Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 19 →
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as that of the Freemasons , should examine themselves by these tests which Scripture gives . The Freemasons , therefore , of the Towcester Lodge , have done well ancl wisel y in seeking a blessing at thc mercyseat of God on the formation of their new Society . ° There is every reason to believe that brotherl y kindness has ever been a distinguished characteristic of the Ancient ancl Honourable Order of Free and Accepted Alasons . - — well authenticated narrations extant of
many are their mutual recognition and assistance of each other in tlie most perilous and trying circumstances . Of that due respect to rank and station , and of the necessary subordination established by the AVord and Providence of God , Freemasons have ever been the strenuous assertors , 'in honour preferring one another . ' Their Order has been honoured by the patronage of princes , and one of the uncles of our gracious sovereign is at this moment the head of their OrderLoyalty in these degenerate
. clays is a virtue of no mean importance . May it long be the boast of the Masonic Order that they have not bowed the knee at the shrine of democracy ancl revolution . ' Not slothful in business , fervent in spirit , serving the Lord , ' was the motto adopted by those ancient Alembers of * the Order , to whose skill in architecture , ancl zeal for the glory of God , we owe so many of the finest ecclesiastical structures of ' our country ' such as the Minster at \ ork , and Henry the Seventh ' s Chanel at
Westminster . That the Alembers of the Society now present are 'rejoicing in hope ' of being useful to their town and nei ghbourhood , and anxious to ' distribute to the necessity' of their poorer-fellow creatures , is shown by the earnest appeal which is now made in their name in behalf of the National and Sunday Schools of the town of Towcester , ancl by their desire to lead the way in this work and labour of love . " ' The preacher concluded by urging them to welcome these younger members of the Christian bodinto that
y Church ' which is built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets , Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone ; ' and in the language of Scripture ancl Freemasonry ' their daughters would be as the polished corners of the temple . ' ' The church was exceedingly full ; amongst the congregation were Lord and Lad y Southampton ancl party ; the Hon . Colonel Hutchinson and Lady , the Hon . Colonel Stopford and family , Lady Jane Ram Airs Kernch the Butler
, Rev . Dr . , & c . The collection at the doors amounted to upwards of forty pounds . The procession then returned to the Talbot Inn , where about fifty Brethren sat clown to an excellent dinner , provided by Brother Eadv . U pwards of two hundred ancl fifty of the school children dined on the Market Hill , being assisted by the principal ladies of the town and their friends . The Rev . Dr . Butler said grace . The Alasonic Breth ren also dined together at the Talbot Inn , where the remainder of the clay was spent in the utmost conviviality .
SPILSRV . —A Provincial Grand Lodge ivill be held in the Shakspeare Lodge on I hursday , 5 th October next , by command of the R AV and Right Hon . C . T . D'Eyncourt , M . P ., P . G . AI . YORK .-The Hon . Thomas Dundas , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for the North and East Ridings of York , intends holding a Provincial Grancl Lodge and General Communication of the Brethren at Richmond , on Friday , the 6 th day of October . i J"av ™; f 0 I " - D ,:, i , IAM - ' <'( 'l't- 1— A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Chester-le-Stieet , which was presided over by the Earl of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
as that of the Freemasons , should examine themselves by these tests which Scripture gives . The Freemasons , therefore , of the Towcester Lodge , have done well ancl wisel y in seeking a blessing at thc mercyseat of God on the formation of their new Society . ° There is every reason to believe that brotherl y kindness has ever been a distinguished characteristic of the Ancient ancl Honourable Order of Free and Accepted Alasons . - — well authenticated narrations extant of
many are their mutual recognition and assistance of each other in tlie most perilous and trying circumstances . Of that due respect to rank and station , and of the necessary subordination established by the AVord and Providence of God , Freemasons have ever been the strenuous assertors , 'in honour preferring one another . ' Their Order has been honoured by the patronage of princes , and one of the uncles of our gracious sovereign is at this moment the head of their OrderLoyalty in these degenerate
. clays is a virtue of no mean importance . May it long be the boast of the Masonic Order that they have not bowed the knee at the shrine of democracy ancl revolution . ' Not slothful in business , fervent in spirit , serving the Lord , ' was the motto adopted by those ancient Alembers of * the Order , to whose skill in architecture , ancl zeal for the glory of God , we owe so many of the finest ecclesiastical structures of ' our country ' such as the Minster at \ ork , and Henry the Seventh ' s Chanel at
Westminster . That the Alembers of the Society now present are 'rejoicing in hope ' of being useful to their town and nei ghbourhood , and anxious to ' distribute to the necessity' of their poorer-fellow creatures , is shown by the earnest appeal which is now made in their name in behalf of the National and Sunday Schools of the town of Towcester , ancl by their desire to lead the way in this work and labour of love . " ' The preacher concluded by urging them to welcome these younger members of the Christian bodinto that
y Church ' which is built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets , Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone ; ' and in the language of Scripture ancl Freemasonry ' their daughters would be as the polished corners of the temple . ' ' The church was exceedingly full ; amongst the congregation were Lord and Lad y Southampton ancl party ; the Hon . Colonel Hutchinson and Lady , the Hon . Colonel Stopford and family , Lady Jane Ram Airs Kernch the Butler
, Rev . Dr . , & c . The collection at the doors amounted to upwards of forty pounds . The procession then returned to the Talbot Inn , where about fifty Brethren sat clown to an excellent dinner , provided by Brother Eadv . U pwards of two hundred ancl fifty of the school children dined on the Market Hill , being assisted by the principal ladies of the town and their friends . The Rev . Dr . Butler said grace . The Alasonic Breth ren also dined together at the Talbot Inn , where the remainder of the clay was spent in the utmost conviviality .
SPILSRV . —A Provincial Grand Lodge ivill be held in the Shakspeare Lodge on I hursday , 5 th October next , by command of the R AV and Right Hon . C . T . D'Eyncourt , M . P ., P . G . AI . YORK .-The Hon . Thomas Dundas , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for the North and East Ridings of York , intends holding a Provincial Grancl Lodge and General Communication of the Brethren at Richmond , on Friday , the 6 th day of October . i J"av ™; f 0 I " - D ,:, i , IAM - ' <'( 'l't- 1— A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Chester-le-Stieet , which was presided over by the Earl of