Article THE FREEMASON'S LEXICON. ← Page 9 of 9 Article THE ANNALIST. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Freemason's Lexicon.
with the inscription , "Founded the 12 th August , 1802 . " There was formerly a Lodge here , Au Quutre Picrres Cubes , belonging to the Union of the Grand Lodge , at the Three Globes in Berlin , but which has long been closed . P . S . —You will see that I have followed the order of the German words instead of the Englishbecause the work is arranged
alhabeti-, p cally in German ; as , for example ; Aberglaube , is superstition . Abschied , is leaving or declaring off from a Lodge . JEgypt , is Egypt . Ausser dem Loge , out of the Lodge , & c , & c .
The Annalist.
ARCHIVES OF GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . ( Continued from page 38 ) . 1757 . H . R . H . the Duke of York , brother to King George the Third , was initiated . 1758 . * Money awarded to Brethren who became deceased , returned to the Grand Lodge .
1760 . Several Lodges erased , for non-attendance . 1761 . Grand Officers empowered to dispose of the unsold Constitution Books ; reported that Masons were made clandestinely , for small stuns , at the Glaziers' Arms , AVater-lane , Fleet-street ; ordered that the acting Master and AVardens be expelled . 1762 . Bro . Scott to have all the Constitution Books , large and small , at 2 s . 6 d . each . Petitions from the Lodges in the East Indies , praying for the
appointment of Culling Smith , Esq ., as Provincial Grand Master , complied with . Fifty guineas sent from those Lodges to the fund of Charity . Funds of the Grand Lodge amounted to £ ' 1000 . Eighty Pounds voted by the Committee of Charity to distressed Brethren . 1763 . Funds of the Grand Lodge amounted to £ 1200 . 1765 . Subscription entered into to raise £ ' 216 for silver candlesticks , and ; £ 'I 20 for three chairs , for the Grand Lodge . Ninety pounds voted
to distressed Masons . More clandestine Masons , by Scott , who purchased the Constitution Books . He , at a subsequent meeting , asked pardon . 1766 . H . R . H , AVilliam Henry , Duke of Gloucester , made , passed , and raised , at an occasional Lodge , held at the Horns Tavern , Palace-yard , on the 16 th of February . A reprint of tbe Constitutions suggested . £ 100 voted to the sufferers by fire at Barbados . Five hundred copies of the amended Constitutions ordered to be printed
; to be sold at a certain price to the Brethren . 1767 . Feb . 9 . II . R . 11 . Henry Frederick , Duke of Cumberland , made , passed , and raised , at the Thatched House . April 15 . Grand clothing presented to their R . II . the Dukes of York , Gloucester , and Cumberland , with the rank of Past Grand Master . 17 C 8 . Important correspondence with the Grand Lodge of France .
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The Freemason's Lexicon.
with the inscription , "Founded the 12 th August , 1802 . " There was formerly a Lodge here , Au Quutre Picrres Cubes , belonging to the Union of the Grand Lodge , at the Three Globes in Berlin , but which has long been closed . P . S . —You will see that I have followed the order of the German words instead of the Englishbecause the work is arranged
alhabeti-, p cally in German ; as , for example ; Aberglaube , is superstition . Abschied , is leaving or declaring off from a Lodge . JEgypt , is Egypt . Ausser dem Loge , out of the Lodge , & c , & c .
The Annalist.
ARCHIVES OF GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . ( Continued from page 38 ) . 1757 . H . R . H . the Duke of York , brother to King George the Third , was initiated . 1758 . * Money awarded to Brethren who became deceased , returned to the Grand Lodge .
1760 . Several Lodges erased , for non-attendance . 1761 . Grand Officers empowered to dispose of the unsold Constitution Books ; reported that Masons were made clandestinely , for small stuns , at the Glaziers' Arms , AVater-lane , Fleet-street ; ordered that the acting Master and AVardens be expelled . 1762 . Bro . Scott to have all the Constitution Books , large and small , at 2 s . 6 d . each . Petitions from the Lodges in the East Indies , praying for the
appointment of Culling Smith , Esq ., as Provincial Grand Master , complied with . Fifty guineas sent from those Lodges to the fund of Charity . Funds of the Grand Lodge amounted to £ ' 1000 . Eighty Pounds voted by the Committee of Charity to distressed Brethren . 1763 . Funds of the Grand Lodge amounted to £ 1200 . 1765 . Subscription entered into to raise £ ' 216 for silver candlesticks , and ; £ 'I 20 for three chairs , for the Grand Lodge . Ninety pounds voted
to distressed Masons . More clandestine Masons , by Scott , who purchased the Constitution Books . He , at a subsequent meeting , asked pardon . 1766 . H . R . H , AVilliam Henry , Duke of Gloucester , made , passed , and raised , at an occasional Lodge , held at the Horns Tavern , Palace-yard , on the 16 th of February . A reprint of tbe Constitutions suggested . £ 100 voted to the sufferers by fire at Barbados . Five hundred copies of the amended Constitutions ordered to be printed
; to be sold at a certain price to the Brethren . 1767 . Feb . 9 . II . R . 11 . Henry Frederick , Duke of Cumberland , made , passed , and raised , at the Thatched House . April 15 . Grand clothing presented to their R . II . the Dukes of York , Gloucester , and Cumberland , with the rank of Past Grand Master . 17 C 8 . Important correspondence with the Grand Lodge of France .