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Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.*
institution has not as yet received the sanction of the Grand Lodge ; and next , that His Royal Highness , our illustrious Grand Alaster , bas been opposed to its establishment . This latter belief is perfectly unwarranted by fact . During the year , the voluntary additions that have been made to our funds have raised them to the sum of one thousand pounds . " Since our last public meeting , several Provincial Lodges have approved of the institution , and in several instances money votes have
been passed in the presence of the Provincial Grand Alasters . The beneficent impulse has communicated itself to India , and also to Africa , where meetings have been held to advance the interests of the Asylum . "In Scotland and in Ireland , the Alasons are anxiously looking to our proceedings , and especially to the results of this day , that they may be more strongly inspired to attempt a noble rivalry in aid of their own friendless Brothers . It may be proudly declared that the world
approves our deeds ; and what may not be expected from the result of a motion about to be submitted to the Grand Lodge in September next , of which clue notice has been given . Lastly , let it be known to all , that the illustrious Grand Alaster has personally declared that he does not object to the contemplated Asylum ; that , on the contrary , in making public its necessity , he hopes you will make equally clear your means of contributing to such necessity in the most decisive manner , and may God Amightly speed the cause . "
He ( Dr . Crucefix ) had heard their Grancl Alaster declare in that Hall his conviction , that within the walls of the Hall in which they were now assembled much good had been effected , and in the cause of morality and benevolence , greater in amount than within any other Hall in the known world . But His Royal Highness observed that since he last met them , he lamented to find that many a cheerful face , that used to greet him , had been withdrawn from the scene . AVe may add , in after
supplement , that many a warm hearted ancl zealous Alason , passing through years of honesty and integrity , had struggled in vain against his misfortunes , without the sacrifice either of honesty or integrity , and it was for such they now pleaded . He reminded them how much they were indebted to that sex who soothed so many of their sorrows while they increased their joys by participating them , and called upon them , while preparing a home for the Alason and his wife , not to
forget the Mason ' s widow . —( Applause . ) In no respect could the female sex be disregarded without danger to the happiness of mankind . Sisters of Charity ( he continued , addressing the ladies ) to you tbe appeal will not be made " in vain ; the control you have over man will in this cause be exercised with a persuasion you only can offer , and it will be obeyed as a precept from love not likely to be disobeyed . There is one among you whom I know is watching her husband with intense anxiety . She has shared his thoughts before , let her partake them now ; her smile will be the reward of many an anxious hour .
There was no secret in the principle of universal benevolence if there was in Alasonry , and lie urged them , visitors as well as Brethren , to join heart and hand in the cause of which he was an humble advocate . If they answered his expectations , the Aged Alasons would no longer work without hope , but mig ht look for a last resting place in their declining years , and peacefully await the setting of their sun . —( Cheers . ) No one ' can tell how soon tiie bolt of misfortune may fall , nor upon whom . Alen who had done much good in their day ought not to be suffered to pine in wretchedness ancl want . Thc most splendid talents
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Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.*
institution has not as yet received the sanction of the Grand Lodge ; and next , that His Royal Highness , our illustrious Grand Alaster , bas been opposed to its establishment . This latter belief is perfectly unwarranted by fact . During the year , the voluntary additions that have been made to our funds have raised them to the sum of one thousand pounds . " Since our last public meeting , several Provincial Lodges have approved of the institution , and in several instances money votes have
been passed in the presence of the Provincial Grand Alasters . The beneficent impulse has communicated itself to India , and also to Africa , where meetings have been held to advance the interests of the Asylum . "In Scotland and in Ireland , the Alasons are anxiously looking to our proceedings , and especially to the results of this day , that they may be more strongly inspired to attempt a noble rivalry in aid of their own friendless Brothers . It may be proudly declared that the world
approves our deeds ; and what may not be expected from the result of a motion about to be submitted to the Grand Lodge in September next , of which clue notice has been given . Lastly , let it be known to all , that the illustrious Grand Alaster has personally declared that he does not object to the contemplated Asylum ; that , on the contrary , in making public its necessity , he hopes you will make equally clear your means of contributing to such necessity in the most decisive manner , and may God Amightly speed the cause . "
He ( Dr . Crucefix ) had heard their Grancl Alaster declare in that Hall his conviction , that within the walls of the Hall in which they were now assembled much good had been effected , and in the cause of morality and benevolence , greater in amount than within any other Hall in the known world . But His Royal Highness observed that since he last met them , he lamented to find that many a cheerful face , that used to greet him , had been withdrawn from the scene . AVe may add , in after
supplement , that many a warm hearted ancl zealous Alason , passing through years of honesty and integrity , had struggled in vain against his misfortunes , without the sacrifice either of honesty or integrity , and it was for such they now pleaded . He reminded them how much they were indebted to that sex who soothed so many of their sorrows while they increased their joys by participating them , and called upon them , while preparing a home for the Alason and his wife , not to
forget the Mason ' s widow . —( Applause . ) In no respect could the female sex be disregarded without danger to the happiness of mankind . Sisters of Charity ( he continued , addressing the ladies ) to you tbe appeal will not be made " in vain ; the control you have over man will in this cause be exercised with a persuasion you only can offer , and it will be obeyed as a precept from love not likely to be disobeyed . There is one among you whom I know is watching her husband with intense anxiety . She has shared his thoughts before , let her partake them now ; her smile will be the reward of many an anxious hour .
There was no secret in the principle of universal benevolence if there was in Alasonry , and lie urged them , visitors as well as Brethren , to join heart and hand in the cause of which he was an humble advocate . If they answered his expectations , the Aged Alasons would no longer work without hope , but mig ht look for a last resting place in their declining years , and peacefully await the setting of their sun . —( Cheers . ) No one ' can tell how soon tiie bolt of misfortune may fall , nor upon whom . Alen who had done much good in their day ought not to be suffered to pine in wretchedness ancl want . Thc most splendid talents