Article « DEDICATED TO SIR JOHN ST. AUBYN, BART.... Page 1 of 1 Article PKEEMASONRY. I-I.R.H. THE DUKE OF SUSSEX... Page 1 of 1 Article pn'EFMASONRY. rr«HE MEETINGS ofthe EMULA... Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. /COMPANION J HARRIS,... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY..T. P. ACKLA M, MASONIC JEWE... Page 1 of 1
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« Dedicated To Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart....
« DEDICATED TO SIR JOHN ST . AUBYN , BART ., P . G . M ., P . VIVIAN , ROBINSON , ESQ ., And the other Officers and Brethren of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of Cornwall . At the particular request of the Brethren , by a respectful and unanimous resolution " few will be publishedbWRVFUS Errisat the Repository of Artsa
IN a days , y . .., , A Sermon preached at the Church of King Charles the Martyr , Falmouth , on tbe Anniversary of their Provincial Grand Lodge , * BY THE REV . H . GRYLLS , A . M ., Vicar of St . Neot , and Provincial Grand Chaplain of Cornwall . Falmouth , Sept . 2 flth , 1 S 37 .
Pkeemasonry. I-I.R.H. The Duke Of Sussex...
PKEEMASONRY . I-I . R . H . THE DUKE OF SUSSEX , GRAND MASTER . A PROVICIAL GRAND LODGE of Free and Accepted Masons will be opened in the Shakspeare Lodge at SPILSBY , on ' 1 burs-lav , Oct . 5 1837 , at Ten o ' clock in the mornir .- * - - at which the P . G . Officers , together with the Masters , Wardens , and Past MastenTof the several Provincial Lodges are required to attend , or to appoint substitutes them The Brethren are informed that the procession
properly qualified to represent . will move to Church precisely at eleven o ' clock , and it is hoped that they will be present in full Masonic clothing . Dinner Tickets 3 s . 6 d . each . By order of Tbe Right Hon . C . T . D'Eyncourt , M . P ., P . G . M . the Rev . George . »;? ' ^ fS ' l 837 . R . FEN-roN ,. l . il £ , P . G . Secretary .
Pn'efmasonry. Rr«He Meetings Ofthe Emula...
pn ' EFMASONRY . rr « HE MEETINGS ofthe EMULATION LODGE of IMPROVEMENT , hitherto A held at the Fitzroy Coffee-house , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square Friday evenings , ) will iVme be heU at EVANS'S GRAND HOTEL , Covent Garden .-Hours oi rneetino- as usual , Eight o'clock in the Summer , and Seven o clock m he Winter . Th ^ Anrn ' ersary Banquet will take place on Friday next , the 6 th October , at Nine o ' clock , under the direction of the Stewards . ^
Royal Arch Masonry. /Companion J Harris,...
ROYAL ARCH MASONRY . / COMPANION J HARRIS , Artist , Teacher of Drawing in Perspective , 40 , Sidmouth . t- * - - Street Recent Square , Gray ' s Inn Road , begs leave to state , that his New Designs , illustrative of tne Royal Arch , on two boards for instruction in that degree , corresponding in size with his Tracing Boards , is now published and ready for delivery , price 7 s . best coloured ; or with a set of Tracing Boards , together 15 s . ; bound up in cases , from 18 s .
t 0 The Portrait of H R . H . the Duke of Sussex , 11 . Is . and 15 s ., or coloured and illuminated with gold , price two guineas . Also Tracing Boards for the Three Degrees , price 13 s . to 18 s . on sale as usual
Freemasonry..T. P. Ackla M, Masonic Jewe...
FREEMASONRY . . T . P . ACKLA M , MASONIC JEWEL AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , RESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always readv on sale a collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , and TCir Mit Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his ™ ernises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity -with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . . J 3 S , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
« Dedicated To Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart....
« DEDICATED TO SIR JOHN ST . AUBYN , BART ., P . G . M ., P . VIVIAN , ROBINSON , ESQ ., And the other Officers and Brethren of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of Cornwall . At the particular request of the Brethren , by a respectful and unanimous resolution " few will be publishedbWRVFUS Errisat the Repository of Artsa
IN a days , y . .., , A Sermon preached at the Church of King Charles the Martyr , Falmouth , on tbe Anniversary of their Provincial Grand Lodge , * BY THE REV . H . GRYLLS , A . M ., Vicar of St . Neot , and Provincial Grand Chaplain of Cornwall . Falmouth , Sept . 2 flth , 1 S 37 .
Pkeemasonry. I-I.R.H. The Duke Of Sussex...
PKEEMASONRY . I-I . R . H . THE DUKE OF SUSSEX , GRAND MASTER . A PROVICIAL GRAND LODGE of Free and Accepted Masons will be opened in the Shakspeare Lodge at SPILSBY , on ' 1 burs-lav , Oct . 5 1837 , at Ten o ' clock in the mornir .- * - - at which the P . G . Officers , together with the Masters , Wardens , and Past MastenTof the several Provincial Lodges are required to attend , or to appoint substitutes them The Brethren are informed that the procession
properly qualified to represent . will move to Church precisely at eleven o ' clock , and it is hoped that they will be present in full Masonic clothing . Dinner Tickets 3 s . 6 d . each . By order of Tbe Right Hon . C . T . D'Eyncourt , M . P ., P . G . M . the Rev . George . »;? ' ^ fS ' l 837 . R . FEN-roN ,. l . il £ , P . G . Secretary .
Pn'efmasonry. Rr«He Meetings Ofthe Emula...
pn ' EFMASONRY . rr « HE MEETINGS ofthe EMULATION LODGE of IMPROVEMENT , hitherto A held at the Fitzroy Coffee-house , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square Friday evenings , ) will iVme be heU at EVANS'S GRAND HOTEL , Covent Garden .-Hours oi rneetino- as usual , Eight o'clock in the Summer , and Seven o clock m he Winter . Th ^ Anrn ' ersary Banquet will take place on Friday next , the 6 th October , at Nine o ' clock , under the direction of the Stewards . ^
Royal Arch Masonry. /Companion J Harris,...
ROYAL ARCH MASONRY . / COMPANION J HARRIS , Artist , Teacher of Drawing in Perspective , 40 , Sidmouth . t- * - - Street Recent Square , Gray ' s Inn Road , begs leave to state , that his New Designs , illustrative of tne Royal Arch , on two boards for instruction in that degree , corresponding in size with his Tracing Boards , is now published and ready for delivery , price 7 s . best coloured ; or with a set of Tracing Boards , together 15 s . ; bound up in cases , from 18 s .
t 0 The Portrait of H R . H . the Duke of Sussex , 11 . Is . and 15 s ., or coloured and illuminated with gold , price two guineas . Also Tracing Boards for the Three Degrees , price 13 s . to 18 s . on sale as usual
Freemasonry..T. P. Ackla M, Masonic Jewe...
FREEMASONRY . . T . P . ACKLA M , MASONIC JEWEL AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , RESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always readv on sale a collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , and TCir Mit Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his ™ ernises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity -with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . . J 3 S , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .