Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Chit Chat.
, lihnf M R ? < "S ™ AR .-The vacancy cause ,, ^ J-,-,-. , ^ „ ° - ' ' ff * has not yet been filled up . It is said the Grand hut wl Jtf , ' t be a , , ^ by a Very WOrth y Member of the Order , bee ,, t r' > V . lth hlS , USUal modest y- N ° P ° n would have ™ "J " i ^ r calculated for it ; but as its duties from change of circumstances threaten to become more onerous , the Brother ^ in question felt the importance of the trust ancl also that it miht he attended
, g with inconvenience . Otr ( ! nr ? , l ?! nal K ette i , ^ V * ransIation ) from the Indian Rajah , Omdut ul Omrah , addressed to the late Duke of Manchester , as Grand Master , expressing the thanks of his highness for having been thought Til / 0 f T J mtlatl 0 n lnt ° Freemasonry , has been cleaned , ancl the frame re-gilL It was removed from the Grand
Secretary ' s office to the Grand Masters room , at the initiation of the Moolavee Ismael Khan where it occupies a conspicuous situation , with the portraits of King George III the father of our present Grand Master , ancl Sir Christopher Wren the regenerator of the Order in England . l '
HoGAirm . —This celebrated artist was a Freemason ; he designed the Jewel as worn by ihe Grand Stewards , until the recent alteration . In theA ^ estry Room of St . Mary-le-Strand there is a caricature print , framed and glazed , which appears much prized b y the parish authorities ' It is probably the gift of some deceased Brother vestryman , who whether in joke or in earnest has thus handed down for nearly a century what doubtin its time
was no , , conceived as " a fling at the Order " There is , however some merit in the execution ; ancl as a relic of the olden time is worth y the examination of the curious . LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE , July 27 , 1836 . —Brother AV . F . Bossy in the chair . This evening ' s Lodge was remarkable in the annals of Freemasonry , from the circumstance of its proving a "Maiden Lodae . " I here were hut three petitions , and all being informal there was no vote of money passed .
The Deputy Grand Secretary for Ireland , Brother Fowler , has addressed a letter to the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland , announcing tlie gratif ying intelligence , that Brother Thomas Steele , who sometime since was suspended from the exercise of his Masonic functions , was restored to the bosom of the Grand Lodge . MARRIED -On the 19 th of May last , at AVeymouth , by the Rev . Brother AA ' illoughb
y Brassey , Dr . J . Horace Freer , of Hackney , late of King-street , Fmsbury-square , London , and formely of Calcutta , to Emhy , widow of the late Dr . John Ollive , of Staines , Middlesex / and youngest daughter of the late ThomasHodson , Esq ., of Knapton House , East Riding , County of York . INFLUENCE OF FREEMASONRY ON ARCHITECTURE IN TUB MIDDLE A —At the
GES . Royal Academy , on Monday evening , the 21 st ult ., Mr AVestmacott , m concluding his course of lectures for the season , took an extensive view of the causes of the declension of the arts " -enerally and with respect to the revival of the arts in England . There were two principal causes winch tended materiall y to assist the restoration of literature and the arts in England , as well as to assist it in other parts of Europe ; these were the Crusades , and the extension , or it might be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Chit Chat.
, lihnf M R ? < "S ™ AR .-The vacancy cause ,, ^ J-,-,-. , ^ „ ° - ' ' ff * has not yet been filled up . It is said the Grand hut wl Jtf , ' t be a , , ^ by a Very WOrth y Member of the Order , bee ,, t r' > V . lth hlS , USUal modest y- N ° P ° n would have ™ "J " i ^ r calculated for it ; but as its duties from change of circumstances threaten to become more onerous , the Brother ^ in question felt the importance of the trust ancl also that it miht he attended
, g with inconvenience . Otr ( ! nr ? , l ?! nal K ette i , ^ V * ransIation ) from the Indian Rajah , Omdut ul Omrah , addressed to the late Duke of Manchester , as Grand Master , expressing the thanks of his highness for having been thought Til / 0 f T J mtlatl 0 n lnt ° Freemasonry , has been cleaned , ancl the frame re-gilL It was removed from the Grand
Secretary ' s office to the Grand Masters room , at the initiation of the Moolavee Ismael Khan where it occupies a conspicuous situation , with the portraits of King George III the father of our present Grand Master , ancl Sir Christopher Wren the regenerator of the Order in England . l '
HoGAirm . —This celebrated artist was a Freemason ; he designed the Jewel as worn by ihe Grand Stewards , until the recent alteration . In theA ^ estry Room of St . Mary-le-Strand there is a caricature print , framed and glazed , which appears much prized b y the parish authorities ' It is probably the gift of some deceased Brother vestryman , who whether in joke or in earnest has thus handed down for nearly a century what doubtin its time
was no , , conceived as " a fling at the Order " There is , however some merit in the execution ; ancl as a relic of the olden time is worth y the examination of the curious . LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE , July 27 , 1836 . —Brother AV . F . Bossy in the chair . This evening ' s Lodge was remarkable in the annals of Freemasonry , from the circumstance of its proving a "Maiden Lodae . " I here were hut three petitions , and all being informal there was no vote of money passed .
The Deputy Grand Secretary for Ireland , Brother Fowler , has addressed a letter to the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland , announcing tlie gratif ying intelligence , that Brother Thomas Steele , who sometime since was suspended from the exercise of his Masonic functions , was restored to the bosom of the Grand Lodge . MARRIED -On the 19 th of May last , at AVeymouth , by the Rev . Brother AA ' illoughb
y Brassey , Dr . J . Horace Freer , of Hackney , late of King-street , Fmsbury-square , London , and formely of Calcutta , to Emhy , widow of the late Dr . John Ollive , of Staines , Middlesex / and youngest daughter of the late ThomasHodson , Esq ., of Knapton House , East Riding , County of York . INFLUENCE OF FREEMASONRY ON ARCHITECTURE IN TUB MIDDLE A —At the
GES . Royal Academy , on Monday evening , the 21 st ult ., Mr AVestmacott , m concluding his course of lectures for the season , took an extensive view of the causes of the declension of the arts " -enerally and with respect to the revival of the arts in England . There were two principal causes winch tended materiall y to assist the restoration of literature and the arts in England , as well as to assist it in other parts of Europe ; these were the Crusades , and the extension , or it might be