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Freemasonry . Brother W. Povey, Bookbind...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER W . POVEY , BOOKBINDER , ¦ n PSPFrTFlTr i- V 0- ^ . FULLWOOD-S RENTS , HOLBORN , li iT , . 7 , T , ' , P atrona S of the Fraternity in his line of business Books neatly and elegantl y bound , with every description of Masonic embellishments . H . 1 OVEY will feel obliged by a Twopenny Post Letter from any Gentleman who may Have any orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention . N . B . Masonic Case Maker .
Masonic Library. Brother Richard Spencer...
MASONIC LIBRARY . BROTHER RICHARD SPENCER having collected many Scarce Books on the subject of Freemasonry requests the attention of the Fraternity to his Establishment , ° w l S # L ?^ orn . where t can be su PP lietl witli all other periodicals as soon as published . 1 he following List of Masonic Books is now on hand : —
Anderson ' s History and Constitutions , small 4 to ., 5 s . 1738 new edition , revised and brought down to I 7 S 4 , by J . Noorthouck , 4 to ., extra calf binding , with Masonic embellishments , fine copy , 10 s . ( 3 d . 1781 .
Beauties of Freemasonry , hy an Ancient Brother , 2 s . Gd . 1820 Broderick ' s Collection of Songs , Prologues , & c . 2 s ( no date . ) Complete Freemason , or Multa Paucis , 3 s . Gd . fno date-J Cole ' s Illustrations of Masonry , Is . 6 d- 1801
Da Costa ' s Narrative of his Persecution in Lisbon by the Inquisition , for the pretended Crime of Freemasonry , 2 vols Os . TV ¦ 18 u Dermotts Ahiman Rezon , or a Help to a Brother , iVc . 4 s . 1756 Freemason ' s Pocket Companion 2 s 1831
, . Freemason's Alagazine , from 1793 to 1796 , 7 vols , plates , in extra calf binding , with Masonic embellishments , fine copy , ll . lSs . . another copy , halfbound russia , 1 / . lis . 6 d . " Vol . III . and V . 3 s . Gd . each .
~— — January , February , March , and June , 1794 , 6 d . each . Garland ' s Masonic Effusions , 2 s . 1819 Holden ' s Selection of iMasonic Songs , & c . set to music , 2 s . Gd . Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masonry , 3 s- Gd-A 1 1795 Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooling , 7 s . 1815 Jones Masonjc Miscellanies , 3 s . fid . 1811
Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooling , f 4 s . Gd . 1797 LOrdre des Francs-Macons , plates , 4 s . Amst . 174-5 Lawrie ' s History of Freemasonry , 5 s . 6 d . 1804 Masonic Minstrela Collection of Odes
, , Songs , & c . 3 s . 1818 Musical Mason , Songs set to Music , 2 s . Oliver ' s Antiquities of Freemasonry , 9 s . Gd . A 1823 Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooled , 12 s . Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , 10 th edition
, 2 s . 6 'd . isoi Another copy , 14 th and last edition , brought down to 1829 , by the Rev . G eorge Oliver , Ss bds . 10 s . Gd . half bound ; 12 s . whole bound . Masonic tooled . Principles and Practice of Masonry , 2 s . Kobison s Proofs of a Conspiracy & chalf
, . calf , 6 s . Gd . 1797 Sand y ' s History of Freemasonry , 3 s . 1829 Smith ' s Use and Abuse of Freemasonry , 4 s . A , 1 T 83 Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooled , 7 s . Scott ' s History of Masonry , 2 s . Gd . 1754 , Another copy , 2 nd edition , enlarged , 3 s Gd .
Webb ' s Freemason ' s Monitor , including the History of Freemasonry in America , 4 s . Gd . i 8 i 6 Whistlings , Hummings , and Rbymings , by a Ploughman , Is . 1833 Williams ' s Book of Constitutions , 3 s . 182 T Word to the Wise , vindicating the Science , & e . Is .
