chaplain , ivill also give the most satisfactory evidence that , were Deism taught or inculcated by Freemasonry , neither he , nor his Bro . the J . W . Grand Chaplain the Eev . J . W . Gleadall , nor an immense number of clerical Brethren , would remain members of the Craft , and ardent admirers of its principles . . P . M . —Undoubtedly ! If every Jewish Brother were to interpret the ritual of the M . M . Degree , according to its spirit , the occasions would be much more frequent .
HUMANITAS —The result complained of is not more discreditable to Masonry , than similar instances would be in many other excellent charities . Unless exertions be made , success is impossible . The table of "The Waggoner and Hercules , " ivould be an appropriate reply to the complaints alledged against the Committee of the Masonic Annuity Fund , in this instance and many others . JAN . T—We beg to acknowledge the receipt of several papers , ivhich pressure upon our pages have prevented us from inserting .
ERRATA LIST . A full reference will be given to the unavoidable errors of the first number of the " Freemasons Quarterly Magazine and Keview " at the close of the volume , as well as of any other inaccuracies that may occur in the hurry of printing . OWING to the inability of the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor and the
Sheriffs to attend at St . Helen ' s Church , Bishopsgate , on Sunday , the 30 th ultimo , the Sermon , by the V . W . the Rev . J . E . Cox , Grand Chaplain , in aid of the funds of the " Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , " originally announced for the morning of that day , has been unavoidabl y postponed to Sunday morning , July 14 th , when , it is hoped , that there may he a large attendance of the Brethren and a liberal collection .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notice To Correspondents.
A—1 . If a Brother have been regularly appointed and has sewed as Warden of a warranted Lodge for one 3 'ear , he is eligible for Master . The question turns upon the construction of the term warranted Lodge : taking a confined view , it would be limited to a warranted Lodge under the English Constitution ; but , as wo contend for the most liberal construction , ive should hold the meaning to be any warranted Lodge constituted by regular Masonic authority , and that therefore a Scotch Warden , joining an English Lodge , ivould he eligible to the chair . 2 . Not Absolutely necessary , though very proper .
3 . No - . unless nncourteous or disrespectful terms are used . 4 , _ If the P . Q . M . does any act at variance with the Constitutions , such as appointing a Brother to the G-rand Warden's chair who is not a Past Master , or Actual Master , the P . Gr . L . has a right to question his authority , and may bring the matter before the Grand Master here .
5 . If a Brother has been duly installed into any office , he would , on leaving it , be entitled to rank as a past Grand Officer . "NOVITIATE . "—We refer the Brother who asks , "Is Freemasonry , as practised under the English constitution at the present day , a system of pure Deism , or a type of Christianity , and what has been the generally received opinion amongst its professors ^ throughout all agesV to our paper , " Trevilian on Freemasonry , " which we think will satisfactory resolve the question . Independently of tliis , howeverwe think the Sermon recentlpreached before the PGrLof Stafford
, y . . . - shire , by the V . W . the Eev . J . E . Cox , Grand Chaplain , ivill also give the most satisfactory evidence that , were Deism taught or inculcated by Freemasonry , neither he , nor his Bro . the J . W . Grand Chaplain the Eev . J . W . Gleadall , nor an immense number of clerical Brethren , would remain members of the Craft , and ardent admirers of its principles . . P . M . —Undoubtedly ! If every Jewish Brother were to interpret the ritual of the M . M . Degree , according to its spirit , the occasions would be much more frequent .
HUMANITAS —The result complained of is not more discreditable to Masonry , than similar instances would be in many other excellent charities . Unless exertions be made , success is impossible . The table of "The Waggoner and Hercules , " ivould be an appropriate reply to the complaints alledged against the Committee of the Masonic Annuity Fund , in this instance and many others . JAN . T—We beg to acknowledge the receipt of several papers , ivhich pressure upon our pages have prevented us from inserting .
ERRATA LIST . A full reference will be given to the unavoidable errors of the first number of the " Freemasons Quarterly Magazine and Keview " at the close of the volume , as well as of any other inaccuracies that may occur in the hurry of printing . OWING to the inability of the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor and the
Sheriffs to attend at St . Helen ' s Church , Bishopsgate , on Sunday , the 30 th ultimo , the Sermon , by the V . W . the Rev . J . E . Cox , Grand Chaplain , in aid of the funds of the " Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , " originally announced for the morning of that day , has been unavoidabl y postponed to Sunday morning , July 14 th , when , it is hoped , that there may he a large attendance of the Brethren and a liberal collection .