Article MOUBRAY ON POULTRY, PIGS, AND COWS. Seve... Page 1 of 1 Article BY SIR JOHN SINCLAIR. Fifth Edition, wit... Page 1 of 1 Article DR. OLIVER'S LECTURES ON EREEMASONRY r .... Page 1 of 1 Article Just Published, small 8vo. price 6s. clo... Page 1 of 1
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Moubray On Poultry, Pigs, And Cows. Seve...
MOUBRAY ON POULTRY , PIGS , AND COWS . Seventh Edit , very considerably improved , 7 * . Gd . in cloth bds . A PRACTICAL TREATISE on BREEDING , REARING , and FATTENING ^ all Kinds of DOMESTIC POULTRY , PIGEONS and RABBITS ; also on Breeding , Feeding , and Managing Swine , Milch Cows , and Bees . By BONINGTON
MOUBRAY , Esq . Seventh Edition , illustrated with numerous coloured plates of the various Breeds of Fowls , and enlarged by a Treatise on Brewing , on making British Wines , Cider , Butter , and Cheese : adapted to the Use and Domestic Comforts of Private Families . " Books in these days do not arrive at seventh editions , without containing something that is worth having . We perceive also , by tbe Preface , that Sir John Sinclair has expressed it as his opinion , ' that Moubray ' s Treatise on Domestic Poultry is tbe best work
hitherto published on the subject . ' After such testimony , ours can come but with little weight ; but we too can say , we have' read over' Mr . Moubray ' s work , and that every page is replete with tbe results of practical knowledge , and it certainly should be in the hands of every one who has anything to do with breeding or rearing domestic poultry , or even with the eating of it afterwards . It is , unquestionably , the most practical work on the subject in our language , and particularly calculated for the Colonies , Canada , and United States , the West Indies , New South Wales , and Van Dieman ' s Land . "—Scotch Farmer ' s Magazine . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
By Sir John Sinclair. Fifth Edition, Wit...
BY SIR JOHN SINCLAIR . Fifth Edition , with Plates , considerably improved , price \ l . rpHE CODE OF AGRICULTURE ; including Observations and Instructions on the ¦ *¦ most essential means for carrying on the Improvement and Cultivation of a Farm , as to Climate Farm Servants Farm'Roads Flooding
Soil Live Stock Paring Irrigation , & Em-Manure Water and making Burning and Fal- bankments . Implements Ponds lowing On the various Modes of occupying and improving Arable and Grass . Land ; on the Production of a Rotation of Crops ; and on Dairy Husbandry ; Seasons fox Sowing : on the Choice , Quality , and Change of Seed ; and on Gardens , Orchards , Woods , and Plantations . By the Rig ht Hon . Sir JOHN SINCLAIR , Bart . Founder of the Board of Agriculture . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Dr. Oliver's Lectures On Ereemasonry R ....
DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES ON EREEMASONRY . ¦ A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . Printed in Octavo . Pi-ice 9 s . Cloth . SIGNS AND SYiMBOLS , illustrated and explained in a Course of TWELVE LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Just Published, Small 8vo. Price 6s. Clo...
Just Published , small 8 vo . price 6 s . cloth . THE PHILOSOPHY of MARRIAGE ; in its SOCIAL , MORAL , PHYSICAL , and MEDICAL RELATIONS . By MICHAEL RYAN , M . D ., Member of the Royal College of Physicians . London : John Churchill , Princes' Street , Soho .
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Moubray On Poultry, Pigs, And Cows. Seve...
MOUBRAY ON POULTRY , PIGS , AND COWS . Seventh Edit , very considerably improved , 7 * . Gd . in cloth bds . A PRACTICAL TREATISE on BREEDING , REARING , and FATTENING ^ all Kinds of DOMESTIC POULTRY , PIGEONS and RABBITS ; also on Breeding , Feeding , and Managing Swine , Milch Cows , and Bees . By BONINGTON
MOUBRAY , Esq . Seventh Edition , illustrated with numerous coloured plates of the various Breeds of Fowls , and enlarged by a Treatise on Brewing , on making British Wines , Cider , Butter , and Cheese : adapted to the Use and Domestic Comforts of Private Families . " Books in these days do not arrive at seventh editions , without containing something that is worth having . We perceive also , by tbe Preface , that Sir John Sinclair has expressed it as his opinion , ' that Moubray ' s Treatise on Domestic Poultry is tbe best work
hitherto published on the subject . ' After such testimony , ours can come but with little weight ; but we too can say , we have' read over' Mr . Moubray ' s work , and that every page is replete with tbe results of practical knowledge , and it certainly should be in the hands of every one who has anything to do with breeding or rearing domestic poultry , or even with the eating of it afterwards . It is , unquestionably , the most practical work on the subject in our language , and particularly calculated for the Colonies , Canada , and United States , the West Indies , New South Wales , and Van Dieman ' s Land . "—Scotch Farmer ' s Magazine . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
By Sir John Sinclair. Fifth Edition, Wit...
BY SIR JOHN SINCLAIR . Fifth Edition , with Plates , considerably improved , price \ l . rpHE CODE OF AGRICULTURE ; including Observations and Instructions on the ¦ *¦ most essential means for carrying on the Improvement and Cultivation of a Farm , as to Climate Farm Servants Farm'Roads Flooding
Soil Live Stock Paring Irrigation , & Em-Manure Water and making Burning and Fal- bankments . Implements Ponds lowing On the various Modes of occupying and improving Arable and Grass . Land ; on the Production of a Rotation of Crops ; and on Dairy Husbandry ; Seasons fox Sowing : on the Choice , Quality , and Change of Seed ; and on Gardens , Orchards , Woods , and Plantations . By the Rig ht Hon . Sir JOHN SINCLAIR , Bart . Founder of the Board of Agriculture . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Dr. Oliver's Lectures On Ereemasonry R ....
DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES ON EREEMASONRY . ¦ A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . Printed in Octavo . Pi-ice 9 s . Cloth . SIGNS AND SYiMBOLS , illustrated and explained in a Course of TWELVE LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Just Published, Small 8vo. Price 6s. Clo...
Just Published , small 8 vo . price 6 s . cloth . THE PHILOSOPHY of MARRIAGE ; in its SOCIAL , MORAL , PHYSICAL , and MEDICAL RELATIONS . By MICHAEL RYAN , M . D ., Member of the Royal College of Physicians . London : John Churchill , Princes' Street , Soho .