Article WEAK LEGS, KNEES, AND ANKLES. t ' GURGEO... Page 1 of 1 Article MESSRS. L. S. BROWN AND CO., WINE MERCHA... Page 1 of 1 Article SPECULATION and BANKRUPTCY in the LINEN ... Page 1 of 1
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Weak Legs, Knees, And Ankles. T ' Gurgeo...
WEAK LEGS , KNEES , AND ANKLES . t ' GURGEONS in England , Ireland , and Scotland , continue to £ gy recommend ° pt BAILEY'S ELASTIC LACED STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , and ANKLE STOCKS .
1 »/ they are light , cool , and warranted to wash . Since the reduction of postage , \ J afflicted persons in the country can have any bandage by post , for a few pence , ^ C ^ JI by forwarding their measure . The particular property of the stocking , is to " give constant support in varicose veins , weak , swollen , or dropsical affections of the legs , or in any case requiring equal pressure . The knee-cap will be of great service where the knee-joint requires support , from accident to the pan of the knee , after inflammation , rheumatic or gouty affections , or in any case where , from weakness of the
part , support may be required . —Laced Stockings , 18 * . 6 d . ; Elastic Knee-caps , 10 * . 6 d . ; Patent Trusses , properly adapted , 12 . 9 . 6 d . ; Hunting Belts , 2 . ? . 6 d . to is . 6 d . each ; Ladies' Belts of every kind . —Mrs . Bailey waits on Ladies . —Address , 418 , Oxford-street , opposite Hanway-street , London .
Messrs. L. S. Brown And Co., Wine Mercha...
MESSRS . L . S . BROWN AND CO ., WINE MERCHANTS , EXETER STREET , STRAND , BEG leave -most respectfully to inform their friends that they have made arrangements with Messrs . Alsopp and Sons , of Burton-upon-Trent , for a regular supply of their best and purest PALE INDIA ALES , which may be obtained , either in casks or bottles , at their cellars , as above .
Speculation And Bankruptcy In The Linen ...
SPECULATION and BANKRUPTCY in the LINEN TRADE . AT a public meeting of the Official Assignees and Creditors of the Estate of Messrs . T . and E . WARNFORD and Co ., who , by various unfortunate speculations , have been compelled to surrender to a Commission of Bankruptcy , it was resolved that the whole of their immense stock , amounting to . £ 17 , 560 , should be immediately converted into cash . J . NICHOLSON , Waterloo-house , 60 , Bishopsgate-street Within , having been consulted as to the most expedient mode of disposing of the sameat once
under-, took to clear it off , within a given period , provided the assignees deducted 65 per cent , from the original cost , thus securing to families , hotel-keepers , and the public generally , au opportunity of purchasing every description of linen goods , at such prices as must astonish the most credulous . The following will form a few of the numerous bargains , viz : —670 pieces stout Irish linen , 6 ^ d . per yard : 850 pieces undressed ditto , stout and fine , 26 yds forlSs . 3 d . ; 784 of Knox and Ferguson ' s make , 26 yds for 28 s . lid . ; 540 of their finest numbers , usually
sold at 2 s . 9 d . per yd , wijl be offered 28 yds for 39 s . 6 d . ; 560 pieces stout linen sheeting , requiring no seam , beginning at 4 s . 3 id . per pair ; 670 pieces Barnsley ditto , stout and fine , 7 s . lid . ; 740 ditto , 3 yds wide , an excellent article , 12 s . lid . ; very fine Irish sheeting , widest width , made , 21 s ., worth at least 45 s the pair ; 150 dozen breakfast cloths , 8 s . 9 d . per dozen ; 140 cases of damask table cloths , large sizes , 17 d . each ; 2 A yds long , ditto , 3 s . 6 d , ; 3 yds long , Ss . ; 4 yds long , rich double damask , 15 s . ; o yds long , 20 s ., splendid cloths ; 500 dozen damask napkins , 2 s . Hid . perdozen ; toilet covers , 6 d . ; furniture 66 d iece of 28 dsfurniture dimities
650 pieces of chintz , s . per p y ; , 2 | d . ; 750 full sized quilts and counterpanes , 2 s . 9 d . each ; superior qualities and extra size , 6 s . 6 d . ; bordered book muslins , 3 s . ll § d . per piece ; 25 boxes of real French cambric handkerchiefs , 4 s . 3 d . per dozen ; 70 boxes ditto , very fine , 9 s . 6 d ; 50 ditto , exquisitely fine , 12 s . fid . to 21 s . the dozen ; several packs of huckabacks , and other goods . Tlie above stock having been carefully examined , and found quite perfect , is now on sale at J . NICHOLSON'S , WATERLOO HOUSE , 60 , BISHOPSGATE-STREET WITHIN .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Weak Legs, Knees, And Ankles. T ' Gurgeo...
