Article THE FREEMASON'S LEXICON. ← Page 4 of 9 →
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The Freemason's Lexicon.
whose origin is lost in the deepest and most distant shadows of tradition , and whose secrets are as closely concealed as their origin , this order has determined to prove to the world that Woman unites with all her other virtues the virtue of wise circumspection . It is the duty of this order , by the adoption of the female sex , to create a new source of strength , and to form new examples , not merely to bring to suffering humanity a larger measure of the duties of benevolence and consolation
, but to adorn those duties with all the graces of delicacy which make them lighter for the giver , and softer and more agreeable to the receiver . " From those and other still weaker grounds the system of Adoption was formed , and on the llth March , 1775 , a Lodge was opened in Paris under the name of La Candeur , and that , too , with the permission of the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France . A marquis filled the chair , and a duchess was his deputy-mistress , or female master .
Besides the AV . M ., there were other male members in the Lodge , and the office-bearers , were males and females . The number of sisters increased so strongly , that in a very short time a new Adoption Lodge sprung up , called La Fidclite , which was also followed , in a short time , by many others , and they wrought in more than three degrees in them . This system still ( 1831 ) exists in France . In the year 1787 , the Lodge of Truth and Unionat the Three Crowned Pillars in Praguehad the
, , pleasure of introducing an imitation of the Parisian Lodges of Adoption . The Brethren composed a ritual of their own , and at the first female labour , the first female S . AV . returned thanks , half jestingly . This sort of work has long ceased in Germany . Adyton . —A secret place in the temples of the ancients , aud other holy
places , into which the priests alone were permitted to enter . yE uilPt , E gypt- —A country in the northern part of Africa , under the government of Turkey , and neglected in its cultivation , as well as in the arts and sciences , but which formerly , under a government of its own , had attained a very high degree of spiritual perfection . The ancient Egyptians were idolaters ; they worshipped the sun under the name of Osiris , and the moon under that of Isis , as well as of Hermes
Trismegistus . There was only one caste of the people , viz ., that of the priests ( out of which caste , nearly all the officers of government and all the teachers were chosen ) , which had a clear comprehension of the true God ; but this , as well as all other knowledge , they concealed from the vulgar under a number of hieroglyphics anil symbols . The Egyptians are thus to be regarded as the people to whom we are indebted for the first clear conception of the nature and attributes of the Godheadand
, of spiritual things . Their principal mysteries were the secrets of Grata Nepoa . The Eleusinian mysteries of the Greeks had also their origin in Egypt . ( See Grata Nepoa and Eleusinian . ) Ausscr dem Loge , Out of the Lodge . —A Freemason ought to distinguish himself from other men out of the Lodge , as well as in it , by uprightness and friendship to the Brethren , by a free and unconstrained manner of thinking , and by an unimpeachable purity of living . A Brother
Freemason shall not only conduct himself in the Lodge , but also out of the Lodge , as a Brother towards his Brethren ; and happy are they who are convinced that they have in this respect ever obeyed the laws of the order . A free and unconstrained manner of thinking distinguishes not only an enlightened man , but a man who nobly protects that which is just . Ape and Lion Order of Knighthood and of Secrecy . —Such an ordei appeared about the year 1780 , and its existence was only made known VOL . i . r , r .
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The Freemason's Lexicon.
whose origin is lost in the deepest and most distant shadows of tradition , and whose secrets are as closely concealed as their origin , this order has determined to prove to the world that Woman unites with all her other virtues the virtue of wise circumspection . It is the duty of this order , by the adoption of the female sex , to create a new source of strength , and to form new examples , not merely to bring to suffering humanity a larger measure of the duties of benevolence and consolation
, but to adorn those duties with all the graces of delicacy which make them lighter for the giver , and softer and more agreeable to the receiver . " From those and other still weaker grounds the system of Adoption was formed , and on the llth March , 1775 , a Lodge was opened in Paris under the name of La Candeur , and that , too , with the permission of the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France . A marquis filled the chair , and a duchess was his deputy-mistress , or female master .
Besides the AV . M ., there were other male members in the Lodge , and the office-bearers , were males and females . The number of sisters increased so strongly , that in a very short time a new Adoption Lodge sprung up , called La Fidclite , which was also followed , in a short time , by many others , and they wrought in more than three degrees in them . This system still ( 1831 ) exists in France . In the year 1787 , the Lodge of Truth and Unionat the Three Crowned Pillars in Praguehad the
, , pleasure of introducing an imitation of the Parisian Lodges of Adoption . The Brethren composed a ritual of their own , and at the first female labour , the first female S . AV . returned thanks , half jestingly . This sort of work has long ceased in Germany . Adyton . —A secret place in the temples of the ancients , aud other holy
places , into which the priests alone were permitted to enter . yE uilPt , E gypt- —A country in the northern part of Africa , under the government of Turkey , and neglected in its cultivation , as well as in the arts and sciences , but which formerly , under a government of its own , had attained a very high degree of spiritual perfection . The ancient Egyptians were idolaters ; they worshipped the sun under the name of Osiris , and the moon under that of Isis , as well as of Hermes
Trismegistus . There was only one caste of the people , viz ., that of the priests ( out of which caste , nearly all the officers of government and all the teachers were chosen ) , which had a clear comprehension of the true God ; but this , as well as all other knowledge , they concealed from the vulgar under a number of hieroglyphics anil symbols . The Egyptians are thus to be regarded as the people to whom we are indebted for the first clear conception of the nature and attributes of the Godheadand
, of spiritual things . Their principal mysteries were the secrets of Grata Nepoa . The Eleusinian mysteries of the Greeks had also their origin in Egypt . ( See Grata Nepoa and Eleusinian . ) Ausscr dem Loge , Out of the Lodge . —A Freemason ought to distinguish himself from other men out of the Lodge , as well as in it , by uprightness and friendship to the Brethren , by a free and unconstrained manner of thinking , and by an unimpeachable purity of living . A Brother
Freemason shall not only conduct himself in the Lodge , but also out of the Lodge , as a Brother towards his Brethren ; and happy are they who are convinced that they have in this respect ever obeyed the laws of the order . A free and unconstrained manner of thinking distinguishes not only an enlightened man , but a man who nobly protects that which is just . Ape and Lion Order of Knighthood and of Secrecy . —Such an ordei appeared about the year 1780 , and its existence was only made known VOL . i . r , r .