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ff !§ r THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF THE ASYLUM FOR AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASONS most earnestly direct the attention of their Provincial Brethren to the state of the Funds of that excellent Institution , and trust , that by the aid of Lodges and private Contributions , thc serious expenses to which the Charity has been subjected -may be met by the kindness and liberality of the Craft .
Post Office Orders , Bank paper , or references on London Houses , will be thankfully acknowledged by the Bankers , MESSRS . PRESCOTT ASD CO ., 62 , Threadneedle Street , London ; thc Treasurer , DR . CRUCEFIX , Grove , Gravesend , Kent ; or the Secretary , ad interim , MR . JOHN AVHITMORE , 125 , Oxford Street , London . CHATHAMJune 2 . —A numerous meeting of Lodges Nos . 20216
, , , and 709 , was held at the Sun , this day , at which the Deputy P . G . M . for the Province , Brother Ashley presided . On this occasion a very elegant Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Colour-Sergeant J . Lynch , as a token of respect and gratitude for his general excellent conduct as a Mason , and for his efficient services to the Craft . The jewel was presented by Brother Ashley , in a very dignified and appropriate address , to which Brother Lynch replied in energetic and feeling terms . It was
highly complimentary to Brother Lynch that the meeting was attended by several officers , who evidently felt gratified to find that the character of their brother soldier was so properly appreciated . On our own part , we beg to state , that never was a compliment more gracefully paid or
more richly deserved . GRAVESEND , June 10 . —Lodge of Sympathy , No . 709 . —A very numerous meeting of the members of this Lodge and Visiting Brethren , was held this day , for the purpose of installing the Master elect , Brother Johnson . This august ceremonial was ably conducted by Brother Heather , Provincial Grand Registrar , and Brother J . Lynch , of No . 216 , Chatham ; there were present no less than thirteen Past Masters . The
Post Master , Mr . Couves , was afterwards initiated . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master Brother Ashley presided at the banquet , and delivered many admirable addresses . Brother Heather returned thanks for the compliment paid to the Provincial Grand Officers , and the transactions of the day passed off to the unqualified satisfaction of every one present .
CHELMSFORD . —A Provincial Grand Masonic Ball is to be held on the 24 th June , at the Shire Hall , under the patronage of the R . AV . Rowland Alston , Provincial Grand Master . The profits are to be applied in aid of the Masonic charity for clothing ami educating the sons of indigent and deceased Freemasons . OXFORD , June 9 . —The officers and Brethren of the Apollo ( University ) Lodge , assembled at the invitation of the Alfred ( City )
Lodge , to spend a social hour previous to the long vacation . The Masonic business of the day having been disposed of in the afternoon , the Brethren assembled in the evening about nine o ' clock , when a sumptuous entertainment was served up in the banquet hall , which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ff !§ r THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF THE ASYLUM FOR AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASONS most earnestly direct the attention of their Provincial Brethren to the state of the Funds of that excellent Institution , and trust , that by the aid of Lodges and private Contributions , thc serious expenses to which the Charity has been subjected -may be met by the kindness and liberality of the Craft .
Post Office Orders , Bank paper , or references on London Houses , will be thankfully acknowledged by the Bankers , MESSRS . PRESCOTT ASD CO ., 62 , Threadneedle Street , London ; thc Treasurer , DR . CRUCEFIX , Grove , Gravesend , Kent ; or the Secretary , ad interim , MR . JOHN AVHITMORE , 125 , Oxford Street , London . CHATHAMJune 2 . —A numerous meeting of Lodges Nos . 20216
, , , and 709 , was held at the Sun , this day , at which the Deputy P . G . M . for the Province , Brother Ashley presided . On this occasion a very elegant Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Colour-Sergeant J . Lynch , as a token of respect and gratitude for his general excellent conduct as a Mason , and for his efficient services to the Craft . The jewel was presented by Brother Ashley , in a very dignified and appropriate address , to which Brother Lynch replied in energetic and feeling terms . It was
highly complimentary to Brother Lynch that the meeting was attended by several officers , who evidently felt gratified to find that the character of their brother soldier was so properly appreciated . On our own part , we beg to state , that never was a compliment more gracefully paid or
more richly deserved . GRAVESEND , June 10 . —Lodge of Sympathy , No . 709 . —A very numerous meeting of the members of this Lodge and Visiting Brethren , was held this day , for the purpose of installing the Master elect , Brother Johnson . This august ceremonial was ably conducted by Brother Heather , Provincial Grand Registrar , and Brother J . Lynch , of No . 216 , Chatham ; there were present no less than thirteen Past Masters . The
Post Master , Mr . Couves , was afterwards initiated . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master Brother Ashley presided at the banquet , and delivered many admirable addresses . Brother Heather returned thanks for the compliment paid to the Provincial Grand Officers , and the transactions of the day passed off to the unqualified satisfaction of every one present .
CHELMSFORD . —A Provincial Grand Masonic Ball is to be held on the 24 th June , at the Shire Hall , under the patronage of the R . AV . Rowland Alston , Provincial Grand Master . The profits are to be applied in aid of the Masonic charity for clothing ami educating the sons of indigent and deceased Freemasons . OXFORD , June 9 . —The officers and Brethren of the Apollo ( University ) Lodge , assembled at the invitation of the Alfred ( City )
Lodge , to spend a social hour previous to the long vacation . The Masonic business of the day having been disposed of in the afternoon , the Brethren assembled in the evening about nine o ' clock , when a sumptuous entertainment was served up in the banquet hall , which