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by ivhich they obtained the honour of P . AV . M . whether by election or rotation , when in fact they were n it able to open a locbre , and never had either opened or closed one , or were even able to filfdecently any situation iu one . If the R . \ V . Masters of Scotland , by their votes should be induced to reject this motion , they would , in fact , declare to the whole Craft that M . P . ' s are not fit to be members of the Grand Lodgeancl thateven in their own opinionthey were unlit to be trusted .
, , , The brother who proposed tbe withdrawal of strangers , replied , deprecating the use ofsuch language in the Grand Lod ge , which he considered to be disgraceful . Un the vote being taken , about ten members ofthe Grand Lodge voted for the admission of Past . Masters ; a considerable majority were , however , of a different opinion , and negatived the measure . The next
motions" That Law 11 , of Cap . xix . be altered , ancl read hereafter as follows : Notwithstanding that this fund is intended for the relief of Scottish Masons whose names are duly Registered as prescribed by Section VI ., their Wives and Children , the Committee may , in cases of extraordinary distress , aiford relief lo unregistered Brethren , their Widows and Children , and to Brethren & e . as in Statutes . "
[ N OTE . —The words in italics are the proposed alterations in the existing Statute . ] " And that the Grand Loclge empowers the Grand Committee to inquire as to the possibility of getting accommodation for the Properties of the Grand Lotlge , and to report at next Quarterly Communication . "
were postponed for want of time , as the brethren were anxious to take the next matter into consideration , which hacl drawn so many of them together . This was , the Report of Committee appointed at pro re nata Meeting on 2 lst January , as to management of Funds raised in 1837 , "for educating and advancing tbe prospects in life ofthe Daughters of indigent and deceased Freemasons . " After a very lengthened and stormy discussion , it was agreed that tbe subscribers should meet the
Grand Loclge , in order to make arrangemements for carrying out the intentions of the first subscribers . The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the appointment of the Grand Committee for 1850-51 ; and , after some other routine business , terminated an apparentl y unsatisfactory meetinf .
ABERDEEN , March . —The Craft , in this eity , is steadily improving . The election of four young R . AV . Masters to the chairs of as many lodges , may have served to give an additional impetus to the Masonic enthusiasm , which has heen manifested by the brethren for the last two years . Since the annual elections , in December , tbe lodges have all been in active operation , more or less , with the exception of the Operative Lodge . Candidates for the honour of admission have far between all the
neither been few nor ; lodges , except the one previously noticed , have been entering , passing , aud raising—some of them adhering to lhe _ old _ plan of giving the three degrees at onceothers resolutely maintaining , aiding , and abetting the march-of-iml provement , and giving only one step at a time . The new hall has proved attractive to many who had given up attending loclge meetings ; and the new system ( strict observance ) , if properly carried out , will tend very mucli to make tbem regular visitors on lodge-nights . The meetings in the new hall are , at present , on Monday , Tuesday and AVednesday ; two Lodges and one Chapter one week , alternatel y
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
by ivhich they obtained the honour of P . AV . M . whether by election or rotation , when in fact they were n it able to open a locbre , and never had either opened or closed one , or were even able to filfdecently any situation iu one . If the R . \ V . Masters of Scotland , by their votes should be induced to reject this motion , they would , in fact , declare to the whole Craft that M . P . ' s are not fit to be members of the Grand Lodgeancl thateven in their own opinionthey were unlit to be trusted .
, , , The brother who proposed tbe withdrawal of strangers , replied , deprecating the use ofsuch language in the Grand Lod ge , which he considered to be disgraceful . Un the vote being taken , about ten members ofthe Grand Lodge voted for the admission of Past . Masters ; a considerable majority were , however , of a different opinion , and negatived the measure . The next
motions" That Law 11 , of Cap . xix . be altered , ancl read hereafter as follows : Notwithstanding that this fund is intended for the relief of Scottish Masons whose names are duly Registered as prescribed by Section VI ., their Wives and Children , the Committee may , in cases of extraordinary distress , aiford relief lo unregistered Brethren , their Widows and Children , and to Brethren & e . as in Statutes . "
[ N OTE . —The words in italics are the proposed alterations in the existing Statute . ] " And that the Grand Loclge empowers the Grand Committee to inquire as to the possibility of getting accommodation for the Properties of the Grand Lotlge , and to report at next Quarterly Communication . "
were postponed for want of time , as the brethren were anxious to take the next matter into consideration , which hacl drawn so many of them together . This was , the Report of Committee appointed at pro re nata Meeting on 2 lst January , as to management of Funds raised in 1837 , "for educating and advancing tbe prospects in life ofthe Daughters of indigent and deceased Freemasons . " After a very lengthened and stormy discussion , it was agreed that tbe subscribers should meet the
Grand Loclge , in order to make arrangemements for carrying out the intentions of the first subscribers . The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the appointment of the Grand Committee for 1850-51 ; and , after some other routine business , terminated an apparentl y unsatisfactory meetinf .
ABERDEEN , March . —The Craft , in this eity , is steadily improving . The election of four young R . AV . Masters to the chairs of as many lodges , may have served to give an additional impetus to the Masonic enthusiasm , which has heen manifested by the brethren for the last two years . Since the annual elections , in December , tbe lodges have all been in active operation , more or less , with the exception of the Operative Lodge . Candidates for the honour of admission have far between all the
neither been few nor ; lodges , except the one previously noticed , have been entering , passing , aud raising—some of them adhering to lhe _ old _ plan of giving the three degrees at onceothers resolutely maintaining , aiding , and abetting the march-of-iml provement , and giving only one step at a time . The new hall has proved attractive to many who had given up attending loclge meetings ; and the new system ( strict observance ) , if properly carried out , will tend very mucli to make tbem regular visitors on lodge-nights . The meetings in the new hall are , at present , on Monday , Tuesday and AVednesday ; two Lodges and one Chapter one week , alternatel y