Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 19 →
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wards , James Taylor , Esq ., Dr . Booth , ancl Mr . Knott , as Governors of King Edward ' s School , the Donors ofthe site of the Church , and lastly , gentlemen who had interested themselves in the promotion of tlie work . OitDEit of PROCESSION . Band of the Fifth Dragoon Guards . The Officers ancl Alembers of the Provincial Grand Lod of Freemasons Police Officers
ge . . Beadles . Blue Coat Charity School Children . Alasters and Ushers . Constables and Headborough , with their Staves of Office . Churchwardens with AVantls . Contractors for the Building , bearing a Plate with the Inscri ption . The Architects . -Committee of Subscribers . Magistrates . Clergy in Canonicals . The Bishop ' s Mace-bearer . The Bishop ' s Secretary .
The Bishop , supported by Archdeacons . Visitors of distinction . Governors of King Edward ' s School . Subscribers and other Gentlemen . The procession was flanked by beadles ancl police . The jA'Iasonic bod y were ranged so as to form a portion of a parallelogram on the north and east side of the foundation stone , the ofiicers of the Order
standing in the centre of the intervening space . A raised platform had been constructed for the Bishop ancl his immediate attendants , on which he stood during the greater part of the ceremony , ancl the Visitors , Governors , and other gentlemen who followed ivere conducted to places which had been specially reserved for them . AVhen all had taken their places ancl stillness prevailed , the Old Hundredth 1 salm was sung bthe Blue Coat School boys and irlswith all the
y g , precision and sweetness for which they are distinguished , the company all joining ; at the close of which the Bishop , descending to the space immediatel y about the stone , commenced the more particular part of the proceeding . The Architect ( Mr . Hussey ) read the inscription on the brass plate to be placed beneath the stone , as follows : — " This Stone of a New Church , to be called ' Bishop Ryder ' s Clmrch , ' founded in accordance with the earnest and often expressed wishes of
the Honourable and Right Reverend Iienry Ryder , D . D ., late Lord iiishop of Lichfield and Coventry , and perpetuating in its name the remenrbei-ance of his piety and zeal , was laid by the Right Reverend Robert James Carr , D . D ., Lord Bishop of AVorcester , on the 23 rd day ot August , A . D . 1837 , in the first year of the Reign of Her Alajesty Queen A-ictona . J J
' rJVc ] in } aa aml Hussey , Architects . James Davis . Contractor . " lins being placed m its proper bed , in a stone prepared to receive it , and noplace having been reserved for coins , medals , or other memorials , the great stone was slowl y lowered b y the tackle from which it was suspended . The architect on handing the trowel observed , that it was the one which Bishop Rder himself used on similar occasion at StThomas '
y a . s v lurch in this town ; the mortar being dul y spread , thc stone was laid , where it is devoutly to be wished it may rest for fenerations to come ; trie accuracy of the positron being determined by ther . rasonrc implements , the square the level , and the plumb-line , which were handed succes-• -. vely by the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster of the AVarwickshire
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
wards , James Taylor , Esq ., Dr . Booth , ancl Mr . Knott , as Governors of King Edward ' s School , the Donors ofthe site of the Church , and lastly , gentlemen who had interested themselves in the promotion of tlie work . OitDEit of PROCESSION . Band of the Fifth Dragoon Guards . The Officers ancl Alembers of the Provincial Grand Lod of Freemasons Police Officers
ge . . Beadles . Blue Coat Charity School Children . Alasters and Ushers . Constables and Headborough , with their Staves of Office . Churchwardens with AVantls . Contractors for the Building , bearing a Plate with the Inscri ption . The Architects . -Committee of Subscribers . Magistrates . Clergy in Canonicals . The Bishop ' s Mace-bearer . The Bishop ' s Secretary .
The Bishop , supported by Archdeacons . Visitors of distinction . Governors of King Edward ' s School . Subscribers and other Gentlemen . The procession was flanked by beadles ancl police . The jA'Iasonic bod y were ranged so as to form a portion of a parallelogram on the north and east side of the foundation stone , the ofiicers of the Order
standing in the centre of the intervening space . A raised platform had been constructed for the Bishop ancl his immediate attendants , on which he stood during the greater part of the ceremony , ancl the Visitors , Governors , and other gentlemen who followed ivere conducted to places which had been specially reserved for them . AVhen all had taken their places ancl stillness prevailed , the Old Hundredth 1 salm was sung bthe Blue Coat School boys and irlswith all the
y g , precision and sweetness for which they are distinguished , the company all joining ; at the close of which the Bishop , descending to the space immediatel y about the stone , commenced the more particular part of the proceeding . The Architect ( Mr . Hussey ) read the inscription on the brass plate to be placed beneath the stone , as follows : — " This Stone of a New Church , to be called ' Bishop Ryder ' s Clmrch , ' founded in accordance with the earnest and often expressed wishes of
the Honourable and Right Reverend Iienry Ryder , D . D ., late Lord iiishop of Lichfield and Coventry , and perpetuating in its name the remenrbei-ance of his piety and zeal , was laid by the Right Reverend Robert James Carr , D . D ., Lord Bishop of AVorcester , on the 23 rd day ot August , A . D . 1837 , in the first year of the Reign of Her Alajesty Queen A-ictona . J J
' rJVc ] in } aa aml Hussey , Architects . James Davis . Contractor . " lins being placed m its proper bed , in a stone prepared to receive it , and noplace having been reserved for coins , medals , or other memorials , the great stone was slowl y lowered b y the tackle from which it was suspended . The architect on handing the trowel observed , that it was the one which Bishop Rder himself used on similar occasion at StThomas '
y a . s v lurch in this town ; the mortar being dul y spread , thc stone was laid , where it is devoutly to be wished it may rest for fenerations to come ; trie accuracy of the positron being determined by ther . rasonrc implements , the square the level , and the plumb-line , which were handed succes-• -. vely by the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster of the AVarwickshire