Article PATENT LEVER WATCHES, with silver double... Page 1 of 1 Article (pHEAPEST HATS IN LONDON, at v-' COVINTO... Page 1 of 1 Article Maqna et Veritas et pra-valebit. GALL ; ... Page 1 of 1 Article Maqna et Veritas et pra-valebit. GALL ; ... Page 1 of 1 Article ' j CtOFT AND ' WHITE HANDS.— | »OBENTLE... Page 1 of 1 Article j OHN CANHAM, SEN., DEALER in Masonic Ap... Page 1 of 1
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Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , with silver double-bottom cases , 6 l . 6 s . ; with silver hunting cases , 16 s . 6 d . extra . This celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a watch can be made ) is now offered , with the latest improvements , i . e . the detached escapementjewelled in four holes
, , capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches , two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred second-hand watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted to
be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
(Pheapest Hats In London, At V-' Covinto...
( pHEAPEST HATS IN LONDON , at v- ' COVINTON ' , 10 , OLD BAILEY . The following List of Prices will prove the assertion : —Good serviceable Hats only 4 s . 6 d . ; light Gossamer ditto , 4 s . 9 d . ; very superior ditto , 5 s . 6 d . and 6 s . Gd . Hats of the above description are worn by thousands , giving
universal satisfaction . An extensive assort-i ment of superfine Beaver Hats at 6 s . 6 d . and 8 s . 6 d . ; extra superfine , 10 s . and 12 s . ¦ The very best that British skill can produce , 16 s . 6 d . Youths' and Boys' Hats from 4 s . 3 d . A great variety of Caps , Childrens ' Fancies , & c . equally cheap .
Maqna Et Veritas Et Pra-Valebit. Gall ; ...
Maqna et Veritas et pra-valebit . GALL S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS , so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . — The daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine .
The proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during Pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance & c . & call ield to their
, , y sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . Sold in boxes at Is . l | rf .
and 2 . ? . 2 rf . each . HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS , for the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the urinary passages . Prepared from the original recipe of the late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hateheson . The salu-
Maqna Et Veritas Et Pra-Valebit. Gall ; ...
tary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In Boxes , 1 * . lid . and 2 s . i ) d . each . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles . Is . l . ' . rf . each .
FENN'S EMBROCATION , for Rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles , 2 y dd . is . 6 d . and 8 « ' . each . —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , by Messrs . Sutton and Co . Bow Churchyard ; Newbury and Sons
, , 45 , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Edwards , 66 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , 05 , Farringdon Street ; Butl „ er and Co . 4 , Cheapside ; Evans , 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield ; Johnston , Greek Street , Soho ; ancl retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom .
To prevent Imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of stamp duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
' J Ctoft And ' White Hands.— | »Obentle...
' j CtOFT AND ' WHITE HANDS . — | » OBENTLEY'S EMOLLIENT BROW N ( WINDSOR SOAP , a certain preventative to chapped hands or roughness of skin . —¦ There never was , and perhaps never will be , introduced to the notice of the public , air article so truly valuable . The proprietor
guai-antees that if this soap is constantly juseel , that there will be no complaint of smarting pains , or the skin cracking , however severe the weather may be ; on the contrary , the skin will become soft , white , and even . —In packets , at Is . and upwards . — ( Also for the Hair , BENTLEY'S celebrated
j EXTRACT OF HONEY , in Toilet Jars , | at 3 s . 6 d . each . Sold by most hair dressers , jand at the PROPRIETOR ' German Eau-de-, Cologne Warehouse , 220 , High Holborn .
