Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 16 of 19 →
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" The Treasurer ' s Accounts were audited ami allowed , and there appearing a balance of . £ ' 57 IGs . 9 tl . in tlie Treasurer ' s hands , it was ordered , that the balance of £ 57 16 s . 9 d . he continued iu the Bank of Aiessrs . Alilford ancl Co ., City Bank , Exeter . " The Provincial Grancl Secretary reported that he had received returns from thc following Lodges for the year ending 3 lst Dec . 1 S 3 G , ancl had paid the monies received therewith into the Treasurer ' s account ;
83 , 123 , 129 , 182 , 185 , 190 , 221 , 238 , 270 , 280 , 309 , 351 , 4 . 11 , 509 . " On the motion of the P . G . Sec , seconded by Brother Baldy , it was resolved unanimously , that the sum of twenty guineas be contributed from the P . G . Lodge fund in aid of the ' Aged and Decayed Freemason ' s Asylum . ' " On the motion of the Dep . Prov . Grancl Alaster , seconded by Brother Sir Geo . Magrathit was resolved unanimouslythat an address of
con-, , dolence be presented to His Royal Higness the Duke of Sussex , on the decease of his late Alajesty . " The Deputy Prov . Grancl Master announced that it was tbe intention of the P . G . AI . to hold the next P . G . Lodge at Tiverton , in January , 1838 . " The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closeel in due form , with solemn prayer /'"
PLYMOUTH , July 18 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , D . P . G . AI . Carwithen , D . D . presided in the absence of the P . G . M . Lord Alscount Ebrington . About fifty Brethren attended . Twenty guineas were voted for the new Asylum , for Aged and Decayed Alasons . In the evening a number of the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , at Whiddon ' s Royal Hotel . The D . P . G . M . held a Board of Past Alasters and installed Brother J . FT . CookW . M . of the
, Lodge of Fortitude , 122 . A Royal Arch Chapter of promulgation arrd instruction was held , when several Companions were exalted to the Third Principal ' s chair . AA ' e have only room to add , that the usual exhibition of fraternal feelings and sympathies pervaded these most interesting meetings ; and peace , order , ancl harmony prevailed throughout .
TIVERTON , July 5 . —An Encampment was held this day , at which Comp . Eales White was solemnly installed a Knight-Templar , and Member of the Royal Sussex Encampment , and his shield ancl pennon accordingly deposited . Some splendid banners and interesting antique armour have been added to the magnificent decorations of this encampment , which with thc singularly appropriate clothing ancl appointments of the Sir Knights , and the eloquent and impressive manner in which
the ceremonies arc conducted by the E . C Brothers Huyshe and his able officers , Lawson , Elton , Beedle , & c . offer a treat in this noble Order of Masonry of no ordinary character : Comp . Curme , I . E . G . was proposed as an Hon . Knight , and the Encampment adjourned to the third Alonday in August . A Royal Arch Chapter succeeded , in which were duly installed the Principals elect for the current year . Comp . Elton officiated with his accustomed ability , and installed Comps . Rev . Carrington Ley as Z ., How as H ., and Lawson as J . AA ' e admired the additional paraphernalia appertaining to this exalted degree , which adorn this most interesting
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" The Treasurer ' s Accounts were audited ami allowed , and there appearing a balance of . £ ' 57 IGs . 9 tl . in tlie Treasurer ' s hands , it was ordered , that the balance of £ 57 16 s . 9 d . he continued iu the Bank of Aiessrs . Alilford ancl Co ., City Bank , Exeter . " The Provincial Grancl Secretary reported that he had received returns from thc following Lodges for the year ending 3 lst Dec . 1 S 3 G , ancl had paid the monies received therewith into the Treasurer ' s account ;
83 , 123 , 129 , 182 , 185 , 190 , 221 , 238 , 270 , 280 , 309 , 351 , 4 . 11 , 509 . " On the motion of the P . G . Sec , seconded by Brother Baldy , it was resolved unanimously , that the sum of twenty guineas be contributed from the P . G . Lodge fund in aid of the ' Aged and Decayed Freemason ' s Asylum . ' " On the motion of the Dep . Prov . Grancl Alaster , seconded by Brother Sir Geo . Magrathit was resolved unanimouslythat an address of
con-, , dolence be presented to His Royal Higness the Duke of Sussex , on the decease of his late Alajesty . " The Deputy Prov . Grancl Master announced that it was tbe intention of the P . G . AI . to hold the next P . G . Lodge at Tiverton , in January , 1838 . " The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closeel in due form , with solemn prayer /'"
PLYMOUTH , July 18 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , D . P . G . AI . Carwithen , D . D . presided in the absence of the P . G . M . Lord Alscount Ebrington . About fifty Brethren attended . Twenty guineas were voted for the new Asylum , for Aged and Decayed Alasons . In the evening a number of the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , at Whiddon ' s Royal Hotel . The D . P . G . M . held a Board of Past Alasters and installed Brother J . FT . CookW . M . of the
, Lodge of Fortitude , 122 . A Royal Arch Chapter of promulgation arrd instruction was held , when several Companions were exalted to the Third Principal ' s chair . AA ' e have only room to add , that the usual exhibition of fraternal feelings and sympathies pervaded these most interesting meetings ; and peace , order , ancl harmony prevailed throughout .
TIVERTON , July 5 . —An Encampment was held this day , at which Comp . Eales White was solemnly installed a Knight-Templar , and Member of the Royal Sussex Encampment , and his shield ancl pennon accordingly deposited . Some splendid banners and interesting antique armour have been added to the magnificent decorations of this encampment , which with thc singularly appropriate clothing ancl appointments of the Sir Knights , and the eloquent and impressive manner in which
the ceremonies arc conducted by the E . C Brothers Huyshe and his able officers , Lawson , Elton , Beedle , & c . offer a treat in this noble Order of Masonry of no ordinary character : Comp . Curme , I . E . G . was proposed as an Hon . Knight , and the Encampment adjourned to the third Alonday in August . A Royal Arch Chapter succeeded , in which were duly installed the Principals elect for the current year . Comp . Elton officiated with his accustomed ability , and installed Comps . Rev . Carrington Ley as Z ., How as H ., and Lawson as J . AA ' e admired the additional paraphernalia appertaining to this exalted degree , which adorn this most interesting