Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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To Correspondents.
THE NEW BELL ' WEEKLY MESSENGER . —We have received various communications upon the subject of this contemporary advocate of the principles of our Order 3 and have been pressed hard for our opinion . We sincerely believe that a Weekly Organ , and one so respectable as this periodical is , may possess great opportunities of aiding the general objects of the Craft ; but in order to effect this desirable end , it should receive proportionate support in circulation ; when by obtaining such
communications as might suffer in their interest by the delay which attends our own " Quarterly ' * labours , its sphere of usefulness might be abundantly proved . We have no jealousy , our notions of rivalry are honest—perhaps somewhat harshly so , —still they are sincere , and we would applaud and uphold all measures which have a tendency to illustrate our "beautiful mystery , " and at the same time preserve the moral architecture of Freemasonry .
LIFE ASSURANCE . —We purposely delay an article on this subject until " opinions" can be taken , which at this season is next to impossible . FAS EST . —Spurious Freemasonry , No . 2 , in our next . I N IJKX . —We agree—Masom y is an intellectual pursuit , and suffers more hy the want of activity in those who wear its honours , than by the exercise of a right in those who , for leak of example , think and acton the moment . F T T PfLRfM—S A ' —Remember
ATHER OM V . VA . V- COTO-AGM ; S . . ' Brio . EWART , ( Peterboro' ) . —If your three Lodges are really in jietivo work , and the Delegate Meeting is likely to be held for thc pin pose of drawing up a report of your wishes , and if a deferential letter be addressed to the Grand Master , we would not give you six months exemp ion from a Provincial Protectorate , or we arc no prophets HRO . MORISON , ( Paris ) . —The " l ' uraisons" are acceptably acknowledged . II no . IJjio-ETANGS , ( Ditto ) . —We have , as will be seen , commenced proceedings . LATOMUS . —Impose your penance , and however difficult , we will cheerfully give proof of our desire to be grateful . Him . G . A A RONS . —There is a spirit of enquiry , ami considerable ingenuity in the M . S ., and so writes one whoso good opinion BroA be proud of . —German Masonryanon .
. . may , A CoaiMEcrtiAi , TRAVELLER ' S letter in our next . A x ARK MARINER . —Ask the Veteran Goldsworthy , our berth is in the cock-pit . Hun , Pnn-i'S , -ili . 'J . —Wehave attended to his kind suggestion . HRO . STKniiiNn . —The printed paper with letter dated the !) th of Sept ., only reached us on the Hi ' . h , and too latd to have proper justice done to its very excellent contents . Of tlie former communication Hinted at , we have no knowledge whafever . In our next we shall advert to the subject , and meantime request information , Newspaper * -:, ( See . A GRAND STEWARD —We should with pleasure give the names of such of his colleagues
as attended tht- Grand Lodge , it the list was supplied . PILGRIM . —Notitia Templarite , No . 5 , in our next . P . A . —The article would suit a monthly periodical . II . L . —The Lancet or the Medical Gazette , would be a fitter medium . FRATKHNUS— Most assuredly not . The ASS is a fable . We are no liction . A GRAND OFFICER . —If he will move the resolution in the Lodges he is connected with , it may have the eileci of inducing others to do likewise ; " moral courage , " is a rare qualification . _ , , _ , HRO CiiiiMK , lfiO . —Wc are indeed obliged by the invitation to the Prov . Grand Lodgo , and still more so for the hospitality so courteously otil-red . PROV . GRAND LODOE , DORSET . —Heing desiied so to do , we state the charge for the
Advertisement in No . 2 , to be eight shillings . A GOVERNOR . —AVe have not forgotten the " Hoys , " our particulars avc nearly ready . HRO . Ginns . —The communication shall be carefully studied . PRO . WALKER . —it is only proper that all communications on Masonry , by post or otherwise , should reach their destination free from charge . Parties who have " private interests to advance should not tax either Lodges or individuals . If their own business will not allbrd the expense , delicacy should prevent them from making it chargeable to others . Cms Muxni—In 17-23 apprentice- ; could only bo passed / and Craftsmen raised at the Quarterly Communication , unless by dispensation . A MODEIIN STEWARD . —Art Hi , Noorlheuek ' t , Const . I 7 P 4 . " That no Brother for tha future shall smoke tobacco in the Grand Loriixc , at the Quarterly Communication , or at the Committee of Charily , until the Lodge be closed . " Is tbe bet won , and shall it go to the snull ' -hox ? ... i . A MASTER , lit 1724 . —Three years' qualification was requisite for petitions to benevolence and this continued until the Union .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
THE NEW BELL ' WEEKLY MESSENGER . —We have received various communications upon the subject of this contemporary advocate of the principles of our Order 3 and have been pressed hard for our opinion . We sincerely believe that a Weekly Organ , and one so respectable as this periodical is , may possess great opportunities of aiding the general objects of the Craft ; but in order to effect this desirable end , it should receive proportionate support in circulation ; when by obtaining such
communications as might suffer in their interest by the delay which attends our own " Quarterly ' * labours , its sphere of usefulness might be abundantly proved . We have no jealousy , our notions of rivalry are honest—perhaps somewhat harshly so , —still they are sincere , and we would applaud and uphold all measures which have a tendency to illustrate our "beautiful mystery , " and at the same time preserve the moral architecture of Freemasonry .