J Ohn Canham, Sen., Dealer In Masonic Ap...
j OHN CANHAM , SEN ., DEALER in Masonic Aprons , Sashes , Collars , Ribbons , Jewels , Books , & c . & c . & c , No . 7 , Bennett ' s Hill , Doctors' Commons , respectfully solicits the patronage of the Craft . Country orders punctually attended to . J , C , has under his care some excellent
Lodge Furniture , consisting of a Throne , Chairs , Pedestals , Candlesticks , Tracingboards , & c , which are for disposal on very reasonable terms , either together or separately , and are well worthy the attention of Brethren wdio may be anxious to refurnish their Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , with silver double-bottom cases , 6 l . 6 s . ; with silver hunting cases , 16 s . 6 d . extra . This celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a watch can be made ) is now offered , with the latest improvements , i . e . the detached escapementjewelled in four holes
, , capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches , two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred second-hand watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted to
be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
(Pheapest Hats In London, At V-' Covinto...
( pHEAPEST HATS IN LONDON , at v- ' COVINTON ' , 10 , OLD BAILEY . The following List of Prices will prove the assertion : —Good serviceable Hats only 4 s . 6 d . ; light Gossamer ditto , 4 s . 9 d . ; very superior ditto , 5 s . 6 d . and 6 s . Gd . Hats of the above description are worn by thousands , giving
universal satisfaction . An extensive assort-i ment of superfine Beaver Hats at 6 s . 6 d . and 8 s . 6 d . ; extra superfine , 10 s . and 12 s . ¦ The very best that British skill can produce , 16 s . 6 d . Youths' and Boys' Hats from 4 s . 3 d . A great variety of Caps , Childrens ' Fancies , & c . equally cheap .
Maqna Et Veritas Et Pra-Valebit. Gall ; ...
Maqna et Veritas et pra-valebit . GALL S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS , so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . — The daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine .
The proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during Pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance & c . & call ield to their
, , y sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . Sold in boxes at Is . l | rf .
and 2 . ? . 2 rf . each . HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS , for the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the urinary passages . Prepared from the original recipe of the late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hateheson . The salu-
Maqna Et Veritas Et Pra-Valebit. Gall ; ...
tary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In Boxes , 1 * . lid . and 2 s . i ) d . each . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles . Is . l . ' . rf . each .
FENN'S EMBROCATION , for Rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles , 2 y dd . is . 6 d . and 8 « ' . each . —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , by Messrs . Sutton and Co . Bow Churchyard ; Newbury and Sons
, , 45 , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Edwards , 66 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , 05 , Farringdon Street ; Butl „ er and Co . 4 , Cheapside ; Evans , 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield ; Johnston , Greek Street , Soho ; ancl retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom .
To prevent Imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of stamp duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
' J Ctoft And ' White Hands.— | »Obentle...
' j CtOFT AND ' WHITE HANDS . — | » OBENTLEY'S EMOLLIENT BROW N ( WINDSOR SOAP , a certain preventative to chapped hands or roughness of skin . —¦ There never was , and perhaps never will be , introduced to the notice of the public , air article so truly valuable . The proprietor
guai-antees that if this soap is constantly juseel , that there will be no complaint of smarting pains , or the skin cracking , however severe the weather may be ; on the contrary , the skin will become soft , white , and even . —In packets , at Is . and upwards . — ( Also for the Hair , BENTLEY'S celebrated
j EXTRACT OF HONEY , in Toilet Jars , | at 3 s . 6 d . each . Sold by most hair dressers , jand at the PROPRIETOR ' German Eau-de-, Cologne Warehouse , 220 , High Holborn .
J Ohn Canham, Sen., Dealer In Masonic Ap...
j OHN CANHAM , SEN ., DEALER in Masonic Aprons , Sashes , Collars , Ribbons , Jewels , Books , & c . & c . & c , No . 7 , Bennett ' s Hill , Doctors' Commons , respectfully solicits the patronage of the Craft . Country orders punctually attended to . J , C , has under his care some excellent
Lodge Furniture , consisting of a Throne , Chairs , Pedestals , Candlesticks , Tracingboards , & c , which are for disposal on very reasonable terms , either together or separately , and are well worthy the attention of Brethren wdio may be anxious to refurnish their Lodge .