Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 3 of 9 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
description with his name as the author , but which are probably thc invention of more modern visionaries . From him is derived the hermetical art , as well as the expression to seal any thing hermetically . Others call Hermes Trismegistus also Toy Teut or Taaut , and give him out for the most ancient Egyptian philosopher , who lived about Anno Mundi , 2544 . But of the truth of this there is no certainty . Hessen-Cassel . —Freemasonry has flourished for many years in this
state , and its Regents have never been opposed to it . When this State was annexed to the kingdom of Westphalia and the new French court took up its residence in Cassel , the French founded a Grand Lodge there which ceased to exist with the fall of King Jerome Napoleon . After the political alterations which followed the peace of 1815 , the Grand Lodge , Royal York , at Berlin , founded a Provincial Grand Lodge of Curhessen , in Cassel , which elected itself to a Grand Lodge in 1817 ,
and has Daughter Lodges in Cassel , Eschwege , and Marburg . Hesse Darmstadt . —For many years Freemasonry was inactive here , and it was only in Giessen that there was a Lodge in activity . In the year 1816 , in the city of Darmstadt , a Lodge was solemnly opened under the protection of the Regent , and the other Lodges in Giessen were again in full activity . Hierloglyphen , Symbole oder Bilderschrift . Hieroglyphics , Symbolical Picture
, or Writing . —Hieroglyphics were used before the discovery of the art of writing , and through paintings of natural or scientific objects were represented invisible things and ideas , which could not have otherwise been delineated . On account of its importance , and the
difficulty of reading it , it was considered sacred . The real meaning of the hieroglyphics was a mystery of the ancient Egyptian priests , and could only be explained in the greater mysteries . The key to the most of these hieroglyphics has been lost , especially because that iu the third and fourth century of the Christian era they were applied to theurgic , magic , alchymy , and astrology . Even since the discovery of the alphabet , new hieroglyphics aud symbols have been invented , and the bread and
wine taken at the sacrament of the Lord ' s Supper are only to be taken as symbols . The picture of a lamb represents patience , a dog fidelity , & c , & c . Hieroglyphics must always be understood to be pictorial representations , and a symbol can be both a pictorial representation and an action , for example . The chain which unites us as Masons , and of which every Mason is a link ; the journies , * & c , & c . From what is here said the Freemason will be able to perceive which of the Masonic
objects he has to consider as hierogl yphics and which as symbols . Hierophant oder Mystagog . —This was the chief priest of the Eleusinians , and he could only be chosen from the tribe of the Eumolpidens , whose ancestors were considered the founders of the mysteries and the first hierophants . His outward appearance both in person and clothing must be such as to proclaim the dignity of the exalted post he filled . He must be past the prime of lifeandif not handsomeat least without
, , , any bodily defects ; and possess an extraordinary fine and powerful voice . His forehead was adorned with a diadem , and his hair fell im natural and graceful ringlets about his neck and shoulders . His course ; of life must be without spot or blemish , and in the eyes of the people M must be encircled with the glory of holiness . It was his duty to main-
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
description with his name as the author , but which are probably thc invention of more modern visionaries . From him is derived the hermetical art , as well as the expression to seal any thing hermetically . Others call Hermes Trismegistus also Toy Teut or Taaut , and give him out for the most ancient Egyptian philosopher , who lived about Anno Mundi , 2544 . But of the truth of this there is no certainty . Hessen-Cassel . —Freemasonry has flourished for many years in this
state , and its Regents have never been opposed to it . When this State was annexed to the kingdom of Westphalia and the new French court took up its residence in Cassel , the French founded a Grand Lodge there which ceased to exist with the fall of King Jerome Napoleon . After the political alterations which followed the peace of 1815 , the Grand Lodge , Royal York , at Berlin , founded a Provincial Grand Lodge of Curhessen , in Cassel , which elected itself to a Grand Lodge in 1817 ,
and has Daughter Lodges in Cassel , Eschwege , and Marburg . Hesse Darmstadt . —For many years Freemasonry was inactive here , and it was only in Giessen that there was a Lodge in activity . In the year 1816 , in the city of Darmstadt , a Lodge was solemnly opened under the protection of the Regent , and the other Lodges in Giessen were again in full activity . Hierloglyphen , Symbole oder Bilderschrift . Hieroglyphics , Symbolical Picture
, or Writing . —Hieroglyphics were used before the discovery of the art of writing , and through paintings of natural or scientific objects were represented invisible things and ideas , which could not have otherwise been delineated . On account of its importance , and the
difficulty of reading it , it was considered sacred . The real meaning of the hieroglyphics was a mystery of the ancient Egyptian priests , and could only be explained in the greater mysteries . The key to the most of these hieroglyphics has been lost , especially because that iu the third and fourth century of the Christian era they were applied to theurgic , magic , alchymy , and astrology . Even since the discovery of the alphabet , new hieroglyphics aud symbols have been invented , and the bread and
wine taken at the sacrament of the Lord ' s Supper are only to be taken as symbols . The picture of a lamb represents patience , a dog fidelity , & c , & c . Hieroglyphics must always be understood to be pictorial representations , and a symbol can be both a pictorial representation and an action , for example . The chain which unites us as Masons , and of which every Mason is a link ; the journies , * & c , & c . From what is here said the Freemason will be able to perceive which of the Masonic
objects he has to consider as hierogl yphics and which as symbols . Hierophant oder Mystagog . —This was the chief priest of the Eleusinians , and he could only be chosen from the tribe of the Eumolpidens , whose ancestors were considered the founders of the mysteries and the first hierophants . His outward appearance both in person and clothing must be such as to proclaim the dignity of the exalted post he filled . He must be past the prime of lifeandif not handsomeat least without
, , , any bodily defects ; and possess an extraordinary fine and powerful voice . His forehead was adorned with a diadem , and his hair fell im natural and graceful ringlets about his neck and shoulders . His course ; of life must be without spot or blemish , and in the eyes of the people M must be encircled with the glory of holiness . It was his duty to main-