LIFE ASSURANCE . —We purposely delay an article on this subject until " opinions" can be taken , which at this season is next to impossible . FAS EST . —Spurious Freemasonry , No . 2 , in our next . I N IJKX . —We agree—Masom y is an intellectual pursuit , and suffers more hy the want of activity in those who wear its honours , than by the exercise of a right in those who , for leak of example , think and acton the moment . F T T PfLRfM—S A ' —Remember
ATHER OM V . VA . V- COTO-AGM ; S . . ' Brio . EWART , ( Peterboro' ) . —If your three Lodges are really in jietivo work , and the Delegate Meeting is likely to be held for thc pin pose of drawing up a report of your wishes , and if a deferential letter be addressed to the Grand Master , we would not give you six months exemp ion from a Provincial Protectorate , or we arc no prophets HRO . MORISON , ( Paris ) . —The " l ' uraisons" are acceptably acknowledged . II no . IJjio-ETANGS , ( Ditto ) . —We have , as will be seen , commenced proceedings . LATOMUS . —Impose your penance , and however difficult , we will cheerfully give proof of our desire to be grateful . Him . G . A A RONS . —There is a spirit of enquiry , ami considerable ingenuity in the M . S ., and so writes one whoso good opinion BroA be proud of . —German Masonryanon .
. . may , A CoaiMEcrtiAi , TRAVELLER ' S letter in our next . A x ARK MARINER . —Ask the Veteran Goldsworthy , our berth is in the cock-pit . Hun , Pnn-i'S , -ili . 'J . —Wehave attended to his kind suggestion . HRO . STKniiiNn . —The printed paper with letter dated the !) th of Sept ., only reached us on the Hi ' . h , and too latd to have proper justice done to its very excellent contents . Of tlie former communication Hinted at , we have no knowledge whafever . In our next we shall advert to the subject , and meantime request information , Newspaper * -:, ( See . A GRAND STEWARD —We should with pleasure give the names of such of his colleagues
as attended tht- Grand Lodge , it the list was supplied . PILGRIM . —Notitia Templarite , No . 5 , in our next . P . A . —The article would suit a monthly periodical . II . L . —The Lancet or the Medical Gazette , would be a fitter medium . FRATKHNUS— Most assuredly not . The ASS is a fable . We are no liction . A GRAND OFFICER . —If he will move the resolution in the Lodges he is connected with , it may have the eileci of inducing others to do likewise ; " moral courage , " is a rare qualification . _ , , _ , HRO CiiiiMK , lfiO . —Wc are indeed obliged by the invitation to the Prov . Grand Lodgo , and still more so for the hospitality so courteously otil-red . PROV . GRAND LODOE , DORSET . —Heing desiied so to do , we state the charge for the
Advertisement in No . 2 , to be eight shillings . A GOVERNOR . —AVe have not forgotten the " Hoys , " our particulars avc nearly ready . HRO . Ginns . —The communication shall be carefully studied . PRO . WALKER . —it is only proper that all communications on Masonry , by post or otherwise , should reach their destination free from charge . Parties who have " private interests to advance should not tax either Lodges or individuals . If their own business will not allbrd the expense , delicacy should prevent them from making it chargeable to others . Cms Muxni—In 17-23 apprentice- ; could only bo passed / and Craftsmen raised at the Quarterly Communication , unless by dispensation . A MODEIIN STEWARD . —Art Hi , Noorlheuek ' t , Const . I 7 P 4 . " That no Brother for tha future shall smoke tobacco in the Grand Loriixc , at the Quarterly Communication , or at the Committee of Charily , until the Lodge be closed . " Is tbe bet won , and shall it go to the snull ' -hox ? ... i . A MASTER , lit 1724 . —Three years' qualification was requisite for petitions to benevolence and this continued until the Union .