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entered into a clear elucidation of the whole matter , as between the Iiitrusionisis and the Provincial Grand Loclge of Bengal ; antl as it would appear that the mistake alluded to hacl occurred by the Loclge having acted strictly under the letter , instead of the spirit , of the fornn r prohibitory order , wliich had reference only to " R . A . Chapter and the Degrees or Lodges pendant thereto , " and ivhich had been established by the same parties by whom the Craft Lodge bad now been
constituted in Calcutta ( vide Prov . Grand Lodge Proceedings of 29 th Noe , 1818 ); he would defer the consideration of the question in order that the Masters of Lodges mi ght , iu the mean time , consult the Members of their respective Lodges , and come prepared for finally deciding on it at
the next Quarterly Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The Officiating Provincial Grand Mister further remarked , that be highly disapproved ofthe practice of conferring- degrees at a less interval than one month , as laid down in the Book of Constitttitions , head " Private Lodges , " Sec . 13 . Under tbe Resolution ofthe United Grand Lodg-e of England of the 1 st December , 1847 , confirmed on the 1 st March , 1818 , a Provincial Grand Master iu the Colonies was , bowe \ er vested with discretionary power to dispense with the rule in the
Constitutions , by allowing- a brother to be advanced to a hi g her degree at an interval of one week , instead of four weeks ; and he ( the Officiating Provincial Grand Alaster ) , following the precedent set by his predecessors , hacl granted such dispensations ; but being opposed to it on principle , he would wish to discourage it as much as possible , and would rather act , in future , in accordance with the note at foot ofthe Constitutional Rule , that " no dispensation can be granted to suspend tbe operation of this law . " There being nothing further before the Provincial Grand Lodge , it was closed in due form .
BO . IIBAV . — Valedictory Honours to the R . W . P . G . M . Brother Jinnies , K . G . H ., F . R . S . —A somewhat numerous assemblage of the "Brethren of the Mystic Tie" took place in the Fort , cm the 15 th November , 3 849 , for tbe purpose of considering in what manner the Craft mi ght best do honour to the Provincial Grand Alaster of AA estern India , Dr . J . Burnes , K . G . H ., F . R . S ., on the occasion of his approaching departure for England . The Deputy P . G . M ., P . AV . LeGeyt , Esq ., having- been called to the chair , he explained in brief terms the object of the meeting , and submitted tbe annexed resoluons , which were carried by acclamation by the assembled Brethren : —
" 1 st . Thatitiswiththeeleepest feelingof heartfelt sorrow that the Brethren have learned that they are to be deprived of tlie presence and countenance of their It . W . P . G . 51 ., Bro . Burnes , K . H ., F . R . S ., iu consequence of his returning to Europe , owing to the impaired state of his health , which will close a personal connexion between him antl them which has heen maintained with unbroken kindness and the most affectionate regard during a period of nearly twelve years . " 2 ndThat the whole of the Members of the Craft at Bombay be assembled
. for the purpose of doing all honomyin the shape of a Masonic Festival , that is possible to our beloved and respected P . G . M ., before his departure , and of uniting in wishing him all happiness and prosperity . " 3 rd . That as a token to all men and Brethren , both here and in our native land , of tbe affection , gratitude , and regard we entertain towards our H . AV . Bro ., and of the appreciation in which we hold his brilliant achievements in the cause of charity and love to all men , four medals be ibuuded by us for the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
entered into a clear elucidation of the whole matter , as between the Iiitrusionisis and the Provincial Grand Loclge of Bengal ; antl as it would appear that the mistake alluded to hacl occurred by the Loclge having acted strictly under the letter , instead of the spirit , of the fornn r prohibitory order , wliich had reference only to " R . A . Chapter and the Degrees or Lodges pendant thereto , " and ivhich had been established by the same parties by whom the Craft Lodge bad now been
constituted in Calcutta ( vide Prov . Grand Lodge Proceedings of 29 th Noe , 1818 ); he would defer the consideration of the question in order that the Masters of Lodges mi ght , iu the mean time , consult the Members of their respective Lodges , and come prepared for finally deciding on it at
the next Quarterly Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The Officiating Provincial Grand Mister further remarked , that be highly disapproved ofthe practice of conferring- degrees at a less interval than one month , as laid down in the Book of Constitttitions , head " Private Lodges , " Sec . 13 . Under tbe Resolution ofthe United Grand Lodg-e of England of the 1 st December , 1847 , confirmed on the 1 st March , 1818 , a Provincial Grand Master iu the Colonies was , bowe \ er vested with discretionary power to dispense with the rule in the
Constitutions , by allowing- a brother to be advanced to a hi g her degree at an interval of one week , instead of four weeks ; and he ( the Officiating Provincial Grand Alaster ) , following the precedent set by his predecessors , hacl granted such dispensations ; but being opposed to it on principle , he would wish to discourage it as much as possible , and would rather act , in future , in accordance with the note at foot ofthe Constitutional Rule , that " no dispensation can be granted to suspend tbe operation of this law . " There being nothing further before the Provincial Grand Lodge , it was closed in due form .
BO . IIBAV . — Valedictory Honours to the R . W . P . G . M . Brother Jinnies , K . G . H ., F . R . S . —A somewhat numerous assemblage of the "Brethren of the Mystic Tie" took place in the Fort , cm the 15 th November , 3 849 , for tbe purpose of considering in what manner the Craft mi ght best do honour to the Provincial Grand Alaster of AA estern India , Dr . J . Burnes , K . G . H ., F . R . S ., on the occasion of his approaching departure for England . The Deputy P . G . M ., P . AV . LeGeyt , Esq ., having- been called to the chair , he explained in brief terms the object of the meeting , and submitted tbe annexed resoluons , which were carried by acclamation by the assembled Brethren : —
" 1 st . Thatitiswiththeeleepest feelingof heartfelt sorrow that the Brethren have learned that they are to be deprived of tlie presence and countenance of their It . W . P . G . 51 ., Bro . Burnes , K . H ., F . R . S ., iu consequence of his returning to Europe , owing to the impaired state of his health , which will close a personal connexion between him antl them which has heen maintained with unbroken kindness and the most affectionate regard during a period of nearly twelve years . " 2 ndThat the whole of the Members of the Craft at Bombay be assembled
. for the purpose of doing all honomyin the shape of a Masonic Festival , that is possible to our beloved and respected P . G . M ., before his departure , and of uniting in wishing him all happiness and prosperity . " 3 rd . That as a token to all men and Brethren , both here and in our native land , of tbe affection , gratitude , and regard we entertain towards our H . AV . Bro ., and of the appreciation in which we hold his brilliant achievements in the cause of charity and love to all men , four medals be ibuuded by us for the