Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 17 of 19 →
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Alasonic room , ancl we hint to all who may be desirous of witness-in .. . - * the excellencies of pure Alasonry , in discipline and brotherl y love , to avail themselves of a visit to the Lodge-room of Fidelity . __ The Banquet was well attended . The chairs were occupied by the E . Comp . Sir Knt- John Huyshe , and M . E . Comp . Rev . Carrington Ley ; having in their vice-chairs . Sir Knts ., C P . Robertson , Robert Lawson ' and James Elton . On the removal of the cloththe chairmanin
, , a strain of ever ready eloquence , adverted to the additional loss the Craft had sustained by the stern summons of the King of Kings to our late Brother and Patron King AVilliam the Fourth , and called on the . Brethren to join him in doing solemn honour to his memory . The health of the M . AV . G . M . His Royal Highness tlie Duke of Sussex was given and received with every demonstration of affectionate reoard : and on
Brother White s making his usual powerful appeal on behalf of the Old Mason ' s Asylum , ancl announcing that he had authority for promulgating the gratif ying ancl important fact that our revered G . AI . did not object to the glorious work , we perceived at once , by the most eloquent demonstrations , that a feeling of considerable restraint had been removed , and , with it , had given vent to a full flow of grateful reverence to the chief of the Craft , which it is difficult to describe ; and we doubt not
, from the true Brotherl y love , always conspicuous in the province of Devon , but more particularl y dwelt upon at this meeting , that its natural offspring , " the Decayed Brother ' s Refuge , " will be materiall y assisted from the different Lodges therein . AVe lament our want of space to enrich our pages with the streams of eloquence which succeeded each other on the usual honours being awarded to the different Provinces and Lod . AVe hailed the admixture of clothing permitted
ges at the dinner ; the simple badge of the E . A . was seen touching that of the grave Sir Knt ., whilst the expectant emblem of the Ai . AI . was where it always should be , attached to the R . A . Many excellent songs and glees were sung by Brothers Curme , AA'hite , Reed , and Davis , and the delighted party dispersed at an early hour .
DORSET . —The Grancl Lod ge of the Province assembled for their annual meeting at the Alasonic Hall , AA eymouth , on Thursday , the 17 th of August , being the birthday of the mother of our illustrious Queen . The Lodge was opened in ample form at eleven o ' clock , by the R . W . P . G . AI ., Brother Wm . AVilliams , Esq ., assisted by the Prov . G . C , the Rev . Willoughby Brassey , ancl the Officers of thc Prov . Grand Lodge . There was a considerable attendance of Past Ofiicers of the Province
, together with several Visiting Brethren from the adjoining Province of Somerset , and the representatives of the following Lodges " : Allsouls 199 , Benevolence 459 , Unity 512 , Faith and Unanimity , 605 . AA ' e are sorry to observe that the three other Lodges of the Province , viz ., Amity 1 G 0 , Honor and Friendship -133 , ancl Science 625 , which are situate at a very considerable distance from Weymouth , were not present in sufficient force to constitute an effectual representation
of their several Fraternities . As has been customary in this Province upon all such occasions , the Lodge was no sooner opened , ancl the Brethren claiming admission were duly received , than a procession was arranged , and they proceeded in order to attend Divine service at St . Mary ' s Church , where the prayers were read in an impressive manner by the Rev . Bro . James , ancl a most excellent sermon delivered by the P . G . Chaplain , Bro .
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Alasonic room , ancl we hint to all who may be desirous of witness-in .. . - * the excellencies of pure Alasonry , in discipline and brotherl y love , to avail themselves of a visit to the Lodge-room of Fidelity . __ The Banquet was well attended . The chairs were occupied by the E . Comp . Sir Knt- John Huyshe , and M . E . Comp . Rev . Carrington Ley ; having in their vice-chairs . Sir Knts ., C P . Robertson , Robert Lawson ' and James Elton . On the removal of the cloththe chairmanin
, , a strain of ever ready eloquence , adverted to the additional loss the Craft had sustained by the stern summons of the King of Kings to our late Brother and Patron King AVilliam the Fourth , and called on the . Brethren to join him in doing solemn honour to his memory . The health of the M . AV . G . M . His Royal Highness tlie Duke of Sussex was given and received with every demonstration of affectionate reoard : and on
Brother White s making his usual powerful appeal on behalf of the Old Mason ' s Asylum , ancl announcing that he had authority for promulgating the gratif ying ancl important fact that our revered G . AI . did not object to the glorious work , we perceived at once , by the most eloquent demonstrations , that a feeling of considerable restraint had been removed , and , with it , had given vent to a full flow of grateful reverence to the chief of the Craft , which it is difficult to describe ; and we doubt not
, from the true Brotherl y love , always conspicuous in the province of Devon , but more particularl y dwelt upon at this meeting , that its natural offspring , " the Decayed Brother ' s Refuge , " will be materiall y assisted from the different Lodges therein . AVe lament our want of space to enrich our pages with the streams of eloquence which succeeded each other on the usual honours being awarded to the different Provinces and Lod . AVe hailed the admixture of clothing permitted
ges at the dinner ; the simple badge of the E . A . was seen touching that of the grave Sir Knt ., whilst the expectant emblem of the Ai . AI . was where it always should be , attached to the R . A . Many excellent songs and glees were sung by Brothers Curme , AA'hite , Reed , and Davis , and the delighted party dispersed at an early hour .
DORSET . —The Grancl Lod ge of the Province assembled for their annual meeting at the Alasonic Hall , AA eymouth , on Thursday , the 17 th of August , being the birthday of the mother of our illustrious Queen . The Lodge was opened in ample form at eleven o ' clock , by the R . W . P . G . AI ., Brother Wm . AVilliams , Esq ., assisted by the Prov . G . C , the Rev . Willoughby Brassey , ancl the Officers of thc Prov . Grand Lodge . There was a considerable attendance of Past Ofiicers of the Province
, together with several Visiting Brethren from the adjoining Province of Somerset , and the representatives of the following Lodges " : Allsouls 199 , Benevolence 459 , Unity 512 , Faith and Unanimity , 605 . AA ' e are sorry to observe that the three other Lodges of the Province , viz ., Amity 1 G 0 , Honor and Friendship -133 , ancl Science 625 , which are situate at a very considerable distance from Weymouth , were not present in sufficient force to constitute an effectual representation
of their several Fraternities . As has been customary in this Province upon all such occasions , the Lodge was no sooner opened , ancl the Brethren claiming admission were duly received , than a procession was arranged , and they proceeded in order to attend Divine service at St . Mary ' s Church , where the prayers were read in an impressive manner by the Rev . Bro . James , ancl a most excellent sermon delivered by the P . G . Chaplain , Bro .