Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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The Charities.
only one present . He could not account for this ; but he understood and feared there was some misunderstanding ivhich perhaps required explanation , and he hoped explanation would remove . Bro . FOURDRINIER begged to expres shis thanks to the noble lord for naming- him ; it was indeed true , lhat there were thirty-three committee men , and no less true that all of them were unfortunatel y absent . Tbe excellent and worthBro . saidhe had taken the auditurshipoti the death
y , of his deceased friend Bw . Lyihgoe , and had felt so much interest in the institution , as never to be absent from his duiics ivhen his other more imperative arrangements would permit him to be present ; and be was compelled to say , and did so with great confidence , that ihe affairs of the Institution had been carried out with zeal and fidelity . Recently some gentlemen had thought proper to offer their services , and were desirous of inspecting- the books ; those books were opened to themand
, every information afforded . Certain suggestions were made , and immediately acceded to ; but since that time the new members of ihe committee had been , be hoped , so much engaged in their own affairs , as to he unable to attend the office ; and the old members having retired , there was great difficulty in making- a quorum for business from the new ones . He begged to assure the noble lord and tbe company , that he should
continue to perform the duties intrusted to him with fervency ; and begged them to accept bis best thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The noble Lord proposed " The President and the Board of Stewards . " The R . W . Bro . J . ALSTON returned thanks in the name of the Stewards , for the honour done them . He assured the meeting that the Board hacl felt great anxiety for the comfort of the company and the success of the Institution ; and he begged to congratulate his Brethren
upon the appearance of their proteges and the amount collected , which , although apparently small was , in comparison with tbe members present , a proper and efficient manifestation ol Masonic feeling . He could not , however , resume his seat without expressing-his thanks to the noble Lord , personally , for bis great kindness in mentioning , as he had done , with feelings of respect and regard tbe namejof his clear father ; it was a sure way to his heart ; for a kindermore affectionateand more beloved
, , parent never existed . " The Ladies , " with three times three . The suavity and kindness of the Chairman , and the attention of the Brethren forming- the Board of Stewards , materially assisted in making the evening pass off with satisfaction to all parties . The dinner ancl wines were excellent , and gave as much satisfaction to the company as they did credit to Bro . Bacon and his cuisine .
ASYLUM FOR WORTHY , AGED , AND DECAYED FREEMASONS . A speSal-General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers to this Charity , was held at Radley ' s Hotel , on Wednesday , the 27 th February last , for tbe purpose of receiving the Auditor ' s Report , and for other matters of great interest and importance .
Bro . Jno . Hudgkinson , Treasurer to the Institution , was unanimousl y called to tbe chair . Amongst other business , the following special report of the General Committee was read by the secretary , and unanimously adopted by the meeting .
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The Charities.
only one present . He could not account for this ; but he understood and feared there was some misunderstanding ivhich perhaps required explanation , and he hoped explanation would remove . Bro . FOURDRINIER begged to expres shis thanks to the noble lord for naming- him ; it was indeed true , lhat there were thirty-three committee men , and no less true that all of them were unfortunatel y absent . Tbe excellent and worthBro . saidhe had taken the auditurshipoti the death
y , of his deceased friend Bw . Lyihgoe , and had felt so much interest in the institution , as never to be absent from his duiics ivhen his other more imperative arrangements would permit him to be present ; and be was compelled to say , and did so with great confidence , that ihe affairs of the Institution had been carried out with zeal and fidelity . Recently some gentlemen had thought proper to offer their services , and were desirous of inspecting- the books ; those books were opened to themand
, every information afforded . Certain suggestions were made , and immediately acceded to ; but since that time the new members of ihe committee had been , be hoped , so much engaged in their own affairs , as to he unable to attend the office ; and the old members having retired , there was great difficulty in making- a quorum for business from the new ones . He begged to assure the noble lord and tbe company , that he should
continue to perform the duties intrusted to him with fervency ; and begged them to accept bis best thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The noble Lord proposed " The President and the Board of Stewards . " The R . W . Bro . J . ALSTON returned thanks in the name of the Stewards , for the honour done them . He assured the meeting that the Board hacl felt great anxiety for the comfort of the company and the success of the Institution ; and he begged to congratulate his Brethren
upon the appearance of their proteges and the amount collected , which , although apparently small was , in comparison with tbe members present , a proper and efficient manifestation ol Masonic feeling . He could not , however , resume his seat without expressing-his thanks to the noble Lord , personally , for bis great kindness in mentioning , as he had done , with feelings of respect and regard tbe namejof his clear father ; it was a sure way to his heart ; for a kindermore affectionateand more beloved
, , parent never existed . " The Ladies , " with three times three . The suavity and kindness of the Chairman , and the attention of the Brethren forming- the Board of Stewards , materially assisted in making the evening pass off with satisfaction to all parties . The dinner ancl wines were excellent , and gave as much satisfaction to the company as they did credit to Bro . Bacon and his cuisine .
ASYLUM FOR WORTHY , AGED , AND DECAYED FREEMASONS . A speSal-General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers to this Charity , was held at Radley ' s Hotel , on Wednesday , the 27 th February last , for tbe purpose of receiving the Auditor ' s Report , and for other matters of great interest and importance .
Bro . Jno . Hudgkinson , Treasurer to the Institution , was unanimousl y called to tbe chair . Amongst other business , the following special report of the General Committee was read by the secretary , and unanimously adopted by the meeting .