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Family Manual And Servants' Guide, Tt^It...
FAMILY MANUAL AND SERVANTS' GUIDE , TT ^ ITH upwards of One Thousand New and approved Receipts , arranged and * ' adapted for Families and all classes of Servants . Fifth Edition . Price 5 . S-. cloth . " This book contains a mass of information that cannot fail to be useful in the conduct of household affairs . We wonder at the pains that have been bestowed in the bringing together so much curious and really useful knowledge upon domestic economy . " —Atlas . " No Servant should be without it . "—Morning Advertiser . Printed for JOHN LIMBIRD . 143 , Strand .
Electro-Plated And Gilt Articles. " Jplk...
ELECTRO-PLATED AND GILT ARTICLES . " JPLKINGTON and Co ., patentees , beg to announce that to meet the increasing ¦ x-1 demand for this manufacture . , they have OPENED AN EST _ U _ LJSU . UE _ VT at No . 22 , REGENT-STREET , ( CORNER OF JERMYN-STREET ) ,
where every variety of articles for the Sideboard , Dinner , Dessert and Breakfast tables may be inspected . They have also a similar assortment at their City Establishment , ( No . 45 , MOOHGATE-STHEET , CITY ) , where they have a MANUFACTORY FOR PLATING and GILDING ; , RE-PLATING and RE-GILDING , ARTICLES of every description and of ALL METALS .
With reference to articles of their manufacture , the patentees beg to state that they differ from all goods hitherto offered as " plated goods , " or " substitutes for silver , " being made in the same manner as SOLID SILVER , from which they cannot be known , and being also composed of a hard white metal , strongly coated with silver , by the Electro process . Silver articles of every kind or pattern exactly copied . Every article made by the patentees , or under their licence , bears their stamp ( E . and Co . below a crown . )
Twenty Years' Loss Of Hair, And Wonderfu...
TWENTY YEARS' LOSS OF HAIR , AND WONDERFUL RESTORATION . Church-street , Whitby , Oct . 19 , 1841 . GENTLEMEN , —Of the last supply of OLDRIDGE'S BALM of COLO . VIBIA , every bottle sold immediatel recei and have
was y on pt , I many more bespoke , only waitin" for a further supply , which I hope you will send without the least delay . Orders have poured in more than ever since the powerful effects of the Balm have been so decisivel y demonstrated iu the cases of several credible and respectable inhabitants of the town . One instance , among others which have attracted particular attention , is the case of a gentleman who had had little or no hair for twenty years ; he had tried numerous preparations iu vain , and ultimatel y had his head shaved , and wore a wig . At my recommendation he tried the Balmand
; after using it according to the directions for a short time the young hair appeared , and he has now as fine a head of hair as any person in Whitby . Yours , & c , JOHN KILVINGTON . To Messrs . Kennahy , brothers , 10 , Westmoreland-buildings , Aldersgate-street , London . Price 3 s . 6 d ., 6 s ., and lis . per bottle . No other prices are genuine . Ask for C . and A . OLDIUDGE'S BALM , No . 1 , Wellington-street , Strand .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Family Manual And Servants' Guide, Tt^It...
FAMILY MANUAL AND SERVANTS' GUIDE , TT ^ ITH upwards of One Thousand New and approved Receipts , arranged and * ' adapted for Families and all classes of Servants . Fifth Edition . Price 5 . S-. cloth . " This book contains a mass of information that cannot fail to be useful in the conduct of household affairs . We wonder at the pains that have been bestowed in the bringing together so much curious and really useful knowledge upon domestic economy . " —Atlas . " No Servant should be without it . "—Morning Advertiser . Printed for JOHN LIMBIRD . 143 , Strand .
Electro-Plated And Gilt Articles. " Jplk...
ELECTRO-PLATED AND GILT ARTICLES . " JPLKINGTON and Co ., patentees , beg to announce that to meet the increasing ¦ x-1 demand for this manufacture . , they have OPENED AN EST _ U _ LJSU . UE _ VT at No . 22 , REGENT-STREET , ( CORNER OF JERMYN-STREET ) ,
where every variety of articles for the Sideboard , Dinner , Dessert and Breakfast tables may be inspected . They have also a similar assortment at their City Establishment , ( No . 45 , MOOHGATE-STHEET , CITY ) , where they have a MANUFACTORY FOR PLATING and GILDING ; , RE-PLATING and RE-GILDING , ARTICLES of every description and of ALL METALS .
With reference to articles of their manufacture , the patentees beg to state that they differ from all goods hitherto offered as " plated goods , " or " substitutes for silver , " being made in the same manner as SOLID SILVER , from which they cannot be known , and being also composed of a hard white metal , strongly coated with silver , by the Electro process . Silver articles of every kind or pattern exactly copied . Every article made by the patentees , or under their licence , bears their stamp ( E . and Co . below a crown . )
Twenty Years' Loss Of Hair, And Wonderfu...
TWENTY YEARS' LOSS OF HAIR , AND WONDERFUL RESTORATION . Church-street , Whitby , Oct . 19 , 1841 . GENTLEMEN , —Of the last supply of OLDRIDGE'S BALM of COLO . VIBIA , every bottle sold immediatel recei and have
was y on pt , I many more bespoke , only waitin" for a further supply , which I hope you will send without the least delay . Orders have poured in more than ever since the powerful effects of the Balm have been so decisivel y demonstrated iu the cases of several credible and respectable inhabitants of the town . One instance , among others which have attracted particular attention , is the case of a gentleman who had had little or no hair for twenty years ; he had tried numerous preparations iu vain , and ultimatel y had his head shaved , and wore a wig . At my recommendation he tried the Balmand
; after using it according to the directions for a short time the young hair appeared , and he has now as fine a head of hair as any person in Whitby . Yours , & c , JOHN KILVINGTON . To Messrs . Kennahy , brothers , 10 , Westmoreland-buildings , Aldersgate-street , London . Price 3 s . 6 d ., 6 s ., and lis . per bottle . No other prices are genuine . Ask for C . and A . OLDIUDGE'S BALM , No . 1 , Wellington-street , Strand .