Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 8 of 8
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Earl of Yarborough , Dep . G . M . ; " and " The G . Officers . " Tbe AV . M . expressed tbe satisfaction he felt in being able to connect with this toast tbe names of two distinguished guests—R . G . Alston , and AV . "White , G . S . With Bro . R . G . Alston be bad long bad tbe honour of being on terms of intimacy , and to Bro . White the Craft was much indebted for the skill and talent , which be had displayed in the discbarge of the duties of bis high position .
Bro . ALSTON returned thanks , and , in doing so , congratulated the Polish National Lodge on the acquisition of such a AA . M . as Lord D . Stuart . It told well for Masonry-, and for that Lodge in particular , that a nobleman so eminent for bis private virtues and bis public talent bad accepted the Presidency of the Lodge . He had long been anxious to visit this Lodge , on account of tbe i-ery excellent reports he bad continually beard of its prosperity and usefulness ; and he rejoiced that upon the occasion of bis first
visit be should have witnessed the installation of his old and valued friend , Lord D . Stuart . Having now had a fair introduction , he should take frequent opportunities of enjoying their hospitality , and witnessing their excellent working . Bro . AVbite , G . S ., bavbig also briefly returned thanks , Tbe AV . M . proposed " The Visitors , " for which Bro . Bridges , AV . M ., No . 160 , returned thanks . The AY . M . then proposed " Bro . Scznlcweski , " and invested him with a P . M . jewel , voted him by the Lodge for his services as AA . M . during the past year .
Bro . SCZULCWESKI returned thanks , and proposed the health of the \\ . M . He thanked the Earl of Zetland , G , M ., for his kindness in having granted a AA arrant of Constitution to this Lodge , which enabled his countrymen to form themselves into a Society for the purpose of carrying on the grand principles of Masonry . He congratulated the Lodge upon their position , and in a very feeling manner spoke of the connexion existing between the Poles and bis Lordship . Although Lord D . Stuart was the first English Brother who had been placed in the Chair of the Polish National Lodge
, yet the Lodge had lost nothing of its character ; for the name of Lord D . Stuart was as dear to the sympathies of every Pole , as it was respected by the English Brethren ; and if it ever should be that the Poles were restored to their native land , they would leave behind them , in the person of Lord D . Stuart , a representative who would continue to identify the name of Poland with that of this Lodge . LORD D . STUART returned thanks , and stated that he felt very deeply
how honourable was the position which he had . been called upon to fill , and although , from the great demands made upon his time , lie feared he should not be able to give so much suit and service to the business of the Lodge as previous Masters had done , he would still devote all the time he could spare from his public duties to promote tbe happiness and comfort of his Brethren . He loved Masonry for itself . The glorious principles upon which tbe Order was founded—BrotherlLoveReliefand Truth—bad
y , , enabled it to withstand all opposition , and raised it so high on tbe pinnacle of Sociality and Benevolence , as to become tbe model for all other benevolent structures . He concluded by proposing " The health of the P . M . 's . " Bro . AA'iercinski returned thanks . Several other toasts and replies followed of a most interesting character ,
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Earl of Yarborough , Dep . G . M . ; " and " The G . Officers . " Tbe AV . M . expressed tbe satisfaction he felt in being able to connect with this toast tbe names of two distinguished guests—R . G . Alston , and AV . "White , G . S . With Bro . R . G . Alston be bad long bad tbe honour of being on terms of intimacy , and to Bro . White the Craft was much indebted for the skill and talent , which be had displayed in the discbarge of the duties of bis high position .
Bro . ALSTON returned thanks , and , in doing so , congratulated the Polish National Lodge on the acquisition of such a AA . M . as Lord D . Stuart . It told well for Masonry-, and for that Lodge in particular , that a nobleman so eminent for bis private virtues and bis public talent bad accepted the Presidency of the Lodge . He had long been anxious to visit this Lodge , on account of tbe i-ery excellent reports he bad continually beard of its prosperity and usefulness ; and he rejoiced that upon the occasion of bis first
visit be should have witnessed the installation of his old and valued friend , Lord D . Stuart . Having now had a fair introduction , he should take frequent opportunities of enjoying their hospitality , and witnessing their excellent working . Bro . AVbite , G . S ., bavbig also briefly returned thanks , Tbe AV . M . proposed " The Visitors , " for which Bro . Bridges , AV . M ., No . 160 , returned thanks . The AY . M . then proposed " Bro . Scznlcweski , " and invested him with a P . M . jewel , voted him by the Lodge for his services as AA . M . during the past year .
Bro . SCZULCWESKI returned thanks , and proposed the health of the \\ . M . He thanked the Earl of Zetland , G , M ., for his kindness in having granted a AA arrant of Constitution to this Lodge , which enabled his countrymen to form themselves into a Society for the purpose of carrying on the grand principles of Masonry . He congratulated the Lodge upon their position , and in a very feeling manner spoke of the connexion existing between the Poles and bis Lordship . Although Lord D . Stuart was the first English Brother who had been placed in the Chair of the Polish National Lodge
, yet the Lodge had lost nothing of its character ; for the name of Lord D . Stuart was as dear to the sympathies of every Pole , as it was respected by the English Brethren ; and if it ever should be that the Poles were restored to their native land , they would leave behind them , in the person of Lord D . Stuart , a representative who would continue to identify the name of Poland with that of this Lodge . LORD D . STUART returned thanks , and stated that he felt very deeply
how honourable was the position which he had . been called upon to fill , and although , from the great demands made upon his time , lie feared he should not be able to give so much suit and service to the business of the Lodge as previous Masters had done , he would still devote all the time he could spare from his public duties to promote tbe happiness and comfort of his Brethren . He loved Masonry for itself . The glorious principles upon which tbe Order was founded—BrotherlLoveReliefand Truth—bad
y , , enabled it to withstand all opposition , and raised it so high on tbe pinnacle of Sociality and Benevolence , as to become tbe model for all other benevolent structures . He concluded by proposing " The health of the P . M . 's . " Bro . AA'iercinski returned thanks . Several other toasts and replies followed of a most interesting character ,