Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 18 of 19 →
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Brassey , from 1 Peter ii . 17 . " Love the Brotherhood , fear God , honour thc King . " Wc were quite unprepared to receive from the Rev . Brother , who , we understand , is a Alason of only three years' standing , so able a summary of our duties as Masons , ancl so clear and lucid an exposition of the principles of the Order , its connection with the worship of the One True God , in spirit and in truth , and its admirable adaptation to promote the well-being of society , both morally and religiously . The
musical department , under the able management and superintendence of Hro . Rooter , organist , was very efficient , aud added much to the general devotional effect of our beautiful church liturgy . At the close of the service , the Brothers returned in the same order , ( preceded by tbe town band lately established here , ) to the Lodge room , where thc R . W . P . G . AI . addressed them at some length on their duties as Alasons , and tlie strict necessity of excluding every topic of a political nature
from their- assemblies . He also alluded to the state of apathy in which the Lodges ISO and 133 appeared at present to be , ancl impressed on the minds of the Brethren residing near the towns in which these Lotlges were held , the urgent necessity of their making every effort in their power to redeem their sinking state , ancl at the same time proffered such valuable assistance and co-operation , on the part of himself and officers , that we trust , on the next occasion , we shall have just reason to
congratulate the Province on the complete resuscitation of their valuable and , till lately , numerous associations ofthe Order . An address of condolence to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . AV . G . M . of Masons , on the loss of his beloved Brother our late revered Monarch and Patron , King ATOliam the Fourth , was then unanimously agreed on , and we hope is , ere this , presented . Various other matters interesting to the province only were then disposed of , ancl the following Brethren were appointed Prov . Grand Officers forthe ensuing
year : — R . AV . Brother AVm . Eliot , D . P . GAL Brothers A . Larkwathy , 199 , S . G . AV . —H . AVilliams , 605 , J . G . AV W . Brassey , 199 ancl 005 , G . Chap . —Geo . Arden , 199 , G . T . P . S . G . AV . — C . Curme , 005 , G . Sec . P . S . G . AV . —AVilliam J . Percy , 459 , S . G . D . — Roakley , 005 , J . G . D . Brother Curme then called the attention of the Brethren to the Aged Alasons' Asylumand stronglrecommendednot only a donation ami
, y , contribution from the funds of the Prov . Grand Lotlge , but a simultaneous co-operation in the good work by tbe Lodges of the province individually ; the cause was seconded by thc able advocacy of Brother E . T . Percy , P . S . G . W . of the province , and generally recognised as one of infinite importance and interest to the Craft at large . AVe are happy to announce that a resolution hig hly approving the nature of the contemplated institution , and promising effectual aid on the further maturity
of the plan was unanimously carried . From a private conversation with several of the Brothers afterwards , we are induced to hope that immediate support would have been afforded but for the uncertain state of the funds of the province , which , from the known activity and zeal of the present Treasurer , we trust , will not long operate as a drawback on the charitable inclinations of our Dorsetshire Brethren . The Lodge was then closed in ample form , and the Brethren adjourned for ' the banquet in tlie theatre ; the use of whicli , for the occasion , had heen kindly granted by Brother J . B . Harvey . It was decorated with a profusion of choice flowers ancl evergreens , ancl brilliantly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Brassey , from 1 Peter ii . 17 . " Love the Brotherhood , fear God , honour thc King . " Wc were quite unprepared to receive from the Rev . Brother , who , we understand , is a Alason of only three years' standing , so able a summary of our duties as Masons , ancl so clear and lucid an exposition of the principles of the Order , its connection with the worship of the One True God , in spirit and in truth , and its admirable adaptation to promote the well-being of society , both morally and religiously . The
musical department , under the able management and superintendence of Hro . Rooter , organist , was very efficient , aud added much to the general devotional effect of our beautiful church liturgy . At the close of the service , the Brothers returned in the same order , ( preceded by tbe town band lately established here , ) to the Lodge room , where thc R . W . P . G . AI . addressed them at some length on their duties as Alasons , and tlie strict necessity of excluding every topic of a political nature
from their- assemblies . He also alluded to the state of apathy in which the Lodges ISO and 133 appeared at present to be , ancl impressed on the minds of the Brethren residing near the towns in which these Lotlges were held , the urgent necessity of their making every effort in their power to redeem their sinking state , ancl at the same time proffered such valuable assistance and co-operation , on the part of himself and officers , that we trust , on the next occasion , we shall have just reason to
congratulate the Province on the complete resuscitation of their valuable and , till lately , numerous associations ofthe Order . An address of condolence to His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . AV . G . M . of Masons , on the loss of his beloved Brother our late revered Monarch and Patron , King ATOliam the Fourth , was then unanimously agreed on , and we hope is , ere this , presented . Various other matters interesting to the province only were then disposed of , ancl the following Brethren were appointed Prov . Grand Officers forthe ensuing
year : — R . AV . Brother AVm . Eliot , D . P . GAL Brothers A . Larkwathy , 199 , S . G . AV . —H . AVilliams , 605 , J . G . AV W . Brassey , 199 ancl 005 , G . Chap . —Geo . Arden , 199 , G . T . P . S . G . AV . — C . Curme , 005 , G . Sec . P . S . G . AV . —AVilliam J . Percy , 459 , S . G . D . — Roakley , 005 , J . G . D . Brother Curme then called the attention of the Brethren to the Aged Alasons' Asylumand stronglrecommendednot only a donation ami
, y , contribution from the funds of the Prov . Grand Lotlge , but a simultaneous co-operation in the good work by tbe Lodges of the province individually ; the cause was seconded by thc able advocacy of Brother E . T . Percy , P . S . G . W . of the province , and generally recognised as one of infinite importance and interest to the Craft at large . AVe are happy to announce that a resolution hig hly approving the nature of the contemplated institution , and promising effectual aid on the further maturity
of the plan was unanimously carried . From a private conversation with several of the Brothers afterwards , we are induced to hope that immediate support would have been afforded but for the uncertain state of the funds of the province , which , from the known activity and zeal of the present Treasurer , we trust , will not long operate as a drawback on the charitable inclinations of our Dorsetshire Brethren . The Lodge was then closed in ample form , and the Brethren adjourned for ' the banquet in tlie theatre ; the use of whicli , for the occasion , had heen kindly granted by Brother J . B . Harvey . It was decorated with a profusion of choice flowers ancl evergreens , ancl brilliantly