Article THE FREEMASON'S LEXICON. ← Page 2 of 9 →
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The Freemason's Lexicon.
the third offence , with banishment from the city and its territories , and that by law . '' Father Greinemann praised this edict extremely , and said openly , that if his followers would assist him , he would slay ' every Freemason he met with his own hands . Upon this the mob abused every one whom they suspected to belong to the order . Jealous of the honour which Greinemann had thereby acquired , the Capuchin , Peter Schuffstrove to exceed him in the persecutionand the populace did not
, , refuse to give him his meed of approbation . In this critical state of things , the Lodge applied to the neighbouring Lodges and Princes for assistance , which was immediately rendered ; both priests received a letter in French , in which the writer declared himself to be one of the ancient dignitaries of the order of Freemasons , strongly reminded them of their true duties , and amongst other tilings , stated " that even many jiriests were Freemasons . One pope , many cardinals , bishops , priests , and
even Dominican and Capuchin monks were members of the order . " This had some effect , but peace was not entirely restored until some of the neighbouring Iree imperial states threatened that they would prohibit the monks from collecting alms in their territories , if they continued to stir up the mob against Freemasonry . Abelites , or Abelsorder . —This order became known to the public through a work called " The Ahelite" printed at Leipsiin 1746 at
, g , the expense of a member , with a dedication to Gustavus , crownprince of Sweden . It is there stated ( page 40 ) that this society had opened a Lodge at Griefswald , in the beginning of the year 1745 , they bad adopted the name of Abel , the second son of Adam , whom Christ himself had called " the upright , " and their endeavours were directed towards maintaining a true uprightness and candidness in all their actions . The Abelites would not be Freemasons , but yet they had signs ,
ceremonies , symbols , and devices , which they kept secret . It is not known how long this order existed . In ancient times there existed in Africa a sect called Abelites , who would not be married because Abel had not had a wife !
Aberglaube , Superstition . —There are in nature many things which cannot be explained even by the most sagacious and learned men . AVhen men whose powers of discrimination are below the common standard reflect upon those inexplicable things , how easy is it for them to fall into the errors of superstition . The superstitious picture to themselves things as possible which are devoid of any rational , nay , even rationally conceivable foundation , and are in direct contradiction to the whole
course of Nature , or which make an incongruous construction of natural events . AVe are shocked if we merely hastily survey the host of deceptions which are occasioned by ignorance , credulity , eagerness to look into the womb of futurity , anguish , and knavery , from the most solemn and imposing religious rites of the ancients unto the roasting of a live toad upon a wooden spit , into ashes in the month of May , and then swallowing those ashes as a sovereign remedy for the fever . Some of
those things might be allowed to pass as merely theoretical errors , but through one false decision , the understanding accustoms itself to form more false conclusions , and in fact , every superstitious opinion is hurtful . It is therefore tbe duty of every enlightened Freemason to root out and destroy this weed wherever he may find it , by teaching that which is comprehensible , and above all , by diligently , forcibly , and clearly exposing those deceptions by which so many superstitions are supported . Extending more just and enlightened views of the arrange-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemason's Lexicon.
the third offence , with banishment from the city and its territories , and that by law . '' Father Greinemann praised this edict extremely , and said openly , that if his followers would assist him , he would slay ' every Freemason he met with his own hands . Upon this the mob abused every one whom they suspected to belong to the order . Jealous of the honour which Greinemann had thereby acquired , the Capuchin , Peter Schuffstrove to exceed him in the persecutionand the populace did not
, , refuse to give him his meed of approbation . In this critical state of things , the Lodge applied to the neighbouring Lodges and Princes for assistance , which was immediately rendered ; both priests received a letter in French , in which the writer declared himself to be one of the ancient dignitaries of the order of Freemasons , strongly reminded them of their true duties , and amongst other tilings , stated " that even many jiriests were Freemasons . One pope , many cardinals , bishops , priests , and
even Dominican and Capuchin monks were members of the order . " This had some effect , but peace was not entirely restored until some of the neighbouring Iree imperial states threatened that they would prohibit the monks from collecting alms in their territories , if they continued to stir up the mob against Freemasonry . Abelites , or Abelsorder . —This order became known to the public through a work called " The Ahelite" printed at Leipsiin 1746 at
, g , the expense of a member , with a dedication to Gustavus , crownprince of Sweden . It is there stated ( page 40 ) that this society had opened a Lodge at Griefswald , in the beginning of the year 1745 , they bad adopted the name of Abel , the second son of Adam , whom Christ himself had called " the upright , " and their endeavours were directed towards maintaining a true uprightness and candidness in all their actions . The Abelites would not be Freemasons , but yet they had signs ,
ceremonies , symbols , and devices , which they kept secret . It is not known how long this order existed . In ancient times there existed in Africa a sect called Abelites , who would not be married because Abel had not had a wife !
Aberglaube , Superstition . —There are in nature many things which cannot be explained even by the most sagacious and learned men . AVhen men whose powers of discrimination are below the common standard reflect upon those inexplicable things , how easy is it for them to fall into the errors of superstition . The superstitious picture to themselves things as possible which are devoid of any rational , nay , even rationally conceivable foundation , and are in direct contradiction to the whole
course of Nature , or which make an incongruous construction of natural events . AVe are shocked if we merely hastily survey the host of deceptions which are occasioned by ignorance , credulity , eagerness to look into the womb of futurity , anguish , and knavery , from the most solemn and imposing religious rites of the ancients unto the roasting of a live toad upon a wooden spit , into ashes in the month of May , and then swallowing those ashes as a sovereign remedy for the fever . Some of
those things might be allowed to pass as merely theoretical errors , but through one false decision , the understanding accustoms itself to form more false conclusions , and in fact , every superstitious opinion is hurtful . It is therefore tbe duty of every enlightened Freemason to root out and destroy this weed wherever he may find it , by teaching that which is comprehensible , and above all , by diligently , forcibly , and clearly exposing those deceptions by which so many superstitions are supported . Extending more just and enlightened views of the arrange-