Article EIGHT DAY CLOCKS, TO STRIKE THE HOURS AN... Page 1 of 1 Article TO THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND FAMILIES FU... Page 1 of 1 Article MINTER'S PATENT, SELF-ACTING, RECLINING,... Page 1 of 1 Article AT a time when doubts justly arise respe... Page 1 of 1 Article ELLIOTT'S POMADE, FOR. THE GROWTH AND NO... Page 1 of 1
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Eight Day Clocks, To Strike The Hours An...
EIGHT DAY CLOCKS , TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND HALF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . THEY are in elegant cases , about 7- } , inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket or mantle-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' , Working Goldsmith , & c . & c , 47 , Cornhill , London .
To The Nobility, Gentry, And Families Fu...
TO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AND FAMILIES FURNISHING . MESSRS . MUNNS ancl Co . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , ancl Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of every variety in Tables ancl Chairs , which , for elegance , ease , and durability , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical in price ; Console ancl Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , rep lete with every convenience ; Bookcases , en suite , for the most extensive library , or the Boudoir of tbe most fashionable
adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been produced , ancl will be offered at such prices that cannot fail to astonish purchasers . Messrs . Munns and Co . having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . —33 , Oxford Street , facing Dean Street .
Minter's Patent, Self-Acting, Reclining,...
MINTER'S PATENT , SELF-ACTING , RECLINING , and ELEVATING CHAIRS , for the sick chamber or the indulgent , in great variety , at all prices . MERLIN CHAIRS to recline on his patent principle , with foot-board and leg-rester . MERLIN CHAIRS made light , caned , and portable . MERLIN CHAIRS for in-door or out-door use , very complete , on spings , dispensing with the necessity of having two chairs . Persons having the use of their arms can propel
themselves without assistance , or be guided by a boy pushing behind the chair . BATH aud BRIGHTON CHAIRS in great variety , made to recline so as to lie at full length ; also made very PORTABLE and COMPACT FOR TRAVELLING . SPINAL CARRIAGES , PORTABLE CARRIAGE CHAIRS , ancl every article for the invalid . 33 , Gerrard Street , Soho .
At A Time When Doubts Justly Arise Respe...
AT a time when doubts justly arise respecting the presumed infallibility of certain remedies which have of late been brought before the public , we may venture to invite attention to one Medicine which long experience has sanctioned with the marked ancl reiterated approval of its benefits . The efficacy of the VEGETABLE SYRUP of DE VELNOS has been proved in multitudes of cases of Scorbutic Affections , and in all their varied modifications , in painful Tumours , Scirrhous Swellings , in Scrofula , in Symptoms of Diseased Liverancl in all complaints arising from depraved humours and contaminated
, Blood . ' The Syrup is prepared by Mrs . Canham , No . 52 , Berjiers Street , Oxford Street , and sold hy her and all respectable Medicine Venders in town ancl country . —See Mrs . Canham ' s recently published " Familiar Treatise on Scrofula , Scurvy , Consumption , Diarrhoea , Rheumatism , and Diseases of the Blood and Liver . Sold by Ridgway and Sons , Piccadilly , London , and all other booksellers .
Elliott's Pomade, For. The Growth And No...
ELLIOTT'S POMADE , FOR . THE GROWTH AND NOURISHMENT OF THE HAIR . THE most Efficacious Preparation ever yet offered to the public . One trial alone will be sufficient to establish its superiority over every other similar Composition . Sold in pots at Is . Gd . and upwards , at SABINE'S Perfumery Warehouse , 1 , Pilgrim Street , LudgateHill .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eight Day Clocks, To Strike The Hours An...
EIGHT DAY CLOCKS , TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND HALF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . THEY are in elegant cases , about 7- } , inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket or mantle-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' , Working Goldsmith , & c . & c , 47 , Cornhill , London .
To The Nobility, Gentry, And Families Fu...
TO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AND FAMILIES FURNISHING . MESSRS . MUNNS ancl Co . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , ancl Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of every variety in Tables ancl Chairs , which , for elegance , ease , and durability , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical in price ; Console ancl Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , rep lete with every convenience ; Bookcases , en suite , for the most extensive library , or the Boudoir of tbe most fashionable
adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been produced , ancl will be offered at such prices that cannot fail to astonish purchasers . Messrs . Munns and Co . having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . —33 , Oxford Street , facing Dean Street .
Minter's Patent, Self-Acting, Reclining,...
MINTER'S PATENT , SELF-ACTING , RECLINING , and ELEVATING CHAIRS , for the sick chamber or the indulgent , in great variety , at all prices . MERLIN CHAIRS to recline on his patent principle , with foot-board and leg-rester . MERLIN CHAIRS made light , caned , and portable . MERLIN CHAIRS for in-door or out-door use , very complete , on spings , dispensing with the necessity of having two chairs . Persons having the use of their arms can propel
themselves without assistance , or be guided by a boy pushing behind the chair . BATH aud BRIGHTON CHAIRS in great variety , made to recline so as to lie at full length ; also made very PORTABLE and COMPACT FOR TRAVELLING . SPINAL CARRIAGES , PORTABLE CARRIAGE CHAIRS , ancl every article for the invalid . 33 , Gerrard Street , Soho .
At A Time When Doubts Justly Arise Respe...
AT a time when doubts justly arise respecting the presumed infallibility of certain remedies which have of late been brought before the public , we may venture to invite attention to one Medicine which long experience has sanctioned with the marked ancl reiterated approval of its benefits . The efficacy of the VEGETABLE SYRUP of DE VELNOS has been proved in multitudes of cases of Scorbutic Affections , and in all their varied modifications , in painful Tumours , Scirrhous Swellings , in Scrofula , in Symptoms of Diseased Liverancl in all complaints arising from depraved humours and contaminated
, Blood . ' The Syrup is prepared by Mrs . Canham , No . 52 , Berjiers Street , Oxford Street , and sold hy her and all respectable Medicine Venders in town ancl country . —See Mrs . Canham ' s recently published " Familiar Treatise on Scrofula , Scurvy , Consumption , Diarrhoea , Rheumatism , and Diseases of the Blood and Liver . Sold by Ridgway and Sons , Piccadilly , London , and all other booksellers .
Elliott's Pomade, For. The Growth And No...
ELLIOTT'S POMADE , FOR . THE GROWTH AND NOURISHMENT OF THE HAIR . THE most Efficacious Preparation ever yet offered to the public . One trial alone will be sufficient to establish its superiority over every other similar Composition . Sold in pots at Is . Gd . and upwards , at SABINE'S Perfumery Warehouse , 1 , Pilgrim Street , LudgateHill .