Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 18 of 21 →
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be . regretted they are not more trrnernl . Dining the lodge hours the AV . M . Bro . James Franks presented the tri'mtc , accompanied with a testimonial signed by the subscribers , to Bro . Townsend ; and in a very eloquent and a feeling address , pointed out to the younger members the necessity of application to their Masonic studies , to meet a reward similar to tbe one now presented to their late AV . M . Bro . Townsend returnedthanks iu a lengthened speech , and the lodge was closed in due form .
SOJIERSET . —Taunton , February 12 . —A vast number of Masons from distant parts of the Province paid the Taunton Lodge the great compliment of assisting in the solemn ceremonies usually observed inconsig-ning-. tbe remains of a deceased brother to their final resting-place . On this occasion , tbe sentiment ivhich induced the attendance of the brethren was-manifest in its genuine Masonic character . It was neither pride of birth or station , nor exhibition of gorgeous pageantry , whicli
prompted the sojourning of so many brethren to the valley of the shallow of death ; for the deceased , Bro . Davey , was a worthy , althoughhumble Mason , and held the most inferior office in the Taunton Lodge . To Bro . Bales White and the older Past Masters of this distinguished lodge the arrangements were entrusted by the R . AA . the Prov . G . M ., Col . Tynte . The arrangements , as far as the brethren ii ere concerned , met the warmest approbation of all , for the laudable simplicity and
absence of flaunting banners and other ostentatious display ivhich too often characterise the " pomp and circumstance" of burying the dead . It was observed that the brethren were decorated with the many and various jewels of the Order and Degrees which they had won : this is precisely as it should be , and worn at precisely the proper time—it was the maximum of individual honour to the remains of even the "Tyler " who was worthand presents a goodly lecture te such as are apt to
y , ridicule the mysterious Fraternity . Very few' of the Taunton Lodge were noted as absent on this occasion ; and we are convinced that the pressing necessities of their other avocations alone prevented their joining- in the mournful and truly Masonic ceremonies of the day . The procession , enumerating nearly one hundred brethren moved from the Lodge-room at half-past eleven , in the following-
—ORDER OF PROCESSIONA Tyler , mill staff or wand . Visiting Brethren antl Lodges , two ancl two , Juniors preceding . Past Members and Members of tlie Taunton Lotlge , with white wands-Officers of ditto with elitlo .
W . Master , attendee ! by two Deacous , with ditto . Stewart ! with wand . Visiting Prov . Grand Past antl Present Officers . Acting Grand Officers , Somerset . Deputy Prov . Grant ! Master . A Grant ! Pursuivant , or Tyler . B . W . P . G . Master for Dorset , attendee ! by two Grand Officers of Dorset .
A Grant ! Tyler . E . AV . P . G . Master for Somerset , attended by two Grand Oflicers , and ' Grand Stewards . A Grand Tyler . A . Steward ,- with staff ami crape , walked on each side of Tlie Coffin .
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be . regretted they are not more trrnernl . Dining the lodge hours the AV . M . Bro . James Franks presented the tri'mtc , accompanied with a testimonial signed by the subscribers , to Bro . Townsend ; and in a very eloquent and a feeling address , pointed out to the younger members the necessity of application to their Masonic studies , to meet a reward similar to tbe one now presented to their late AV . M . Bro . Townsend returnedthanks iu a lengthened speech , and the lodge was closed in due form .
SOJIERSET . —Taunton , February 12 . —A vast number of Masons from distant parts of the Province paid the Taunton Lodge the great compliment of assisting in the solemn ceremonies usually observed inconsig-ning-. tbe remains of a deceased brother to their final resting-place . On this occasion , tbe sentiment ivhich induced the attendance of the brethren was-manifest in its genuine Masonic character . It was neither pride of birth or station , nor exhibition of gorgeous pageantry , whicli
prompted the sojourning of so many brethren to the valley of the shallow of death ; for the deceased , Bro . Davey , was a worthy , althoughhumble Mason , and held the most inferior office in the Taunton Lodge . To Bro . Bales White and the older Past Masters of this distinguished lodge the arrangements were entrusted by the R . AA . the Prov . G . M ., Col . Tynte . The arrangements , as far as the brethren ii ere concerned , met the warmest approbation of all , for the laudable simplicity and
absence of flaunting banners and other ostentatious display ivhich too often characterise the " pomp and circumstance" of burying the dead . It was observed that the brethren were decorated with the many and various jewels of the Order and Degrees which they had won : this is precisely as it should be , and worn at precisely the proper time—it was the maximum of individual honour to the remains of even the "Tyler " who was worthand presents a goodly lecture te such as are apt to
y , ridicule the mysterious Fraternity . Very few' of the Taunton Lodge were noted as absent on this occasion ; and we are convinced that the pressing necessities of their other avocations alone prevented their joining- in the mournful and truly Masonic ceremonies of the day . The procession , enumerating nearly one hundred brethren moved from the Lodge-room at half-past eleven , in the following-
—ORDER OF PROCESSIONA Tyler , mill staff or wand . Visiting Brethren antl Lodges , two ancl two , Juniors preceding . Past Members and Members of tlie Taunton Lotlge , with white wands-Officers of ditto with elitlo .
W . Master , attendee ! by two Deacous , with ditto . Stewart ! with wand . Visiting Prov . Grand Past antl Present Officers . Acting Grand Officers , Somerset . Deputy Prov . Grant ! Master . A Grant ! Pursuivant , or Tyler . B . W . P . G . Master for Dorset , attendee ! by two Grand Officers of Dorset .
A Grant ! Tyler . E . AV . P . G . Master for Somerset , attended by two Grand Oflicers , and ' Grand Stewards . A Grand Tyler . A . Steward ,- with staff ami crape , walked on each side of Tlie Coffin .