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The Provincial Grand Secretary announced the receipt , from the United Grand Loclge of England , of AVurrants for the two new Lodges , viz ., " Charily , " at Umballa , and " Good Feeling , " at Agra ; the AV arrant for the former being * numbered 823 , and that for the latter 822 . These Lodges were hitherto borne on the Provincial Grand Loclge Register— " Charity" as No . 30 and " Good Feeling" as No . 31 ; but in consequence ofthe numbers assigned to tbem in their AVarrants by the United Grand Lodge , it hacl become necessary to reverse their positions in tbis Province—Lodge " Good Feeling " taking precedence of Lodge " Charity" by being placed in the Register immediately above it . On
the proposition of the Officiating-Provincial Grand Alaster , seconded by R . AV . Bro . Chaunce , it was resolved that the above alteration take place accordingly . The Provincial Grand Secretary was about reading a communication from Lodge " Social Friendship , " No . 326 , Madras , intimating the exclusion of a Brother from that Lodge , when he was stopped by the Officiating Provincial Grand Master , who remarked , that as there was now a Provincial Grand Lodge at Aladras , it ivould be irregular to
receive an } ' direct communication from the Craft Lodges working under its Hiram , as all matters connected with Madras Masonry ought to be notified to other Provincial Grand Lodges by the Provincial Grand Lodge of that district ; ancl that a letter to that effect be addressed to Lodge "Social Friendship . " Hereupon , a discussion ensued as to the expediency of having the letter read , notwithstanding- the informality pointed out by the Officiating- Provincial Grand Master ; with the view that the Lodges in Bengal might be put in possession of the name of
the excluded Brother and the cause of ins exclusion , in order that they mig ht be enabled to exercise their discretion in admitting him into their Lodges either as a Visitor or Member , should he be in Calcutta and present himself as a Alason ; but the Officiating Provincial Grand Master observed , that the communication not having come to this Grand Loclge through the proper medium , it coulcl not be known whether the Brother had been excluded on sufficient grounds aud that it had been confirmed by the ruling authority of tbe Province of Aladrasancl that
, therefore he conceived it would be altog-ether deviating from tbe regular course to make use of the letter in any way . He would accordingly propose ( if no amendments took precedence of his proposition ) his motion for the adoption of the Provincial Grand Lodge ; which , being seconded hy V . AV . Brother Staunton , was carried hy a majority . The Provincial Grand Secretary was instructed to reply to the letter from Lodge " Social Friendship , " in accordance therewith .
The Provincial Grand Secretary intimated , tbat he had been this evening handed a letter by V . AV . Brother Staunton , addressed by A . AV . Brother AV . A . Laurie ( Grand Secretary of Scotland ) to the R . W . Brother Major F . W . Birch , bearing date the 18 th July last , an extract from ivhich was read , and ordered to he recorded in the proceedings of this evening , for general information . The Officiating Provincial Grand Alaster then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge with advertence to a recent circumstance which had
occurred in one of the Lodges in Calcutta , viz ., that of recognising as a visitor , a brother who had been initiated in the Intrusive Scottish Loclge , but which he was disposed to ascribe to a mistaken view of the position in which that brother stood , notwithstanding that it was alleged he hacl dissevered his connection with the Intrusive Loclge . He then
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Provincial Grand Secretary announced the receipt , from the United Grand Loclge of England , of AVurrants for the two new Lodges , viz ., " Charily , " at Umballa , and " Good Feeling , " at Agra ; the AV arrant for the former being * numbered 823 , and that for the latter 822 . These Lodges were hitherto borne on the Provincial Grand Loclge Register— " Charity" as No . 30 and " Good Feeling" as No . 31 ; but in consequence ofthe numbers assigned to tbem in their AVarrants by the United Grand Lodge , it hacl become necessary to reverse their positions in tbis Province—Lodge " Good Feeling " taking precedence of Lodge " Charity" by being placed in the Register immediately above it . On
the proposition of the Officiating-Provincial Grand Alaster , seconded by R . AV . Bro . Chaunce , it was resolved that the above alteration take place accordingly . The Provincial Grand Secretary was about reading a communication from Lodge " Social Friendship , " No . 326 , Madras , intimating the exclusion of a Brother from that Lodge , when he was stopped by the Officiating Provincial Grand Master , who remarked , that as there was now a Provincial Grand Lodge at Aladras , it ivould be irregular to
receive an } ' direct communication from the Craft Lodges working under its Hiram , as all matters connected with Madras Masonry ought to be notified to other Provincial Grand Lodges by the Provincial Grand Lodge of that district ; ancl that a letter to that effect be addressed to Lodge "Social Friendship . " Hereupon , a discussion ensued as to the expediency of having the letter read , notwithstanding- the informality pointed out by the Officiating- Provincial Grand Master ; with the view that the Lodges in Bengal might be put in possession of the name of
the excluded Brother and the cause of ins exclusion , in order that they mig ht be enabled to exercise their discretion in admitting him into their Lodges either as a Visitor or Member , should he be in Calcutta and present himself as a Alason ; but the Officiating Provincial Grand Master observed , that the communication not having come to this Grand Loclge through the proper medium , it coulcl not be known whether the Brother had been excluded on sufficient grounds aud that it had been confirmed by the ruling authority of tbe Province of Aladrasancl that
, therefore he conceived it would be altog-ether deviating from tbe regular course to make use of the letter in any way . He would accordingly propose ( if no amendments took precedence of his proposition ) his motion for the adoption of the Provincial Grand Lodge ; which , being seconded hy V . AV . Brother Staunton , was carried hy a majority . The Provincial Grand Secretary was instructed to reply to the letter from Lodge " Social Friendship , " in accordance therewith .
The Provincial Grand Secretary intimated , tbat he had been this evening handed a letter by V . AV . Brother Staunton , addressed by A . AV . Brother AV . A . Laurie ( Grand Secretary of Scotland ) to the R . W . Brother Major F . W . Birch , bearing date the 18 th July last , an extract from ivhich was read , and ordered to he recorded in the proceedings of this evening , for general information . The Officiating Provincial Grand Alaster then addressed the Provincial Grand Lodge with advertence to a recent circumstance which had
occurred in one of the Lodges in Calcutta , viz ., that of recognising as a visitor , a brother who had been initiated in the Intrusive Scottish Loclge , but which he was disposed to ascribe to a mistaken view of the position in which that brother stood , notwithstanding that it was alleged he hacl dissevered his connection with the Intrusive Loclge . He then