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Historical Enquiry Into The Funereal Ceremonies Of The Various Nations Of The World*
survive ; no tie—unless we consider as such the name of men / which is common to both . It is a religious action , because the honours paid to the remains of our fellow creatures , to whom we Avere totally unknown during life is a homage rendered to the idea of another Avorld . There is the tangible conviction that death is but the short passage between the terrestrial life which ends , and the celestial life about to commence . There is the confused
idea that the soul always ivatches over the covering from ivhich it is scarcel y disengaged , rejoices in the piety which offers respect to it , or is aroused at the sacrilege which ivould outrage it . This action is likeAvise moral , because the feeling of an immortal state lends a sanction to the laivs ; and this sentiment , ' instead of a blind or corrupt human justice , places in our hearts a vigilant witness , an incorruptible judge , and hopefullv displays to our view palms for virtue that
beyond grave , ivhich is the end of all below . Honour , therefore , I repeat , thrice honour to the worthy Masons of the Perfect Union . And you , great ones of the earth , understand at length our Institution . By attacking several societies in Spain , Italy , and Germany , you thought to strike a blow at Masonry ; but learn that it is perfectly different from those associations which have assumed of its forms Its
may any . policy is charity , its religion is morality , its mysteries the secret of doing and diffusing good . Observe the answer of a reigning monarch to whom some one proposed the persecution of our Brethren . " Persecute the Masons 1 Never , they are the best people in my dominions . " A magnificent culogmm which we will labour incessantly to deserve !
Bro. Marshal Soult.
It was discovered last year , while the writer of these remarks was on a visit to the Highlands , that the Masonic Diploma of Marshal Soult , Avhich ivas found in his tent on the 21 st of June , 1813 , after the battle of Vittoria , was in the possession of St . Nathalan ' s Lodge , Tullich-on-Mar ; and this circumstance having been brought under the notice of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , they immediately communicated their opinion to the St . Nathalan Lodthat no Brother or bodof Brethren had a riht to
ge y g retain unauthorised possession of the property of a Brother Mason ; and directed an application to that Lodge for the restoration of the Marshal ' s Diploma , in order to its being surrendered to the legitimate owner . The St . Nathalan Lodge , after some hesitation , transmitted the interesting document to the Grand Lodge for restoration to Marshal Soult ; and , by desire of the Grand Master , the Diploma was duly returned to the Marshal through the hands of the Marquis of Normanby , British
Ambassador at Paris ; and the Marshal ' s letter of acknoivledgment , ivhen received , ivas ordered to be sent to the St . Nathalan Lodge for their satisfaction , the preservation of which will prove a far more valuable memorial of a distinguished Brother than the unwarranted possession of a plundered parchment . The Diploma has probably travelled through immense space , as it ivas only presented to the St . Nathalan Lodge in June , 1823 , very possibly by some Highland veteran returned from the Avars .
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Historical Enquiry Into The Funereal Ceremonies Of The Various Nations Of The World*
survive ; no tie—unless we consider as such the name of men / which is common to both . It is a religious action , because the honours paid to the remains of our fellow creatures , to whom we Avere totally unknown during life is a homage rendered to the idea of another Avorld . There is the tangible conviction that death is but the short passage between the terrestrial life which ends , and the celestial life about to commence . There is the confused
idea that the soul always ivatches over the covering from ivhich it is scarcel y disengaged , rejoices in the piety which offers respect to it , or is aroused at the sacrilege which ivould outrage it . This action is likeAvise moral , because the feeling of an immortal state lends a sanction to the laivs ; and this sentiment , ' instead of a blind or corrupt human justice , places in our hearts a vigilant witness , an incorruptible judge , and hopefullv displays to our view palms for virtue that
beyond grave , ivhich is the end of all below . Honour , therefore , I repeat , thrice honour to the worthy Masons of the Perfect Union . And you , great ones of the earth , understand at length our Institution . By attacking several societies in Spain , Italy , and Germany , you thought to strike a blow at Masonry ; but learn that it is perfectly different from those associations which have assumed of its forms Its
may any . policy is charity , its religion is morality , its mysteries the secret of doing and diffusing good . Observe the answer of a reigning monarch to whom some one proposed the persecution of our Brethren . " Persecute the Masons 1 Never , they are the best people in my dominions . " A magnificent culogmm which we will labour incessantly to deserve !
Bro. Marshal Soult.
It was discovered last year , while the writer of these remarks was on a visit to the Highlands , that the Masonic Diploma of Marshal Soult , Avhich ivas found in his tent on the 21 st of June , 1813 , after the battle of Vittoria , was in the possession of St . Nathalan ' s Lodge , Tullich-on-Mar ; and this circumstance having been brought under the notice of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , they immediately communicated their opinion to the St . Nathalan Lodthat no Brother or bodof Brethren had a riht to
ge y g retain unauthorised possession of the property of a Brother Mason ; and directed an application to that Lodge for the restoration of the Marshal ' s Diploma , in order to its being surrendered to the legitimate owner . The St . Nathalan Lodge , after some hesitation , transmitted the interesting document to the Grand Lodge for restoration to Marshal Soult ; and , by desire of the Grand Master , the Diploma was duly returned to the Marshal through the hands of the Marquis of Normanby , British
Ambassador at Paris ; and the Marshal ' s letter of acknoivledgment , ivhen received , ivas ordered to be sent to the St . Nathalan Lodge for their satisfaction , the preservation of which will prove a far more valuable memorial of a distinguished Brother than the unwarranted possession of a plundered parchment . The Diploma has probably travelled through immense space , as it ivas only presented to the St . Nathalan Lodge in June , 1823 , very possibly by some Highland veteran returned from the Avars .