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Historical Notes On Freemasonry.
The Church of San Giovanni , at Rome . . . 12 ' siecle The Church of San Antonio , at Rome .... 1130 The Cathedral of St . Lo 1175 The Cathedral of Ferrare 12 ' siecle The Tower of Carisondi at Bologna 1100 The Cathedral of Sienne 1193 The Church of St . Salvator , at Sienne .... 1150 The Church of St . Andre , at Sienne 1166
The Church of St . Andre , at Pisa 1100 The Leaning Tower , at Pisa 1174 The Cathedral of GSnes 1199 The Cathedral of Plaisancc 1177 The Cathedral of Cremone 1107 The Church of St . Bernardine , at Milan .... 1135 The Church of St . Marie , at Bergame .... 1134 The Church of St . Francois , at Assise .... 1228
The Cathedral of Vicence 1260 The Lodge ofthe Public Palace at Padua . . . . 1270 The Church of St . Antoine , at Padua .... 1231 The Church of Campo-Santo , at Pisa 1277 The Church of Santa Maria della Spina , at Pisa . . 1230 The Cathedral of Naples 1280 The Cupola of Arezzo 1256 The Church of St . Marguerite , at Cortone .... 1297
The Church of St . Marie Nouvelle , at Florence . . 1229 The Church of St . Croix , at Florence .... 1285 The Church of St . Marie , at Florence .... 1298 The Old Palace , at Florence The Church of St . John and St . Paul , at Venice . . 1246 The Church of St . Francis , at Bologna .... 1245 The Cupola at Orviete 1290 The Church of St . Anastasia , at Verona .... 1275
The Church of San Pietro , at Verona .... The Churcn of St . Etienne , at Venice .. .. 1325 The Ducal Palace , at Venice 1350 The Cathedral of Lucca 1308 The Cathedral of Come 1369 The Cathedral of Milan 1385 The Church of St . Marie S . L . M ., at Rome . . . 1375 The Palace , at Bologna 1344
SPAIN . The Cathedral of Bourgos 1221 The Cathedral of Toledo 1258 The Cathedral of Barcelona 1299 The Monastery of Pobelt 1249 The Monastery of las Huelglass 1190 The Monastery of Benevivenne 12 ' siecle The Monastery of Zamora
The Monastery of Toro The Church of St . Thone , at Toledo 1270 The Church of Santa Maria Bianca , Toledo . . . 1295 The Cathedral of Seville 1401 The Monastery of Minaflores 1454 The Cathedral of Saragosse 1400 The Church of St . Rdefonse , at Alcola of Henares . . 1500 The Church of St . Etienne , at Bourgos .... - The Monastery of St . Salvador , at Ona . — -
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Historical Notes On Freemasonry.
The Church of San Giovanni , at Rome . . . 12 ' siecle The Church of San Antonio , at Rome .... 1130 The Cathedral of St . Lo 1175 The Cathedral of Ferrare 12 ' siecle The Tower of Carisondi at Bologna 1100 The Cathedral of Sienne 1193 The Church of St . Salvator , at Sienne .... 1150 The Church of St . Andre , at Sienne 1166
The Church of St . Andre , at Pisa 1100 The Leaning Tower , at Pisa 1174 The Cathedral of GSnes 1199 The Cathedral of Plaisancc 1177 The Cathedral of Cremone 1107 The Church of St . Bernardine , at Milan .... 1135 The Church of St . Marie , at Bergame .... 1134 The Church of St . Francois , at Assise .... 1228
The Cathedral of Vicence 1260 The Lodge ofthe Public Palace at Padua . . . . 1270 The Church of St . Antoine , at Padua .... 1231 The Church of Campo-Santo , at Pisa 1277 The Church of Santa Maria della Spina , at Pisa . . 1230 The Cathedral of Naples 1280 The Cupola of Arezzo 1256 The Church of St . Marguerite , at Cortone .... 1297
The Church of St . Marie Nouvelle , at Florence . . 1229 The Church of St . Croix , at Florence .... 1285 The Church of St . Marie , at Florence .... 1298 The Old Palace , at Florence The Church of St . John and St . Paul , at Venice . . 1246 The Church of St . Francis , at Bologna .... 1245 The Cupola at Orviete 1290 The Church of St . Anastasia , at Verona .... 1275
The Church of San Pietro , at Verona .... The Churcn of St . Etienne , at Venice .. .. 1325 The Ducal Palace , at Venice 1350 The Cathedral of Lucca 1308 The Cathedral of Come 1369 The Cathedral of Milan 1385 The Church of St . Marie S . L . M ., at Rome . . . 1375 The Palace , at Bologna 1344
SPAIN . The Cathedral of Bourgos 1221 The Cathedral of Toledo 1258 The Cathedral of Barcelona 1299 The Monastery of Pobelt 1249 The Monastery of las Huelglass 1190 The Monastery of Benevivenne 12 ' siecle The Monastery of Zamora
The Monastery of Toro The Church of St . Thone , at Toledo 1270 The Church of Santa Maria Bianca , Toledo . . . 1295 The Cathedral of Seville 1401 The Monastery of Minaflores 1454 The Cathedral of Saragosse 1400 The Church of St . Rdefonse , at Alcola of Henares . . 1500 The Church of St . Etienne , at Bourgos .... - The Monastery of St . Salvador , at Ona . — -