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other Senior Officers of the Province presided in the south , the west , and tbe north . The Masters sat tit the upper table , in the vicinity of the P . G . M . In the same position of honour were seated the guest of the evening , the Rov . C . AVoodivard , and Sir O . Gibbs , Bart ., D . P . S . W ., of Weymouth , and Dr . Bland . After dinner the customary loyal toasts—the Queen , Prince Albert , and the Royal Family—were given hy the P . G . M . with a good terse speech to eachin which the loyalty of feeling inculcated hy Masonic principles
, was maintained . " The Three Grand Lodges " was also proposed hy the same officer . This and other Masonic toasts were drunk with the honours of the Craft . The next toast was " The health of the Prov . Grand Chaplain . " Dr . BLAND in proposing it , expressed in strong terms the pleasure which he felt in being selected not only to propose the health of their dear and Reverend Brother , C . AVoodivard , but to present that gentleman with an address and testimonial in the name of the Craftas a murk of their
, affection and esteem . A long course of usefulness and a strict adherence to the broad principles of rectitude under trials of the most painful nature had , he said , well earned for their Reverend Brother their esteem and good wishes , which would follow him to bis native land . The address and testimonial were then presented . The address was in the following terms : — " To the Rev . Charles Woodioard , B . C . L ., lute . Provincial Grand
Chaplain of Freemasons in Neiv South Wales , under the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England , Worshipful Master of the Sydney Samaritan Lodge , § -c , § -c , Sfc . " Reverend and Dear Sir and Brother , — On the eve of your departure from this colony to return to the mother country , it well consists with our principles of Brotherly love as Members of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , to record our esteem and affection towards you for your uniform zeal and fidelity in the cause of our Order .
" More especially should we fail in our duty were we not to offer you our sincere and fraternal sympathy on account of the peculiar circumstances of trial and discouragement which have compelled your decision ; and while ive carefully abstain from commenting on those circumstances , we cannot refrain from expressing otir regret that they should have interrupted the course of usefulness so worthily pursued by yon for the period of more than eleven years . " In testimony and as a substantial proof of the respect and fraternal
regard which tbe Masonic Body in New South Wales entertain towards you , we beg , in their name and as their united contribution , your acceptance of this purse and its contents , and in bidding you farewell , we earnestly pray that the Gieat Architect of the Universe , whom we all acknowledge and adore , may have you and your family in His holy keeping , enabling you to overcome all your difficulties and making all your paths peace . " Signed , on behalf of the Brethren ,
" AV . M . Leinster Marine Lodge of Australia , No . 266 . „ ,, Lodge of Australia , Wo . 548 . „ „ Australian Lodge of Fidelity , No . 267 . „ „ Australian Lodge of Harmony , No . 814 . „ „ Sydney Samaritan Lodge . " The purse , containing one hundred guineas , was presented upon a silver salver . The health of the Reverend Gentleman having been drunk with
enthusiasm , and with high Masonic honours , he proceeded to acknowledge the testimonial and the toast , in a speech of considerable length , and of much feeling . AVhile appealing to his conduct for the last eleven years , as an evidence of the principles hy ivhich be had all along been guided , lie denied that he had done anything more than his duty as a man and a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
other Senior Officers of the Province presided in the south , the west , and tbe north . The Masters sat tit the upper table , in the vicinity of the P . G . M . In the same position of honour were seated the guest of the evening , the Rov . C . AVoodivard , and Sir O . Gibbs , Bart ., D . P . S . W ., of Weymouth , and Dr . Bland . After dinner the customary loyal toasts—the Queen , Prince Albert , and the Royal Family—were given hy the P . G . M . with a good terse speech to eachin which the loyalty of feeling inculcated hy Masonic principles
, was maintained . " The Three Grand Lodges " was also proposed hy the same officer . This and other Masonic toasts were drunk with the honours of the Craft . The next toast was " The health of the Prov . Grand Chaplain . " Dr . BLAND in proposing it , expressed in strong terms the pleasure which he felt in being selected not only to propose the health of their dear and Reverend Brother , C . AVoodivard , but to present that gentleman with an address and testimonial in the name of the Craftas a murk of their
, affection and esteem . A long course of usefulness and a strict adherence to the broad principles of rectitude under trials of the most painful nature had , he said , well earned for their Reverend Brother their esteem and good wishes , which would follow him to bis native land . The address and testimonial were then presented . The address was in the following terms : — " To the Rev . Charles Woodioard , B . C . L ., lute . Provincial Grand
Chaplain of Freemasons in Neiv South Wales , under the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England , Worshipful Master of the Sydney Samaritan Lodge , § -c , § -c , Sfc . " Reverend and Dear Sir and Brother , — On the eve of your departure from this colony to return to the mother country , it well consists with our principles of Brotherly love as Members of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , to record our esteem and affection towards you for your uniform zeal and fidelity in the cause of our Order .
" More especially should we fail in our duty were we not to offer you our sincere and fraternal sympathy on account of the peculiar circumstances of trial and discouragement which have compelled your decision ; and while ive carefully abstain from commenting on those circumstances , we cannot refrain from expressing otir regret that they should have interrupted the course of usefulness so worthily pursued by yon for the period of more than eleven years . " In testimony and as a substantial proof of the respect and fraternal
regard which tbe Masonic Body in New South Wales entertain towards you , we beg , in their name and as their united contribution , your acceptance of this purse and its contents , and in bidding you farewell , we earnestly pray that the Gieat Architect of the Universe , whom we all acknowledge and adore , may have you and your family in His holy keeping , enabling you to overcome all your difficulties and making all your paths peace . " Signed , on behalf of the Brethren ,
" AV . M . Leinster Marine Lodge of Australia , No . 266 . „ ,, Lodge of Australia , Wo . 548 . „ „ Australian Lodge of Fidelity , No . 267 . „ „ Australian Lodge of Harmony , No . 814 . „ „ Sydney Samaritan Lodge . " The purse , containing one hundred guineas , was presented upon a silver salver . The health of the Reverend Gentleman having been drunk with
enthusiasm , and with high Masonic honours , he proceeded to acknowledge the testimonial and the toast , in a speech of considerable length , and of much feeling . AVhile appealing to his conduct for the last eleven years , as an evidence of the principles hy ivhich be had all along been guided , lie denied that he had done anything more than his duty as a man and a