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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
view the hi gh office with which they are entrusted , and that the honest expression of opinion may not totall y escape them . However we may regret the result , our next feeling should be resignation to circumstances .
" Namque inscitia est Adversum stimulum calces . " TER . Por obvious reasons , we offer no comment upon the state of the Book of Constitutions , nor upon the Committee appointed to examine and report—but the anxiety of all
classes is intense . We ought not to forget , that Brother Hebeler , ofthe Grand Lodge of Berlin , and Brother Burmester , of the Grand Lodge of Plamburgh , were respectivel y introduced
as representatives of those Grand Lodges in the Grand Lodge of England ; and on the appointment of Plis Royal Hi g hness the Grand Master , took their seats as Past Senior Grand Wardens ; and also that Brother J . Peter Esser has been delegated , with the same rank , to represent the Grand Lodge of England in the Grand Royal York Lodge of Berlin .
BOARD OF MANAGEMENT . —The Report was altogethci meagre . On the account for General Purposes , there appeared to be sometliing over 200 Z . due to the Grand Treasurer , which will be amply covered b y the current quarter . On the Fund of Benevolence account there appeared upwards of 700 / . in hand . Some time ago it was
the custom to buy in all above 300 / ., and for two good reasons ; the having a large capital in hand may prevent due caution at the Board of Benevolence ; and next , by not purchasing stock , even b y small sums , a loss is sustained in interest of money , which would prove the safest and
surest mode of relieving petitioners , and also of increasing the funds . Look to this , Brethren of Management , FREEMASONRY IN PARLIAMENT . —Among the important matters relating to the Order , will be found the promul-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
view the hi gh office with which they are entrusted , and that the honest expression of opinion may not totall y escape them . However we may regret the result , our next feeling should be resignation to circumstances .
" Namque inscitia est Adversum stimulum calces . " TER . Por obvious reasons , we offer no comment upon the state of the Book of Constitutions , nor upon the Committee appointed to examine and report—but the anxiety of all
classes is intense . We ought not to forget , that Brother Hebeler , ofthe Grand Lodge of Berlin , and Brother Burmester , of the Grand Lodge of Plamburgh , were respectivel y introduced
as representatives of those Grand Lodges in the Grand Lodge of England ; and on the appointment of Plis Royal Hi g hness the Grand Master , took their seats as Past Senior Grand Wardens ; and also that Brother J . Peter Esser has been delegated , with the same rank , to represent the Grand Lodge of England in the Grand Royal York Lodge of Berlin .
BOARD OF MANAGEMENT . —The Report was altogethci meagre . On the account for General Purposes , there appeared to be sometliing over 200 Z . due to the Grand Treasurer , which will be amply covered b y the current quarter . On the Fund of Benevolence account there appeared upwards of 700 / . in hand . Some time ago it was
the custom to buy in all above 300 / ., and for two good reasons ; the having a large capital in hand may prevent due caution at the Board of Benevolence ; and next , by not purchasing stock , even b y small sums , a loss is sustained in interest of money , which would prove the safest and
surest mode of relieving petitioners , and also of increasing the funds . Look to this , Brethren of Management , FREEMASONRY IN PARLIAMENT . —Among the important matters relating to the Order , will be found the promul-