Also on Sale , all the Numbers of the Freemasons Quarterly Review , from its commencement in 1834 , price 3 s each . att ? nded to thankfUll y received for Books > Stat - - ' ery- ^^ Bookbinding , and faithfull y LilLv S JUSt P **!* , } - ed a Supplementary Catalogue to his extensive Circulating library , —terms of which mav be had on application . 6 314 , High Holborn . " ¦
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry . Brother W. Povey, Bookbind...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER W . POVEY , BOOKBINDER , ¦ n PSPFrTFlTr i- V 0- ^ . FULLWOOD-S RENTS , HOLBORN , li iT , . 7 , T , ' , P atrona S of the Fraternity in his line of business Books neatly and elegantl y bound , with every description of Masonic embellishments . H . 1 OVEY will feel obliged by a Twopenny Post Letter from any Gentleman who may Have any orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention . N . B . Masonic Case Maker .
Masonic Library. Brother Richard Spencer...
MASONIC LIBRARY . BROTHER RICHARD SPENCER having collected many Scarce Books on the subject of Freemasonry requests the attention of the Fraternity to his Establishment , ° w l S # L ?^ orn . where t can be su PP lietl witli all other periodicals as soon as published . 1 he following List of Masonic Books is now on hand : —
Anderson ' s History and Constitutions , small 4 to ., 5 s . 1738 new edition , revised and brought down to I 7 S 4 , by J . Noorthouck , 4 to ., extra calf binding , with Masonic embellishments , fine copy , 10 s . ( 3 d . 1781 .
Beauties of Freemasonry , hy an Ancient Brother , 2 s . Gd . 1820 Broderick ' s Collection of Songs , Prologues , & c . 2 s ( no date . ) Complete Freemason , or Multa Paucis , 3 s . Gd . fno date-J Cole ' s Illustrations of Masonry , Is . 6 d- 1801
Da Costa ' s Narrative of his Persecution in Lisbon by the Inquisition , for the pretended Crime of Freemasonry , 2 vols Os . TV ¦ 18 u Dermotts Ahiman Rezon , or a Help to a Brother , iVc . 4 s . 1756 Freemason ' s Pocket Companion 2 s 1831
, . Freemason's Alagazine , from 1793 to 1796 , 7 vols , plates , in extra calf binding , with Masonic embellishments , fine copy , ll . lSs . . another copy , halfbound russia , 1 / . lis . 6 d . " Vol . III . and V . 3 s . Gd . each .
~— — January , February , March , and June , 1794 , 6 d . each . Garland ' s Masonic Effusions , 2 s . 1819 Holden ' s Selection of iMasonic Songs , & c . set to music , 2 s . Gd . Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masonry , 3 s- Gd-A 1 1795 Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooling , 7 s . 1815 Jones Masonjc Miscellanies , 3 s . fid . 1811
Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooling , f 4 s . Gd . 1797 LOrdre des Francs-Macons , plates , 4 s . Amst . 174-5 Lawrie ' s History of Freemasonry , 5 s . 6 d . 1804 Masonic Minstrela Collection of Odes
, , Songs , & c . 3 s . 1818 Musical Mason , Songs set to Music , 2 s . Oliver ' s Antiquities of Freemasonry , 9 s . Gd . A 1823 Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooled , 12 s . Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , 10 th edition
, 2 s . 6 'd . isoi Another copy , 14 th and last edition , brought down to 1829 , by the Rev . G eorge Oliver , Ss bds . 10 s . Gd . half bound ; 12 s . whole bound . Masonic tooled . Principles and Practice of Masonry , 2 s . Kobison s Proofs of a Conspiracy & chalf
, . calf , 6 s . Gd . 1797 Sand y ' s History of Freemasonry , 3 s . 1829 Smith ' s Use and Abuse of Freemasonry , 4 s . A , 1 T 83 Another copy , half calf , Masonic tooled , 7 s . Scott ' s History of Masonry , 2 s . Gd . 1754 , Another copy , 2 nd edition , enlarged , 3 s Gd .
Webb ' s Freemason ' s Monitor , including the History of Freemasonry in America , 4 s . Gd . i 8 i 6 Whistlings , Hummings , and Rbymings , by a Ploughman , Is . 1833 Williams ' s Book of Constitutions , 3 s . 182 T Word to the Wise , vindicating the Science , & e . Is .
Also on Sale , all the Numbers of the Freemasons Quarterly Review , from its commencement in 1834 , price 3 s each . att ? nded to thankfUll y received for Books > Stat - - ' ery- ^^ Bookbinding , and faithfull y LilLv S JUSt P **!* , } - ed a Supplementary Catalogue to his extensive Circulating library , —terms of which mav be had on application . 6 314 , High Holborn . " ¦