Article BRO. WYLD'S GREAT GLOBE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE GREAT EXHIBITION. Page 1 of 1
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Bro. Wyld's Great Globe.
anything but natural and permanent types . There is nu writing on the snif ' ace , no artificial lines ; nor are there even indications of the phenomena of isothermism , electromugnetism , atmospheric and oceanic currents . The sens are marked of blue , the land in green tints , except in the frigid zone , where it litis a glittering icy covering ; the mountains are ranged according to their heights ; the volcanoes shown with hollow peaks , the line of perpetual snow indicated by the absence of ' GoIour , the rivers marked with
lines , the large towns by spots , the sandy deserts of the Sahara by a glare of red . Except the towns , the only vestige of human occupation is the line of the great wall of China , dimly dotted down . By the arrangement of the opaque colours , as well as by media stopping off the light , great variety of surface is produced . Altogether this is one of the most remarkable works of the year . The Crystal Palace is remarkable for its variety , bnt as a single work this model globe stands unsurpassed , nor is it likely to be wanting in interest to the public , for , while the idlest spectator must be
attracted hy curiosity , there are few ivho have not some distant relative whose station they wish to mark out , or whose Hue of voyage they seek to know , and before the great model globe all other globes and modes of geographical representations fade into comparative insignificance .
The Great Exhibition.
Among the articles exhibited in Class 3 , under the title of " Substances used in Food , " only one house has contributed specimens . AVe allude to the firm of Batty and Feast , the eminent sauce and pickle manufacturers , Finsbury-pavement . Their pickles and preserves , which are enclosed in large bottles or globes , attracted the marked attention of Her Majesty and the Prince , on the occasion of a late visit to the Exhibition . Formerly such condiments were of foreign invention , and it must be
gratifying to know that we can have all these luxuries furnished b y manufacturers of our own nation , who have increased the number , improved the quality , and cheapened the production of those viands , which minister to our palates and increase our comforts . AVe have seen the articles exhibited by Messrs , Batty and Feast , and ive cannot deny that we have tasted them more than once , and from the specimens we have had of their enterprise and skill , as inventors anil manufacturers , ive have no hesitation in stating that they have no rivals in
the trade . The pickles exhibited being warranted free from deleterious acids , which we believe are too frequently introduced by small pickle merchants , cannot fail to please . Their specimens of vinegar are in the highest state of purity . The salads of extreme brilliancy . There are also some very pretty bottles of preserves . Among others a pine-apple , AA-ith roots and leaves ; an orange tree ; bunches of citron and fruit ; and part of a French olive tree , the only specimen of the kind we have seen in England . The day being rather hot , when we visited the Crystal Palace , we could
not help casting a long and lingering look at a beautiful globe of calves-foot jelly , of which the exhibitors and the original inventors had sent a specimen ; but it was hermetically sealed . Among other novelties is a specimen of a sauce appropriately named in honour of the " Great Exhibition . "
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Bro. Wyld's Great Globe.
anything but natural and permanent types . There is nu writing on the snif ' ace , no artificial lines ; nor are there even indications of the phenomena of isothermism , electromugnetism , atmospheric and oceanic currents . The sens are marked of blue , the land in green tints , except in the frigid zone , where it litis a glittering icy covering ; the mountains are ranged according to their heights ; the volcanoes shown with hollow peaks , the line of perpetual snow indicated by the absence of ' GoIour , the rivers marked with
lines , the large towns by spots , the sandy deserts of the Sahara by a glare of red . Except the towns , the only vestige of human occupation is the line of the great wall of China , dimly dotted down . By the arrangement of the opaque colours , as well as by media stopping off the light , great variety of surface is produced . Altogether this is one of the most remarkable works of the year . The Crystal Palace is remarkable for its variety , bnt as a single work this model globe stands unsurpassed , nor is it likely to be wanting in interest to the public , for , while the idlest spectator must be
attracted hy curiosity , there are few ivho have not some distant relative whose station they wish to mark out , or whose Hue of voyage they seek to know , and before the great model globe all other globes and modes of geographical representations fade into comparative insignificance .
The Great Exhibition.
Among the articles exhibited in Class 3 , under the title of " Substances used in Food , " only one house has contributed specimens . AVe allude to the firm of Batty and Feast , the eminent sauce and pickle manufacturers , Finsbury-pavement . Their pickles and preserves , which are enclosed in large bottles or globes , attracted the marked attention of Her Majesty and the Prince , on the occasion of a late visit to the Exhibition . Formerly such condiments were of foreign invention , and it must be
gratifying to know that we can have all these luxuries furnished b y manufacturers of our own nation , who have increased the number , improved the quality , and cheapened the production of those viands , which minister to our palates and increase our comforts . AVe have seen the articles exhibited by Messrs , Batty and Feast , and ive cannot deny that we have tasted them more than once , and from the specimens we have had of their enterprise and skill , as inventors anil manufacturers , ive have no hesitation in stating that they have no rivals in
the trade . The pickles exhibited being warranted free from deleterious acids , which we believe are too frequently introduced by small pickle merchants , cannot fail to please . Their specimens of vinegar are in the highest state of purity . The salads of extreme brilliancy . There are also some very pretty bottles of preserves . Among others a pine-apple , AA-ith roots and leaves ; an orange tree ; bunches of citron and fruit ; and part of a French olive tree , the only specimen of the kind we have seen in England . The day being rather hot , when we visited the Crystal Palace , we could
not help casting a long and lingering look at a beautiful globe of calves-foot jelly , of which the exhibitors and the original inventors had sent a specimen ; but it was hermetically sealed . Among other novelties is a specimen of a sauce appropriately named in honour of the " Great Exhibition . "