Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 8 of 8 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 19 →
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The Charities.
The following resolution was also unanimously agreed to : — " That this meeting , having heard with feelings of deep regret of the demise of their late much-esteemed , and highly respected Treasurer . Eobert Thomas Crucefix , Esq ., M . D ., & c , the benevolent founder of this Charity , do publicly record the expression of their warmest admiration for the talents and philanthropy ivhich distinguished his public career , their love for the many virtues ¦ which adorned his private life , their respect and veneration for his memory ,
and their grateful recollection of the untiring energy and perseverance he displayed in advancing the best interests of this Institution " It was further resolved , — " That the foregoing resolution he advertised in the Times , ancl other daily papers . "
ROYAL BENEVOLENT ANNUITY FUND . The election of candidates for the benevolence of this very useful Charity , will be held on Friday , May 17 , at Freemason ' s Hall , when we regret to state , owing to the present state of the funds but two annuitants will be elected .
—«—GRAND STEWARD ' S LODGE . —Public Night . —On Wednesday , March 20 th , this Lotlge met at the Freemason's Hall , for the purpose of public Masonic Instruction , Bro . John A . D . Cox , W . M . in the Chair . Amongst the visitors were Bro . Beadon , S . G . W . of England ; Bro . Quinton , G . Treas . of Ireland ; Huyshe , Prov . G . S . W ., and Bro . Luxmore , Prov . G . J . W . for Devonshire ; Bro . John SavageP . M ., and about seventy
, other Brethren . The first Lecture was worked in sections b y Bros . Emly , Hodgkinson , Shaw , Norris , and Tomkyns , officers of the Lodge . After the Lecture , Bro . Beadon , in an eloquent address expressed the thanks of the visitors for the opportunity thus afforded to the Craft , of healing true Masonic working performed in so effective and impressive manner ; he was followed by Bro . Quinton and Bro . Huyshe , who cordially agreed in all that he had said . The W . M . in returning
thanks on behalf of the G . S . Lodge , took credit for perfect sincerity of purpose , and an earnest desire on tbe part of every member of the lodge for the maintaiuance of the ancient nfocle of working-, pure and unsullied . After mutual expressions of good feeling , the meeting separated at an early hour . It is our firm conviction that the Lectures as delivered in the Grand Steward ' s Lodgethough differing frequentlfrom the same lectures
, y as taught in one or two of the London Lodges of Instruction , as far as regards the exact words , yet adhering strictly to the same landmarks , must ever prove eminently useful to the Craft , more especially to the younger Brethren , by presenting- at a single view the relative connection of the whole system of I- ' rccmasonry .
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The Charities.
The following resolution was also unanimously agreed to : — " That this meeting , having heard with feelings of deep regret of the demise of their late much-esteemed , and highly respected Treasurer . Eobert Thomas Crucefix , Esq ., M . D ., & c , the benevolent founder of this Charity , do publicly record the expression of their warmest admiration for the talents and philanthropy ivhich distinguished his public career , their love for the many virtues ¦ which adorned his private life , their respect and veneration for his memory ,
and their grateful recollection of the untiring energy and perseverance he displayed in advancing the best interests of this Institution " It was further resolved , — " That the foregoing resolution he advertised in the Times , ancl other daily papers . "
ROYAL BENEVOLENT ANNUITY FUND . The election of candidates for the benevolence of this very useful Charity , will be held on Friday , May 17 , at Freemason ' s Hall , when we regret to state , owing to the present state of the funds but two annuitants will be elected .
—«—GRAND STEWARD ' S LODGE . —Public Night . —On Wednesday , March 20 th , this Lotlge met at the Freemason's Hall , for the purpose of public Masonic Instruction , Bro . John A . D . Cox , W . M . in the Chair . Amongst the visitors were Bro . Beadon , S . G . W . of England ; Bro . Quinton , G . Treas . of Ireland ; Huyshe , Prov . G . S . W ., and Bro . Luxmore , Prov . G . J . W . for Devonshire ; Bro . John SavageP . M ., and about seventy
, other Brethren . The first Lecture was worked in sections b y Bros . Emly , Hodgkinson , Shaw , Norris , and Tomkyns , officers of the Lodge . After the Lecture , Bro . Beadon , in an eloquent address expressed the thanks of the visitors for the opportunity thus afforded to the Craft , of healing true Masonic working performed in so effective and impressive manner ; he was followed by Bro . Quinton and Bro . Huyshe , who cordially agreed in all that he had said . The W . M . in returning
thanks on behalf of the G . S . Lodge , took credit for perfect sincerity of purpose , and an earnest desire on tbe part of every member of the lodge for the maintaiuance of the ancient nfocle of working-, pure and unsullied . After mutual expressions of good feeling , the meeting separated at an early hour . It is our firm conviction that the Lectures as delivered in the Grand Steward ' s Lodgethough differing frequentlfrom the same lectures
, y as taught in one or two of the London Lodges of Instruction , as far as regards the exact words , yet adhering strictly to the same landmarks , must ever prove eminently useful to the Craft , more especially to the younger Brethren , by presenting- at a single view the relative connection of the whole system of I- ' rccmasonry .