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Parliamentary Intelligence.
ANNO SECUNDO ET TERTIO VICTORIJE BEGINS . CAP . LXXIV . —An Act to extend and render more effectual for Five Years an Act passed in the Fourth Year of his late Majesty George the Fourth , to amend an Act passed in the Fiftieth Year of his Majesty George the Third , for preventing the administering and taking unlawful Ooaths in Ireland - [ 24 th August , 1839 . *]
Clause I . recites the act of 4 Geo . IV . c . 87 . Sto " II- And whereas certain societies have been long accus-Frcemasons tomed to be holden in this kingdom , under the denomination booties , 0 f s 0 cietieS or Lod ges of Freemasons , ancl societies or knots vided that of b nendl y Brothers of the benevolent Order of Saint Patrick ber ° thereof * meetings whereof have been in great measure directed to
eertifyupon charitable purposes ; be it therefore enacted , That nothing in suehsoeie- * , * all extend to the meetings of any such Society or belXm ff T t ? 1 Sha 11 b , - ? e the P assin S of this act have been eSTceo ™ ' " sual ] y holden > oi - which after the passing of this act shall ing to the by or from any such Society or Lodge now existing , be formed vailing in under the sarae denomination , and in conformity to the rules those so- prevailing among the saicl Societies of Freemasons or Friendly c . e ies . BrothersProvided
: always , that this exemption shall not extend to any such Society or Loclge unless tivo of the members composing the same shall certif y upon oath , which oath any justice of the peace or other magistrate is hereby empowered to administer , that such Society or Lodge has before the passing of this act been usuall y held , or if so formed after the passing of this act has been so formed , under the denomination of Lodof
a ge Freemasons , or Society of Friendl y Brothers of the said Order , and in conformity to the rules prevailing among the Societies or Lodges of Freemasons , or of such Societies of such Friendl y Brothers in this kingdom ; which le ate ? o be certltlca -f < ' % tested by the magistrates before whom the attested by same shall be sworn , and subscribed by the persons so certify" S "ig , . shall , within the space of two calendar months after the deposited passing ot this act , or within the space of two calendar months clerk ' of the f ? ucb f . nation of such Society or Lodge as aforesaid , be peace . deposited with the clerk of the peace for the countv ridintr
division , shire , or place where such Society or Lodge hath tiSSS & v If ™ USUa ! 1 ? heI ? ' , ? r Sha 11 be so formed : Ponded also , that to be " eM- , s exe , P tlon shaU not extend to any such Society or Lodge the V rk h of f the na " , ? r denomina < -i ° n thereof , and the usual place the IS . P lac < *> and the time or times of its meetings , and the names and descriptions of all and every the members thereof be registered with such clerk of the peace as aforesaid , within such two months , ancl also on or before the twenty-fifth day ana L ^ 'Sn t r K 1 tK '""^ '" hy Mr ' ° ' ieitor Genera < fOT " *»«¦
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Intelligence.
ANNO SECUNDO ET TERTIO VICTORIJE BEGINS . CAP . LXXIV . —An Act to extend and render more effectual for Five Years an Act passed in the Fourth Year of his late Majesty George the Fourth , to amend an Act passed in the Fiftieth Year of his Majesty George the Third , for preventing the administering and taking unlawful Ooaths in Ireland - [ 24 th August , 1839 . *]
Clause I . recites the act of 4 Geo . IV . c . 87 . Sto " II- And whereas certain societies have been long accus-Frcemasons tomed to be holden in this kingdom , under the denomination booties , 0 f s 0 cietieS or Lod ges of Freemasons , ancl societies or knots vided that of b nendl y Brothers of the benevolent Order of Saint Patrick ber ° thereof * meetings whereof have been in great measure directed to
eertifyupon charitable purposes ; be it therefore enacted , That nothing in suehsoeie- * , * all extend to the meetings of any such Society or belXm ff T t ? 1 Sha 11 b , - ? e the P assin S of this act have been eSTceo ™ ' " sual ] y holden > oi - which after the passing of this act shall ing to the by or from any such Society or Lodge now existing , be formed vailing in under the sarae denomination , and in conformity to the rules those so- prevailing among the saicl Societies of Freemasons or Friendly c . e ies . BrothersProvided
: always , that this exemption shall not extend to any such Society or Loclge unless tivo of the members composing the same shall certif y upon oath , which oath any justice of the peace or other magistrate is hereby empowered to administer , that such Society or Lodge has before the passing of this act been usuall y held , or if so formed after the passing of this act has been so formed , under the denomination of Lodof
a ge Freemasons , or Society of Friendl y Brothers of the said Order , and in conformity to the rules prevailing among the Societies or Lodges of Freemasons , or of such Societies of such Friendl y Brothers in this kingdom ; which le ate ? o be certltlca -f < ' % tested by the magistrates before whom the attested by same shall be sworn , and subscribed by the persons so certify" S "ig , . shall , within the space of two calendar months after the deposited passing ot this act , or within the space of two calendar months clerk ' of the f ? ucb f . nation of such Society or Lodge as aforesaid , be peace . deposited with the clerk of the peace for the countv ridintr
division , shire , or place where such Society or Lodge hath tiSSS & v If ™ USUa ! 1 ? heI ? ' , ? r Sha 11 be so formed : Ponded also , that to be " eM- , s exe , P tlon shaU not extend to any such Society or Lodge the V rk h of f the na " , ? r denomina < -i ° n thereof , and the usual place the IS . P lac < *> and the time or times of its meetings , and the names and descriptions of all and every the members thereof be registered with such clerk of the peace as aforesaid , within such two months , ancl also on or before the twenty-fifth day ana L ^ 'Sn t r K 1 tK '""^ '" hy Mr ' ° ' ieitor Genera < fOT " *»«¦