Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
two-thirls of the Subscribers present at the Annual General Meeting and also of the G rand Lodge , and that no portion of the Bequests be withdrawn from investments at any time . 39 . That in every case not hereinbefore specially provided for , the Rules of the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund shall also be the Eules of the Fund for granting Annuities to Widows , so far as the same may be applicable . 40 . That after the Plan shall have received the sanction of the Grand Lodge ,
all the Eegulations or Rules which have reference to privileges of Subscribers to thisproposed Widows'Fund to attend the General Meetings of tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , or which otherwise have a tendency to a joint management , shall be submitted to the consideration of the Governors and Subscribers to that Fund for their approval , the object being to facilitate and amalgamate the management of the two Charities at the least possible expense ; but they shall not be considered as giving to the Subscribers to the one Charity any right to vote in the election of Annuitants on the other , but that
each individual shall be entitled to vote for Annuitants only so far as qualified by his Subscription to each separate Charity . LASTLY . That after the Rules and Eegulations of the Institution shall have been confirmed by the Grand Loclge , no alteration made therein be valid , unless the same shall have been approved of by the Grand Lodge . The consideration of these rules having- occupied the attention of Brethren till nearly 12 o'clock , no further business could be proceeded with . The Grand Lotlge was therefore lhen closed in form aud with solemn prayer , by M . W ., Bro . the Rev . J . W . Gleadall , G . C .
GRAND CONCLAVE . The Fraternity of Masonic Knights Templar held their Annual Grand Conclave , on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , at which Bro . Sir Knig ht W . Stuart , D . G . M . in the absence of Col . C . K . K . Tynte , M . E . G . M . of the Order , presided , when the following Officers were chosen for the year , commencing March 23 , 1850 : —Sir Kni ght Col . C .
K . Kemeys Tynte , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master ; Deputy Grand Master , Sir Knight W . Stuart ; Grand Prior , Sir Kni ght B . B . Cabbell ; Grand Sub-Prior , Sir Knight J . Morris ; Grand Prelate , Sir Knig ht Rev . C . J . Meredith ; First Grand Captain , Sir Knight Davis ; Second Grand Captain , Sir Kni ght Luxmore ; Grand Chancellor , Sir Knig ht C . B . Clayclon ; Grand Vice-Chancellor , Sir Knight Law ; Grand RegistrarSir Kniht J . A . D . Cox ; Grand ChamberlainSir Kniht
, g , g R . E . Arden ; Grand Hospitaller , Sir Knight J . LI . Evans ; Grand Treasurer , Sir Knight John Vink ; First Grand Expert , Sir Knignt J . Watson ; Second Grand Expert , Sir Kuight H . Burehell ; First Grand Standard Bearer , Sir Knight Meadows , M . D . ; Second Grand Standard Bearer , Sir Knig ht W . Stuart , Jun . ; Grand Almoner , Sir Kuight H . Emly ; Grand Director of Ceremonies , Sir Knight R . Doi er ; First Grand Aide-de-CampSir Knight Rev . J . E . Cox ; Second Grand
Aide-de-, Camp , Sir Knig ht R . J . Spiers ; FirstGrand Captain of Lines , Sir Knight Rev . E . Moore ; Second Grand Captain of Lines , Sir Knight J . Dorling ; Grand Sword Bearer , Sir Knight Capt . Maher ; First Grand Herald , Sir Knig ht A . Henderson ; Second Grand Herald , Sir Knight S . H . Lee ; Grand Organist , Sir Knight M . Costa ; Grand Equerry , Sir Knight Barton .
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Masonic Intelligence.
two-thirls of the Subscribers present at the Annual General Meeting and also of the G rand Lodge , and that no portion of the Bequests be withdrawn from investments at any time . 39 . That in every case not hereinbefore specially provided for , the Rules of the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund shall also be the Eules of the Fund for granting Annuities to Widows , so far as the same may be applicable . 40 . That after the Plan shall have received the sanction of the Grand Lodge ,
all the Eegulations or Rules which have reference to privileges of Subscribers to thisproposed Widows'Fund to attend the General Meetings of tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , or which otherwise have a tendency to a joint management , shall be submitted to the consideration of the Governors and Subscribers to that Fund for their approval , the object being to facilitate and amalgamate the management of the two Charities at the least possible expense ; but they shall not be considered as giving to the Subscribers to the one Charity any right to vote in the election of Annuitants on the other , but that
each individual shall be entitled to vote for Annuitants only so far as qualified by his Subscription to each separate Charity . LASTLY . That after the Rules and Eegulations of the Institution shall have been confirmed by the Grand Loclge , no alteration made therein be valid , unless the same shall have been approved of by the Grand Lodge . The consideration of these rules having- occupied the attention of Brethren till nearly 12 o'clock , no further business could be proceeded with . The Grand Lotlge was therefore lhen closed in form aud with solemn prayer , by M . W ., Bro . the Rev . J . W . Gleadall , G . C .
GRAND CONCLAVE . The Fraternity of Masonic Knights Templar held their Annual Grand Conclave , on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , at which Bro . Sir Knig ht W . Stuart , D . G . M . in the absence of Col . C . K . K . Tynte , M . E . G . M . of the Order , presided , when the following Officers were chosen for the year , commencing March 23 , 1850 : —Sir Kni ght Col . C .
K . Kemeys Tynte , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master ; Deputy Grand Master , Sir Knight W . Stuart ; Grand Prior , Sir Kni ght B . B . Cabbell ; Grand Sub-Prior , Sir Knight J . Morris ; Grand Prelate , Sir Knig ht Rev . C . J . Meredith ; First Grand Captain , Sir Knight Davis ; Second Grand Captain , Sir Kni ght Luxmore ; Grand Chancellor , Sir Knig ht C . B . Clayclon ; Grand Vice-Chancellor , Sir Knight Law ; Grand RegistrarSir Kniht J . A . D . Cox ; Grand ChamberlainSir Kniht
, g , g R . E . Arden ; Grand Hospitaller , Sir Knight J . LI . Evans ; Grand Treasurer , Sir Knight John Vink ; First Grand Expert , Sir Knignt J . Watson ; Second Grand Expert , Sir Kuight H . Burehell ; First Grand Standard Bearer , Sir Knight Meadows , M . D . ; Second Grand Standard Bearer , Sir Knig ht W . Stuart , Jun . ; Grand Almoner , Sir Kuight H . Emly ; Grand Director of Ceremonies , Sir Knight R . Doi er ; First Grand Aide-de-CampSir Knight Rev . J . E . Cox ; Second Grand
Aide-de-, Camp , Sir Knig ht R . J . Spiers ; FirstGrand Captain of Lines , Sir Knight Rev . E . Moore ; Second Grand Captain of Lines , Sir Knight J . Dorling ; Grand Sword Bearer , Sir Knight Capt . Maher ; First Grand Herald , Sir Knig ht A . Henderson ; Second Grand Herald , Sir Knight S . H . Lee ; Grand Organist , Sir Knight M . Costa ; Grand Equerry , Sir Knight Barton .