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On Freemasonry. The Number Three.
of coutributing towards relieving the necessities of our suffering brethren , they will cheerfully augment the amount of their subscriptions , and not forget that the poor weep while they rejoice . For encouragement at those collections , we have many most excellent songs . When necessity presses , every Lodge must not only faithfully apply the cash so collected , but must also have recourse to the principal Lodge fund ; at the same timeMasonic charity must embrace a much wider sphere than merel
, y collecting and distributing cash to the poor . Asiatic System or Order of the Kniylits and Brethren of St . John the Evangelist , from Asia . —These Knights appeared about the year 1780 , and the originator , or , at least , the first active extender of this system was the Freiherr Ecker von Eckhofen . In this system should be found the pure explanation of all Masonic symbols , signs , and words : hut in 1784 the Lodges of this order ceased . Its name is partl
, y explained by the four following creations which the system acknowledged . 1 st . The invisible creation , Aziloth , the creation beyond the bounds of time . 2 nd . The first universal visible creation called Beria . 3 rd . The spiritual creation , Tezira . 4 th . The creation of the world , called Asta . The history of the Asiatic Brethren is derived from the Apocalypse , and its objects were Rosicrucian , Cabalistic , and Theosophic . All the names
in the order were Hebraick , and they had a Synedrim . The degrees in which they wrought were—1 st . the first probationary degree of the Candidate . 2 nd . Second degree of the afficted . 3 rd . First degree of the initiated Knights and Brethren from Asia . 4 th and 5 th . Principal degree of Wise Master , Grand Master , or Royal Priest , and pure Rosicrucian , or Melchisedec degree . The Secretary of State Boehman , in Stockholm , was very active in this order . AspirantCandidate . —A person who has expressed a desire to be
, initiated , and who strives to prepare himself for initiation . He , at the same time , has no claim to this title until the Lodge to which he has applied declares him to be a candidate . Astroea , Astrea . —The Goddess of Justice dwelt with mortals , but their vices and crimes , which she could not restrain , disgusted her so much , that she was compelled to return to Heaven , from whence this charming goddess has never again revisited the earth to preside over the
tribunals of mortals , for which reason she is generally represented as hoodwinked . Mythology further informs us , that while she was a dweller on this earth , she was so satisfied with the justice of the spirit of Freemasonry , that she took it with her into her sanctuary , where she awaits the Brethren of the order , to bless them with all the pleasures she is able to communicate .
Astrology , or Prophecying by the Stars . —Is the imaginary art of foretelling the events which are to occur to the world , and to private individuals , by the motions and brilliancy of the stars . Astrology has the honour of being the most ancient superstition in the world ; it is through this means that we often find this deceptive art mentioned in the mystical works on Freemasonry , Copernicus , and his successors in the study of the starry firmament , have supplanted the art of Astrology by proving that all the movements of the heavenly bodies tend to promote the honour and glory of the Great Architect of the Universe .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Freemasonry. The Number Three.
of coutributing towards relieving the necessities of our suffering brethren , they will cheerfully augment the amount of their subscriptions , and not forget that the poor weep while they rejoice . For encouragement at those collections , we have many most excellent songs . When necessity presses , every Lodge must not only faithfully apply the cash so collected , but must also have recourse to the principal Lodge fund ; at the same timeMasonic charity must embrace a much wider sphere than merel
, y collecting and distributing cash to the poor . Asiatic System or Order of the Kniylits and Brethren of St . John the Evangelist , from Asia . —These Knights appeared about the year 1780 , and the originator , or , at least , the first active extender of this system was the Freiherr Ecker von Eckhofen . In this system should be found the pure explanation of all Masonic symbols , signs , and words : hut in 1784 the Lodges of this order ceased . Its name is partl
, y explained by the four following creations which the system acknowledged . 1 st . The invisible creation , Aziloth , the creation beyond the bounds of time . 2 nd . The first universal visible creation called Beria . 3 rd . The spiritual creation , Tezira . 4 th . The creation of the world , called Asta . The history of the Asiatic Brethren is derived from the Apocalypse , and its objects were Rosicrucian , Cabalistic , and Theosophic . All the names
in the order were Hebraick , and they had a Synedrim . The degrees in which they wrought were—1 st . the first probationary degree of the Candidate . 2 nd . Second degree of the afficted . 3 rd . First degree of the initiated Knights and Brethren from Asia . 4 th and 5 th . Principal degree of Wise Master , Grand Master , or Royal Priest , and pure Rosicrucian , or Melchisedec degree . The Secretary of State Boehman , in Stockholm , was very active in this order . AspirantCandidate . —A person who has expressed a desire to be
, initiated , and who strives to prepare himself for initiation . He , at the same time , has no claim to this title until the Lodge to which he has applied declares him to be a candidate . Astroea , Astrea . —The Goddess of Justice dwelt with mortals , but their vices and crimes , which she could not restrain , disgusted her so much , that she was compelled to return to Heaven , from whence this charming goddess has never again revisited the earth to preside over the
tribunals of mortals , for which reason she is generally represented as hoodwinked . Mythology further informs us , that while she was a dweller on this earth , she was so satisfied with the justice of the spirit of Freemasonry , that she took it with her into her sanctuary , where she awaits the Brethren of the order , to bless them with all the pleasures she is able to communicate .
Astrology , or Prophecying by the Stars . —Is the imaginary art of foretelling the events which are to occur to the world , and to private individuals , by the motions and brilliancy of the stars . Astrology has the honour of being the most ancient superstition in the world ; it is through this means that we often find this deceptive art mentioned in the mystical works on Freemasonry , Copernicus , and his successors in the study of the starry firmament , have supplanted the art of Astrology by proving that all the movements of the heavenly bodies tend to promote the honour and glory of the Great Architect of the Universe .