Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 17 of 19 →
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at his loss , and of recording their sentiments of high admiration , for the talent and ability whicli distinguished bim through his long- ancl useful Masonic carer . To his active benevolence and untiring zeal , the Craft are indebted for that valuable institution , tbe . Asylum for Worthy , Aged , and Decayed Freemasons , of which he was until his death , the highly respected ancl much esteemed Treasurer . To his practical illustration of many of our most sublime and beautiful Alasonic emblems may be
ascribed much of the emulation which exists among the noviciates of the Order ; and to the anxious care ancl solicitude which he for many years manifested towards this Lodge , may be attributed a great portion of its present prosperity and usefulness , " thereupon it was proposed by Bro . John Herve , Treasurer ; seconded by Bro . Joseph AVilliam Mountain , Honorary Secretary ; and resolved unanimously , "That the above resolution be written ou vellum , framed and glazed , and hung iu a conspicuous part of the Lodge . "
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE , No . 329 . —The Brethren of this Lodge met , as usual , at Radley ' s Hotel , on the second Thursday in January , when that worthy Mason and talented Artist , Bro . Edwin D . Smith , was installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was most efficiently and impressively performed by the Immediate P . M . Bro . Graves , whose careful study and correct practice entitle him to the hihest commendation as a .
g AVorking Mason . Bro . Smith commences his career as AV . M . with the assistance of a most efficient staff of officers . Bro . R . Costa , ivhose proficiency in Masonry affords satisfactory promise of his future eminence in the Craft—rilling the Senior Warden's chair ; whilst that of the J . AV . is filled by his Bro . M . Costa ( the distinguished composer and pre-eminent conductor ) whose diligence in the acquisition and zeal iu the
performance of his Masonic duties are highly creditable to him . The Rev . Bro . Ferris , on his reappointment as Chaplain to the Lodge , delivered a brief but eloquent address to the Brethren , directing their attention to the beautiful lessons of morality and brotherly love inculcated by Freemasonry , and exhorting them to the practice of the virtues which it enjoins , as the sure means to their own happiness , and of promoting peace and good-will among mankind .
The banquet provided by Bro . Radley was worthy the good taste and liberality of the Host , and tbe established reputation of the house . On the removal of the cloth , the beautiful canon composed by Bro . M . Costa , ancl presented by bim to the Lodge , was sung with more than usual effect ; the Bros . Rausford and other visitors kindly taking part , in the performance . AVhen the health of the Visitors was proposed , one of the guests , an
officer who had served many years in India , in acknowled ging the compliment , stated how highly Freemasonry was appreciated in that country , and how well its princi ples were understood and piactised there—as au instance of which he narrated the following anecdote : — On one occasion at a dinner party in India , he found himself seated by the side of a Native merchant , whom he discovered to be a Brother Mason . Their recognition of each other as members of the Fraternity , p laced them at once on the most friendly footing-, and heightened the pleasure of their social intercourse . After the entertainment had concluded and they were about to part , his newly-
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at his loss , and of recording their sentiments of high admiration , for the talent and ability whicli distinguished bim through his long- ancl useful Masonic carer . To his active benevolence and untiring zeal , the Craft are indebted for that valuable institution , tbe . Asylum for Worthy , Aged , and Decayed Freemasons , of which he was until his death , the highly respected ancl much esteemed Treasurer . To his practical illustration of many of our most sublime and beautiful Alasonic emblems may be
ascribed much of the emulation which exists among the noviciates of the Order ; and to the anxious care ancl solicitude which he for many years manifested towards this Lodge , may be attributed a great portion of its present prosperity and usefulness , " thereupon it was proposed by Bro . John Herve , Treasurer ; seconded by Bro . Joseph AVilliam Mountain , Honorary Secretary ; and resolved unanimously , "That the above resolution be written ou vellum , framed and glazed , and hung iu a conspicuous part of the Lodge . "
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE , No . 329 . —The Brethren of this Lodge met , as usual , at Radley ' s Hotel , on the second Thursday in January , when that worthy Mason and talented Artist , Bro . Edwin D . Smith , was installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was most efficiently and impressively performed by the Immediate P . M . Bro . Graves , whose careful study and correct practice entitle him to the hihest commendation as a .
g AVorking Mason . Bro . Smith commences his career as AV . M . with the assistance of a most efficient staff of officers . Bro . R . Costa , ivhose proficiency in Masonry affords satisfactory promise of his future eminence in the Craft—rilling the Senior Warden's chair ; whilst that of the J . AV . is filled by his Bro . M . Costa ( the distinguished composer and pre-eminent conductor ) whose diligence in the acquisition and zeal iu the
performance of his Masonic duties are highly creditable to him . The Rev . Bro . Ferris , on his reappointment as Chaplain to the Lodge , delivered a brief but eloquent address to the Brethren , directing their attention to the beautiful lessons of morality and brotherly love inculcated by Freemasonry , and exhorting them to the practice of the virtues which it enjoins , as the sure means to their own happiness , and of promoting peace and good-will among mankind .
The banquet provided by Bro . Radley was worthy the good taste and liberality of the Host , and tbe established reputation of the house . On the removal of the cloth , the beautiful canon composed by Bro . M . Costa , ancl presented by bim to the Lodge , was sung with more than usual effect ; the Bros . Rausford and other visitors kindly taking part , in the performance . AVhen the health of the Visitors was proposed , one of the guests , an
officer who had served many years in India , in acknowled ging the compliment , stated how highly Freemasonry was appreciated in that country , and how well its princi ples were understood and piactised there—as au instance of which he narrated the following anecdote : — On one occasion at a dinner party in India , he found himself seated by the side of a Native merchant , whom he discovered to be a Brother Mason . Their recognition of each other as members of the Fraternity , p laced them at once on the most friendly footing-, and heightened the pleasure of their social intercourse . After the entertainment had concluded and they were about to part , his newly-