Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 19 →
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¦ Ross . —A ^ I-THUVIAN LODGE . —The Alaster and Brethren of this Lodge will assemble at the Swan Hotel , at 12 o ' clock on Alonday , the 2 , 5 th day of September , 1837 , for the purpose of proceeding lo lay thc Foundation Stone of Brother Barrett ' s Prospect Hotel . The neighbouring Brethren respectfully invited to attend with their proper clothing . The Lodge will be closed at three o ' clock , when the company of any gentleman who is not a Alason will be esteemed a favour , to dine with the Brethren at four o ' clock . —AArilliam Farror , Al- ' . AI .
PEM-SHORE . —Loyal AVelsh Lodge , 525 , A-ietoria Hotel , 21 st of August , 1837 . The affairs of Alasonry at this Lodge have taken a decidedly prosperous turn . There have been two or three initiations every meeting night , for the last five or six months , so that the AVorthy Worshipful Alaster , Brother Young , has had as much as he could possibly accomplish in enlightening the minds of the numerous candidates ; nor are persons indiscriminately admitted , for as one black ball is sufficient
to cause the rejection of the noviciate , it is not saying too much , that those approved of are , ' * ' worthy , " as well as " well , " recommended . On St . John ' s Day last , ( 21-th of June , ) the Alembers assembled , and dined together . The dinner was excellent , and gave universal satisfaction . After a "bumper was pledged" to the memory of our departed and beloved Patron in solemn silence , our Maiden Queen followed , —¦ then the health of the Grand Alaster . After whicli , that of the P . G . AI ., the Alaster of the Lodge , Brother Young . The Chaplain , Brother Thomas—( who in a neat address , acknowledged the toast ) . The P . AL , Brother Doidge . The visiting Brethren , & c .
Brother Thomas composed some words for the occasion , to the music of " The Canadian Boat Song , " which were sung with great applause . The Lodge , famed as it ever has been for temperance and early hours , closed in harmony before high twelve , extremely gratified with the evening ' s entertainment . Considerable credit is due to the W . AI ., for his indefatigable exertions in the cause of Alasonry ; he is ever at his post , and always willing to afford instruction .
11 having been determined in open Lodge , that a procession shoulcl be formed to church on the occasion of our late gracious Patron ' s Funeral sermon being preached , the Alembers , accompanied by several visiting Brethren , assembled at 10 o ' clock on Sunday , the 9 th of June . Brother R . A . C , Alathias , having kindly undertaken the office of Alaster of the Ceremonies , soon marshalled the procession . Brother the Rev . R . R . BloxamA . M ., preached a most eloquent and appropriate
, sermon , the Brethren sitting near the altar in due form—all of whom , together with every individual of a most crowded congregation feltwarmly felt—the force of the discourse , as well as the loss the Fraternity and the nation in general sustained by the death of their KINO , their Patron , —their Brother .
FAL - UOFTII , July 11 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge of the Freemasons of the county of Cornwall was held on Tuesday in the Alasonic Hall at Falmouth , at which P . V . Robinson , Esq ., D . P . G . AI . officiated , assisted by the principal officers of the Province . The Brethren proceeded to church in procession where the prayers were read by thc Rev . L . Alathias , curate of Falmouth , after which an appropriate and eloquent sermon was preached by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . II . Grylls , from 1 Cor . x . 31 . After Divine service , the Brethren transacted the business of the
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¦ Ross . —A ^ I-THUVIAN LODGE . —The Alaster and Brethren of this Lodge will assemble at the Swan Hotel , at 12 o ' clock on Alonday , the 2 , 5 th day of September , 1837 , for the purpose of proceeding lo lay thc Foundation Stone of Brother Barrett ' s Prospect Hotel . The neighbouring Brethren respectfully invited to attend with their proper clothing . The Lodge will be closed at three o ' clock , when the company of any gentleman who is not a Alason will be esteemed a favour , to dine with the Brethren at four o ' clock . —AArilliam Farror , Al- ' . AI .
PEM-SHORE . —Loyal AVelsh Lodge , 525 , A-ietoria Hotel , 21 st of August , 1837 . The affairs of Alasonry at this Lodge have taken a decidedly prosperous turn . There have been two or three initiations every meeting night , for the last five or six months , so that the AVorthy Worshipful Alaster , Brother Young , has had as much as he could possibly accomplish in enlightening the minds of the numerous candidates ; nor are persons indiscriminately admitted , for as one black ball is sufficient
to cause the rejection of the noviciate , it is not saying too much , that those approved of are , ' * ' worthy , " as well as " well , " recommended . On St . John ' s Day last , ( 21-th of June , ) the Alembers assembled , and dined together . The dinner was excellent , and gave universal satisfaction . After a "bumper was pledged" to the memory of our departed and beloved Patron in solemn silence , our Maiden Queen followed , —¦ then the health of the Grand Alaster . After whicli , that of the P . G . AI ., the Alaster of the Lodge , Brother Young . The Chaplain , Brother Thomas—( who in a neat address , acknowledged the toast ) . The P . AL , Brother Doidge . The visiting Brethren , & c .
Brother Thomas composed some words for the occasion , to the music of " The Canadian Boat Song , " which were sung with great applause . The Lodge , famed as it ever has been for temperance and early hours , closed in harmony before high twelve , extremely gratified with the evening ' s entertainment . Considerable credit is due to the W . AI ., for his indefatigable exertions in the cause of Alasonry ; he is ever at his post , and always willing to afford instruction .
11 having been determined in open Lodge , that a procession shoulcl be formed to church on the occasion of our late gracious Patron ' s Funeral sermon being preached , the Alembers , accompanied by several visiting Brethren , assembled at 10 o ' clock on Sunday , the 9 th of June . Brother R . A . C , Alathias , having kindly undertaken the office of Alaster of the Ceremonies , soon marshalled the procession . Brother the Rev . R . R . BloxamA . M ., preached a most eloquent and appropriate
, sermon , the Brethren sitting near the altar in due form—all of whom , together with every individual of a most crowded congregation feltwarmly felt—the force of the discourse , as well as the loss the Fraternity and the nation in general sustained by the death of their KINO , their Patron , —their Brother .
FAL - UOFTII , July 11 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge of the Freemasons of the county of Cornwall was held on Tuesday in the Alasonic Hall at Falmouth , at which P . V . Robinson , Esq ., D . P . G . AI . officiated , assisted by the principal officers of the Province . The Brethren proceeded to church in procession where the prayers were read by thc Rev . L . Alathias , curate of Falmouth , after which an appropriate and eloquent sermon was preached by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . II . Grylls , from 1 Cor . x . 31 . After Divine service , the Brethren transacted the business of the