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with the same number the next week ; and Friday , once a fortnight , the K . ' (' . Kncampmcnt occupy it . Seven Masonic bodies have now availed themselves of this commodious loclge room—Lodges , Nos . 54 , 93 , 110 , and 190 ; and Royal Arch Chapters , Nos . 21 and 30 . May prosperity aud success crown the endeavours , of the brethren , who atlvocate improvement and correct working in Scotch Masonry !
The following are the Office-bearers of the Aberdeen Lodges , elected Dec . 27 , 1849 : — No . 31—Aberdeen Lodge . Place of meeting , Aberdeen Hotel . Alexander Hadden , of Persley , R . AV . M . ; James Marshall , S . S . C ., Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; John Allan , S . AV . ; Georg-e Smith , J . W . ; Charles Winchester , Secretary . . No . 54—St . Machar's Lodge . New Masonic Hall . James Rettie ,
R . W . M . ; Isaac Macbray , P . M . ; John Cameron , Nicholson-street , Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; AVilliam Ramage , S . W . ; D . Robertson , J . AV . ; AVilliam Duthie , Treasurer and Secretary . No . 93—St . Nicholas Lodge . New Alasonic Flail . Charles Mitchell ,. R . AV . M . ; Alexander AVallace , P . M . ; Edward Main , Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; Robert Findlay , S . AV . ; James Farquhar , G . AA " . ; Av illiam MollisonSecretary .
, No . 110—Nt . Andrew's Lodge . New Masonic Hall . H . A . Dewar , R . AV . M . ; AA'illiam Ramage , P . AI . ; Alexander Cowie , Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; Andrew Masson , S . AV . ; Alexander Collie , J . AV . ; Arthur Cowie , Secretary . No . 150—Operative Lodge St . James' .- Hall , Mutton Brae . Former Office-bearers selected . No . 164—Old Aberdeen Loclge . Town Hall , Old Aberdeen .
Alexander Stables , jun ., R . AV . M . ; Alexander Stables , sen ., P . M . ; ( no Proxy Master elected ); Thomas Leask , S . AV . ; James Jaffiay , J . AA ' . ; George Grub , Secretary . No . 190—St . George Lodge . New Alasonic Hall . AA'illiam H . Griffith , R . AV . M . ; John Jamieson , P . M . ; James Uettie , 7 , Thistlestreet , Aberdeen , Proxy Master ; James Harvey , S . AA . ; Robert Houston , J . W . ; Henry Pringle , Secretary .
GLASGOW . —The Masonic ball came off on Thursday night , Feb . 28 , within the Trades' Hall . The entrance-staircase and ball-room were tastefully decorated with Masonic emblems , intermingled with choice evergreens , which had a very agreeable , and , at tbe same time , refreshing effect to the eye . Among- other distinguished parties present were—Sheriff Alison , Mrs . and Aliss Alison , Sir James Campbell ; Mr . and Mrs . VA aldrondof Calder Park ; Mr . and Airs . Glasgow ,
, Ancheneath ; Air . and Mrs . Finlay , Eastcrfield ; Miss Macneill , Ardlussa ; Professor Ramsay ; Professor Arnntt ; Major Thompson , Captain Watson , Air . Barnes , Mr . Rhodes , Mr . Downing , and Mr . Thompson , of the 27 th ; Captain Mullen ; Lieutenant Ttutdy , EA ., & s . Danting commenced a few minutes before ten o ' clock , lo the strains of Thompson's quadrille band , alternating with tbe fine band of tbe 27 thunder the able leadershiof Mr . AA ' allacc . Quadrille ,
, p waltz , polka , and country dance , rapidly succeeded each cither , without apparent fatigue to tbe gay throng who had met to " chase the glowii g hotii- with living feet , " and , not till near two o'clock ivere there ai . y symptoms of breaking up . VOL . i . a
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with the same number the next week ; and Friday , once a fortnight , the K . ' (' . Kncampmcnt occupy it . Seven Masonic bodies have now availed themselves of this commodious loclge room—Lodges , Nos . 54 , 93 , 110 , and 190 ; and Royal Arch Chapters , Nos . 21 and 30 . May prosperity aud success crown the endeavours , of the brethren , who atlvocate improvement and correct working in Scotch Masonry !
The following are the Office-bearers of the Aberdeen Lodges , elected Dec . 27 , 1849 : — No . 31—Aberdeen Lodge . Place of meeting , Aberdeen Hotel . Alexander Hadden , of Persley , R . AV . M . ; James Marshall , S . S . C ., Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; John Allan , S . AV . ; Georg-e Smith , J . W . ; Charles Winchester , Secretary . . No . 54—St . Machar's Lodge . New Masonic Hall . James Rettie ,
R . W . M . ; Isaac Macbray , P . M . ; John Cameron , Nicholson-street , Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; AVilliam Ramage , S . W . ; D . Robertson , J . AV . ; AVilliam Duthie , Treasurer and Secretary . No . 93—St . Nicholas Lodge . New Alasonic Flail . Charles Mitchell ,. R . AV . M . ; Alexander AVallace , P . M . ; Edward Main , Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; Robert Findlay , S . AV . ; James Farquhar , G . AA " . ; Av illiam MollisonSecretary .
, No . 110—Nt . Andrew's Lodge . New Masonic Hall . H . A . Dewar , R . AV . M . ; AA'illiam Ramage , P . AI . ; Alexander Cowie , Edinburgh , Proxy Master ; Andrew Masson , S . AV . ; Alexander Collie , J . AV . ; Arthur Cowie , Secretary . No . 150—Operative Lodge St . James' .- Hall , Mutton Brae . Former Office-bearers selected . No . 164—Old Aberdeen Loclge . Town Hall , Old Aberdeen .
Alexander Stables , jun ., R . AV . M . ; Alexander Stables , sen ., P . M . ; ( no Proxy Master elected ); Thomas Leask , S . AV . ; James Jaffiay , J . AA ' . ; George Grub , Secretary . No . 190—St . George Lodge . New Alasonic Hall . AA'illiam H . Griffith , R . AV . M . ; John Jamieson , P . M . ; James Uettie , 7 , Thistlestreet , Aberdeen , Proxy Master ; James Harvey , S . AA . ; Robert Houston , J . W . ; Henry Pringle , Secretary .
GLASGOW . —The Masonic ball came off on Thursday night , Feb . 28 , within the Trades' Hall . The entrance-staircase and ball-room were tastefully decorated with Masonic emblems , intermingled with choice evergreens , which had a very agreeable , and , at tbe same time , refreshing effect to the eye . Among- other distinguished parties present were—Sheriff Alison , Mrs . and Aliss Alison , Sir James Campbell ; Mr . and Mrs . VA aldrondof Calder Park ; Mr . and Airs . Glasgow ,
, Ancheneath ; Air . and Mrs . Finlay , Eastcrfield ; Miss Macneill , Ardlussa ; Professor Ramsay ; Professor Arnntt ; Major Thompson , Captain Watson , Air . Barnes , Mr . Rhodes , Mr . Downing , and Mr . Thompson , of the 27 th ; Captain Mullen ; Lieutenant Ttutdy , EA ., & s . Danting commenced a few minutes before ten o ' clock , lo the strains of Thompson's quadrille band , alternating with tbe fine band of tbe 27 thunder the able leadershiof Mr . AA ' allacc . Quadrille ,
, p waltz , polka , and country dance , rapidly succeeded each cither , without apparent fatigue to tbe gay throng who had met to " chase the glowii g hotii- with living feet , " and , not till near two o'clock ivere there ai . y symptoms of breaking up . VOL . i . a