Article BROTHER J. LEE STEVENS. ← Page 12 of 23 →
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Brother J. Lee Stevens.
Com . —Did he say " I do not understand that term ?" Brother TURNER . —Yes ; and , among others , I REPLIED , " Sam Slick . '' By Brotlier Phillipe . —How did you understand the terms soft sawder ;' to what did they apply ? Brother TURNER . —To the manner in which the resolution was to he framed . I considered it meant "fulsome adulation ; " that I understand to be the meaning ; and I considered it to be applied to the resolution . It did not apply to His Royal Highness in any way , any more than to Brother Bell , or to any one else . Brother CRUCEFIX , examined by Brother Stevens . —Did I use any words in reference to this clause that could be applied to Plis Royal tlighness ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —Certainly not .
Cross examined by the Complainants . Com—Did you hear Brother Stevens use the words ' soft sawder ?' Brother CRUCEFIX . —I did . Com—Did he apply it to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —He did not , in my opinion . Com . —How did he use the term ' soft sawder ?' Brother CRUCEFIX . —He applied it in badinage to Brother Bell . I consider he did , although I have no right to say he did .
Com . —AVhat was the occasion of bis applying the term ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —In reply to an observation of Brother Bell's . Com . —AVhat was the observation of Brother Bell ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —Brother Bell said , " AVe'll have the resolution something—I think as satisfactory—as possible . " No ; Brother Bell spoke first , and said , " I can alter this resolution , and make it , I think , to be more satisfactory ; will you agree to that ? " Your ( Brother Stevens ' s ) answer was , " You may do just as you like , only let ' s have no soft sawder . " By Brother Dobie . —AVith reference to the previous answer . Did not the words apply to the wish of Brother Bell that the resolution should be more courteous ?
Brother CRUCEFIX . —I have no right to say so . By Brother Phillipe . —What was the manner of Brother Stevens , was it loud , soft , or sarcastic 9 Brother CRUCEFIX . —Perfectly collected . Brother Phillipe had previously asked Brother Rowe , referring to Brother Stevens , was there any asperity iu his tone ? and thus answered—¦ Brother ROWE . —No ; Brother Stevens was extremely cool . Brother AV rihtwhen asked if the printed statements of this charge was
g , correct , replies—Brother AVRIGHT Most assuredly not , as far as respects Plis Royal Highness . The term ' soft sawder' was used in allusion to a resolution which Brother Beil proposed . His Royal Highness's name was never mentioned .
Cross-examined by the Complainants . Com—Did Brother Bell object to the resolution of Brother Stevens ? Brother AVRIGHT . —He said he thought that another resolution differently worded might be advantageously substituted . Com . —Why ? Brother AVRIGHT . —Because he thought it would more clearly express the line of conduct we had been pursuing . Com . —Did he not object to the wording of Brother Stevens ' s resolution ?
Brother AVRIGHT . —Not that there was any portion of the wording in it objectionable ; but he thought , his own resolution belter . Com . —Did he say it was not sufficiently courteous ? Brother AVRIGHT . —I have no recollection that he did say so . Com . —Plow do you apply thc term ' soft sawder , ' used by Brother Stevens ?
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Brother J. Lee Stevens.
Com . —Did he say " I do not understand that term ?" Brother TURNER . —Yes ; and , among others , I REPLIED , " Sam Slick . '' By Brotlier Phillipe . —How did you understand the terms soft sawder ;' to what did they apply ? Brother TURNER . —To the manner in which the resolution was to he framed . I considered it meant "fulsome adulation ; " that I understand to be the meaning ; and I considered it to be applied to the resolution . It did not apply to His Royal Highness in any way , any more than to Brother Bell , or to any one else . Brother CRUCEFIX , examined by Brother Stevens . —Did I use any words in reference to this clause that could be applied to Plis Royal tlighness ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —Certainly not .
Cross examined by the Complainants . Com—Did you hear Brother Stevens use the words ' soft sawder ?' Brother CRUCEFIX . —I did . Com—Did he apply it to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —He did not , in my opinion . Com . —How did he use the term ' soft sawder ?' Brother CRUCEFIX . —He applied it in badinage to Brother Bell . I consider he did , although I have no right to say he did .
Com . —AVhat was the occasion of bis applying the term ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —In reply to an observation of Brother Bell's . Com . —AVhat was the observation of Brother Bell ? Brother CRUCEFIX . —Brother Bell said , " AVe'll have the resolution something—I think as satisfactory—as possible . " No ; Brother Bell spoke first , and said , " I can alter this resolution , and make it , I think , to be more satisfactory ; will you agree to that ? " Your ( Brother Stevens ' s ) answer was , " You may do just as you like , only let ' s have no soft sawder . " By Brother Dobie . —AVith reference to the previous answer . Did not the words apply to the wish of Brother Bell that the resolution should be more courteous ?
Brother CRUCEFIX . —I have no right to say so . By Brother Phillipe . —What was the manner of Brother Stevens , was it loud , soft , or sarcastic 9 Brother CRUCEFIX . —Perfectly collected . Brother Phillipe had previously asked Brother Rowe , referring to Brother Stevens , was there any asperity iu his tone ? and thus answered—¦ Brother ROWE . —No ; Brother Stevens was extremely cool . Brother AV rihtwhen asked if the printed statements of this charge was
g , correct , replies—Brother AVRIGHT Most assuredly not , as far as respects Plis Royal Highness . The term ' soft sawder' was used in allusion to a resolution which Brother Beil proposed . His Royal Highness's name was never mentioned .
Cross-examined by the Complainants . Com—Did Brother Bell object to the resolution of Brother Stevens ? Brother AVRIGHT . —He said he thought that another resolution differently worded might be advantageously substituted . Com . —Why ? Brother AVRIGHT . —Because he thought it would more clearly express the line of conduct we had been pursuing . Com . —Did he not object to the wording of Brother Stevens ' s resolution ?
Brother AVRIGHT . —Not that there was any portion of the wording in it objectionable ; but he thought , his own resolution belter . Com . —Did he say it was not sufficiently courteous ? Brother AVRIGHT . —I have no recollection that he did say so . Com . —Plow do you apply thc term ' soft sawder , ' used by Brother Stevens ?