WEAK LEGS , KNEES , AND ANKLES . t ' GURGEONS in England , Ireland , and Scotland , continue to £ gy recommend ° pt BAILEY'S ELASTIC LACED STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , and ANKLE STOCKS .
1 »/ they are light , cool , and warranted to wash . Since the reduction of postage , \ J afflicted persons in the country can have any bandage by post , for a few pence , ^ C ^ JI by forwarding their measure . The particular property of the stocking , is to " give constant support in varicose veins , weak , swollen , or dropsical affections of the legs , or in any case requiring equal pressure . The knee-cap will be of great service where the knee-joint requires support , from accident to the pan of the knee , after inflammation , rheumatic or gouty affections , or in any case where , from weakness of the
part , support may be required . —Laced Stockings , 18 * . 6 d . ; Elastic Knee-caps , 10 * . 6 d . ; Patent Trusses , properly adapted , 12 . 9 . 6 d . ; Hunting Belts , 2 . ? . 6 d . to is . 6 d . each ; Ladies' Belts of every kind . —Mrs . Bailey waits on Ladies . —Address , 418 , Oxford-street , opposite Hanway-street , London .
Messrs. L. S. Brown And Co., Wine Mercha...
MESSRS . L . S . BROWN AND CO ., WINE MERCHANTS , EXETER STREET , STRAND , BEG leave -most respectfully to inform their friends that they have made arrangements with Messrs . Alsopp and Sons , of Burton-upon-Trent , for a regular supply of their best and purest PALE INDIA ALES , which may be obtained , either in casks or bottles , at their cellars , as above .
Speculation And Bankruptcy In The Linen ...
SPECULATION and BANKRUPTCY in the LINEN TRADE . AT a public meeting of the Official Assignees and Creditors of the Estate of Messrs . T . and E . WARNFORD and Co ., who , by various unfortunate speculations , have been compelled to surrender to a Commission of Bankruptcy , it was resolved that the whole of their immense stock , amounting to . £ 17 , 560 , should be immediately converted into cash . J . NICHOLSON , Waterloo-house , 60 , Bishopsgate-street Within , having been consulted as to the most expedient mode of disposing of the sameat once
under-, took to clear it off , within a given period , provided the assignees deducted 65 per cent , from the original cost , thus securing to families , hotel-keepers , and the public generally , au opportunity of purchasing every description of linen goods , at such prices as must astonish the most credulous . The following will form a few of the numerous bargains , viz : —670 pieces stout Irish linen , 6 ^ d . per yard : 850 pieces undressed ditto , stout and fine , 26 yds forlSs . 3 d . ; 784 of Knox and Ferguson ' s make , 26 yds for 28 s . lid . ; 540 of their finest numbers , usually
sold at 2 s . 9 d . per yd , wijl be offered 28 yds for 39 s . 6 d . ; 560 pieces stout linen sheeting , requiring no seam , beginning at 4 s . 3 id . per pair ; 670 pieces Barnsley ditto , stout and fine , 7 s . lid . ; 740 ditto , 3 yds wide , an excellent article , 12 s . lid . ; very fine Irish sheeting , widest width , made , 21 s ., worth at least 45 s the pair ; 150 dozen breakfast cloths , 8 s . 9 d . per dozen ; 140 cases of damask table cloths , large sizes , 17 d . each ; 2 A yds long , ditto , 3 s . 6 d , ; 3 yds long , Ss . ; 4 yds long , rich double damask , 15 s . ; o yds long , 20 s ., splendid cloths ; 500 dozen damask napkins , 2 s . Hid . perdozen ; toilet covers , 6 d . ; furniture 66 d iece of 28 dsfurniture dimities
650 pieces of chintz , s . per p y ; , 2 | d . ; 750 full sized quilts and counterpanes , 2 s . 9 d . each ; superior qualities and extra size , 6 s . 6 d . ; bordered book muslins , 3 s . ll § d . per piece ; 25 boxes of real French cambric handkerchiefs , 4 s . 3 d . per dozen ; 70 boxes ditto , very fine , 9 s . 6 d ; 50 ditto , exquisitely fine , 12 s . fid . to 21 s . the dozen ; several packs of huckabacks , and other goods . Tlie above stock having been carefully examined , and found quite perfect , is now on sale at J . NICHOLSON'S , WATERLOO HOUSE , 60 , BISHOPSGATE-STREET WITHIN .